Here we have another part only, of a pet channelling from a cat: she is a female cat, very funny I thought:
QUOTE.............You know what I mean, like, us girls just ‘know’ how other girls feel about ‘stuff’ and I am after all a cat, and cats really do ‘get’ a lot of stuff, unlike dogs, well dogs are just dogs aren’t they, they mooch around the place and even slobber at times, yuk! We have so much more dignity and decorum don’t we and we really understand our worth, but dogs, well they are just plain loving, not much more can be said of them though, where’s their dignity I say!
I don’t over worry about your moods. You are male, you are human … that really sums it up eh. So, really, no issues, but honestly, if I didn’t hear you become a bit upset at times then I WOULD worry, because humans do that, heavens if you had no moods and just went along exactly the same all the time, that would give me a bit of a fright because I’d be thinking I was in the wrong realm because only Gods do that!!!! So, take it easy and don’t worry about being you, so you give off a bit of steam sometimes, good on you, vent it out, it’s good for your body, mind, soul to ‘spit it out’ no point if trying to be perfect, just accept you are a male and human … and honestly, what a man you are !!!!! Purrrrrr! Ooops, don’t mean to step out of line but I’m a cat and I guess there really is no stepping out of line, because after all a cat can pretty well do as it wishes, because we are pretty darn special.
OK, so no issues about mum, no issues about you, no issues about living my life out with you, no issues all round, no issues with my siblings, all is going along as it should be going along and the cat or catS are happy, fed, loved and as long as the cat gets precedence nothing could be an issue. And I have my own special boyfriend so to speak … purrrr to you !!!
Love you, don’t fret and worry about stuff … nothing is as important as the cats in your life and their happiness .. then comes everyone else, love you you sweet guy you, purrrrrr !
I do get some funny messages from pets to their owners, this one was also being checked on to see if all was ok in her life.