Hello dog - Dog and Puppy Training and Behaviour

Hello dog - Dog and Puppy Training and Behaviour Helping hounds and their humans from Hobart to the Huon Valley

Hello dog. . .This beautiful girl is Lola.Lola is such a smart girl and her family have been doing so much to meet her n...

Hello dog. . .

This beautiful girl is Lola.

Lola is such a smart girl and her family have been doing so much to meet her needs and keep her busy working dog brain occupied in positive ways.

We worked on some tips and tricks that are easy for Lola’s family to add into their daily walks to keep her busy nose occupied and help keep her attention on her people.

Team Lola have clearly put in so much time and effort into this beautiful girl, she’s a very lucky pupper 🥰🐾

Hello dog. . . This gorgeous pup is called Djinda, which means ‘Star’, and I can confirm that she absolutely is one!Djin...

Hello dog. . .

This gorgeous pup is called Djinda, which means ‘Star’, and I can confirm that she absolutely is one!

Djinda has sooooo many skills, her Mom has done an incredible job! We’re now doing some scent work to build Djinda’s confidence and help her feel a bit more confident about the more unpredictable aspects of our confusing human world.

Djinda also took a liking to my squeaky tug and buried it in her garden. Forgot the strap needed hiding too. She’s planning a better spot for next time 😂

Hello dog . . .This is Malli, short for Malinois I assume 🤭This gorgeous little girl is working on settling better at ni...

Hello dog . . .

This is Malli, short for Malinois I assume 🤭

This gorgeous little girl is working on settling better at night, she can get quite furious with the TV and lack of attention. Doesn’t understand why anyone would want to watch anything other than her. Quite right too!

Malli’s lovely Mum wants to make sure Malli feels as happy as possible so she can take her on adventures with her and Malli will relax and feel confortable.

Training a safe space, like a mat, is a good way to combat both these issues. Settling and relaxing on her mat while the TV is on, or when out and about, helps give context to a dog so they know what is expected of them.

Here is little Malli chilling perfectly on her mat! Such a superstar ⭐️🐾🥰

Is your dog not food motivated? 👇🏽

Is your dog not food motivated? 👇🏽




Todays appreciation goes my biggest idol, one of the countries best dog trainers and a truly blessed and beautiful soul, Carly Clarke - Super Woofers 🥰

She has been nothing but a godsend and true mentor to me from day one, she’s supportive, a wealth of knowledge and also has the best little side hustle, WAGD 🫶🏼

We get it that class times and days don’t always suit busy families, so if you’re after a different option, and one you can do in your pjs then look no further than this!!

If you’re after the best online training platform for your new puppy, we can’t recommend Super Puppy Club enough! With handouts and printouts galore, to perfect step by step instructions and skills for the first months of your new additions life, it’s everything you need and more! 💖

The cat will soon be out of the bag but we are ever so grateful for Carly and her training skills and everything she does for us here at A Bark Above 💟

Alfie 😍At 21months old this boy has only been with his family for 6 weeks. He had very little training before arriving i...

Alfie 😍

At 21months old this boy has only been with his family for 6 weeks. He had very little training before arriving in his new home!

In our first session a few weeks ago Alfie would pull on lead, had no recall, could not focus on his humans and was very excitable. Understandable when you are a teenager and have just moved to a new home.

Today I expected some improvement but my goodness, I was flabbergasted!

Alfies recall was so much better, he was checking in constantly and was walking on lead right next to his Mum, tail wagging away. I wish I’d videoed it but I was too busy being impressed 🙂

For a dog in a brand new environment to have settled so quickly and to be able to learn so many new skills in such a short time, it was incredible to see!

Way to go team Alfie! 🐾⭐️🐾⭐️

Hello dog. . .This goodest boy is Alfie 🥰Alfie is a 20 month old teenager and has just found himself a new home with a p...

Hello dog. . .

This goodest boy is Alfie 🥰

Alfie is a 20 month old teenager and has just found himself a new home with a pretty incredible family.

Alfie has big feelings about the world and can find it hard to regulate his emotions, just like most teenagers! This makes it a bit difficult for him to focus on his humans, walk nicely on loose lead and come when called.

Alfie’s new family wanted to get things on track for him and so brought me in to help them teach Alfie some life skills.

This gorgeous boy learns super quick and was a complete star, as were his lovely family.

Training tired out this teenage boy, too tired to even keep his eyes open 🤭

It took a little while Alfie, but you’ve found your forever home now 🐾🏡 💛

Hello pup . . .This is the adorable Gigi. Gigi has styled a way of popping into a down that is potentially the best “dro...

Hello pup . . .

This is the adorable Gigi.

Gigi has styled a way of popping into a down that is potentially the best “drop” I’ve ever witnessed. I will try to get a video next time 🥰

Gigi’s family are working on some loose lead walking, some over excitement with the world and some worries Gigi has about the garden.

Gigi is a teenager so it’s all big emotions for the sweet girl right now but my goodness she is super smart and LOVES training!

You will go far little Gigi and you have the best family to help you work it all out 🥰🐾

You know you’ve worked hard with mat training when you find your dog plonked on their mat after it has fallen off the si...

You know you’ve worked hard with mat training when you find your dog plonked on their mat after it has fallen off the side where it was drying post wash!

I got this picture from lovely who has being doing some mat training with her pups to help with some anxiety around strangers. As you can see she has done an awesome job and it fills my heart with joy to get messages like this.

Here is a dog who feels good when she is on her mat so she takes herself there voluntarily because mat = good stuff!

Mat training is one of my favourite things because:

🐾 It helps with settling and calm behaviours, like when
guests come over and your dog is over excited/anxious

🐾 It helps your dog know what to do at the cafe when
you want to sit and have a drink and they can chill on
their mat.

🐾 It can be the place they stay while you’re eating dinner
so they aren’t at the table trying to snaffle your food.

Aiobh is a perfect example of how to sit like a lady whilst waiting for the treats to come to you 🤣🤣🐾🐾

Hello dog. . .This is Harry pup! He is a super smart chap and his fabulous family are working on helping him feel calmer...

Hello dog. . .

This is Harry pup! He is a super smart chap and his fabulous family are working on helping him feel calmer around other dogs, walking on a nice loose lead and focusing on his humans a bit more.

Harry also has a big brother Jerome who wanted to train too, even though he already knows all the tricks 🥰

What a perfect pair 😍

Hello dog . . .Gemma is training to do a very important job and needs to be able to loose lead walk and focus on her han...

Hello dog . . .

Gemma is training to do a very important job and needs to be able to loose lead walk and focus on her handler in really busy environments, and just look at her focus!!

It’s not easy for dogs to settle in busy environments like this so Gemma’s handler has been working hard to help Gemma feel positive and calm when she is in places like this. Their bond is incredible and it’s a real privilege to get to witness their journey.

Hello Dog. . . Meet Max the 5 month old Groodle 😍Super smart Max is learning some life skills like recall, settle, and c...

Hello Dog. . .

Meet Max the 5 month old Groodle 😍

Super smart Max is learning some life skills like recall, settle, and checking in with his humans!

Max picked up training like a pro whilst being the cutest bouncy boy 🥰

Hello dog . . .Hazel 😍Hazel and her mum are such an awesome team! And Hazel got me an Easter egg from her own pawket mon...

Hello dog . . .

Hazel 😍

Hazel and her mum are such an awesome team! And Hazel got me an Easter egg from her own pawket money!

Hazel is learning some awesome tricks, like scent work, to help her navigate this weird human world and her mum is doing such a good job helping her get there.

Hazel is super lucky to have such a dedicated human on her side.

Hazels mum said “the more you learn about dogs the more you question what’s happening, why it’s happening, and how you can help. I just want to know more” and I couldnt have said it better myself. Welcome to the dog geek world 🙂


There are currently 3 different dog training approaches.

1. Aversive ➡️ everything is done by way of punishment, fear, stress, intimidation, pain or discomfort. This approach often involves 𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 and results in complete emotional withdrawal, shut down and learnt helplessness by dogs. This mostly focuses on stopping behaviour X “now”.

Results are 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙙 as instantaneous.

But hey, it’s ok because it’s all about the hooman ego, right?

2. Balanced ➡️ positive reinforcement methods will be used 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨 ( for as long as the dog does what they are required), and failing to achieve that, aversive measures are used.

This approach shows lack of solid & comprehensive understanding of dogs, dog behaviour, dogs learning processes, genetics, evolution, and to some extent is also focused on stopping behaviour X.

I always call this approach “I know bits & bobs about positive reinforcement, and I’ll use them but if I can’t get the dog to do what they are told, I’ll use aversives”.

Results are also promised as quick, but may take a few sessions.

3. Positive reinforcement / force free approach.

This takes a deep understanding of dog behaviour & dog learning processes, understanding the the importance of a holistic approach to an individual dog, understanding genetics, ethology, understanding the links between health & wellbeing vs behaviour, understanding that every individual has a different history, experiences, background and learning capacity, understands the impacts of stress on body & mind, and understanding that FF is the only way to change behaviour long term, even if this takes some time.

This approach is about putting welfare of an animal first, hooman needs and wants second.

But you know what? Any behaviour takes time to change for both dogs, and their hoomans.

Those are the facts.

You make the choice for your dog.

Hello dog. . .Lovely Bear having a rest after doing some super training in a very busy and distracting environment! Bear...

Hello dog. . .

Lovely Bear having a rest after doing some super training in a very busy and distracting environment!

Bear practised recall and polite greetings in a busy park and he and his Mum aced it!

It’s been lovely watching Bear go from strength to strength! His mum has really put in the effort and it’s really showing.

Well done team Bear 🥰

Hello dogs. . .Luka, and his sister Aiomh, were top students today! Aiomh came along for fun 🥰Luka has gone from being a...

Hello dogs. . .

Luka, and his sister Aiomh, were top students today! Aiomh came along for fun 🥰

Luka has gone from being a dog who wouldn’t have tolerated my presence to one who is super keen to engage and even seeks out affection with visitors!

It’s so wonderful to see how far he has come and how dedicated his family have been to help him feel better.

Luka now has a set of skills for situations where he is a bit stressed and it’s incredible to see how much more comfortable he is.

Team Luka you rock 🙌🏽☘️🐾🐾

hello dog. . .Beautiful Nala doing her sit-wait. Looking the business in her                                            ...

hello dog. . .

Beautiful Nala doing her sit-wait. Looking the business in her

hello dog. . .Harvey 😍 This lovely boy and his Mom have worked so hard and have come so far!Harvey was fearful of dogs a...

hello dog. . .

Harvey 😍

This lovely boy and his Mom have worked so hard and have come so far!

Harvey was fearful of dogs after an incident in his home. He showed his fear by being defensive - barking/lunging, trying to show the other dog he was big and scary when really he felt scared.

Harvey’s Mom reached out and we set to work on helping Harvey feel happier about dogs and show him they are nothing to be worried about.

His Mom managed Harvey’s environment so that he avoided dog interactions and then she taught him a new way to communicate, so he can now ignore other dogs and check in with his Mom.

Look how far he has come! Sitting and checking in with Mom while a group of party dogs play in water in the dog park.

I was so chuffed to get to see Harvey’s transformation and his Moms dedication to helping him feel better.

How lucky I am to get to work with such dedicated dog guardians and their super smart pups 🥰

hello dog . . .Hazel 😍 what an awesome little lady!Hazel has a bit of trouble being calm around other dogs and walking o...

hello dog . . .

Hazel 😍 what an awesome little lady!

Hazel has a bit of trouble being calm around other dogs and walking on a loose lead so her Mum has been playing games with Hazel to help her learn that checking in with her is where the good stuff is! Hazel did so well and I was extremely impressed with the dedication her mum has to training!

Look at this little legend settling on her mat in a park! Go team Hazel!!

Don’t make a stressful situation worse for your dog. It doesn’t help 👇🏽 Behaviour By Becca

Don’t make a stressful situation worse for your dog. It doesn’t help 👇🏽 Behaviour By Becca

Absolute bargain for anyone who has a pup under 2 years!!! 👇🏽

Absolute bargain for anyone who has a pup under 2 years!!! 👇🏽

Woof! Grab Super Puppy Club's new Classic Version for Only $49

I totally get it – times are tough, and training your pup shouldn't break the bank. So, I've created a version of Super Puppy Club to make it more affordable and accessible!

Check it out: you still get all the awesome lessons, plus lifetime access, AND you can hit me up with all your questions right in the online hub.

The best bit? The Classic version is currently just $49! And now, it's not just for the tiny pups – now any doggo under 2 years old is welcome!

I've been listening to all my Super Puppy parents, and it's clear – the need for support doesn't magically vanish after a year. Those teenage pup dramas? Yeah, they often need even more help! That's why I'm here to support you through it all.

Let's start training to get that chill pup you deserve without breaking the bank. Join me now and let's tackle this journey together! Just click the link below to learn more.


hello dog . . . Handsome Luka and his family have been working so hard and it was so cool so see how far they have come ...

hello dog . . .

Handsome Luka and his family have been working so hard and it was so cool so see how far they have come with his fears about the world.

Luka used to feel so completely overwhelmed with visitors and things in his environment and now he is training with his Mum at a distance and able to ignore the scary things and check in!

When dogs feel worried about their environment it can take time to help them feel safe and show them what to do instead of shouting at the scary things. The work Luka’s family have put in is incredible!

hello dog . . . This is Hazel and she is the goodest girl 🥰Hazel can get a bit over excited by the world, so her Mum wan...

hello dog . . .

This is Hazel and she is the goodest girl 🥰

Hazel can get a bit over excited by the world, so her Mum wanted to learn some tips and tricks to help Hazel feel calmer and learn polite ways to communicate in this busy and confusing human world.

Hazel is learning to feel calm and settled on her mat and eventually she will be able to settle anywhere because she will know what’s expected when her mat comes out!

Hazel is so smart and has taken to training like a pro!

Her mum sent me this pic today of Hazel on her new mat (I’m a bit jealous, this is a great mat!!). It is so lovely to receive updates on training progress and to see how brilliantly this team are doing!

Amazing work 🙌🏽⭐️


Quando capiremo questa realtà?

Sono un cane del 21° secolo.

-Sono un Malinois.
Sovradotato tra i cani, brillo in tutte le discipline e sono sempre pronto a lavorare.
Oggi mi chiedono di rilassarmi sul divano tutto il giorno tutti i giorni.

-Sono un Akita Inu.
I miei antenati sono stati selezionati per la lotta tra cani.
Oggi mi chiedono di essere tollerante e mi si rimprovera la mia reattività quando uno di loro si avvicina a me.

-Sono un Beagle.
Quando inseguivo la mia preda, davo voce, così i cacciatori potevano seguirmi.
Oggi mi si mette un collare elettrico per stare zitto, e vorremmo che tornassi al richiamo con uno schiocco di dita.

-Sono uno Yorkshire Terrier.
Ero un terrificante cacciatore di ratti nelle miniere inglesi.
Oggi si pensa che non sia in grado di usare le mie zampe e mi tengono sempre tra le braccia.

-Sono un Labrador Retriever.
La mia visione della felicità è un tuffo in uno stagno per riportare al mio padrone l'anatra a cui ha sparato.
Oggi ci siamo dimenticati che sono un cane da movimento e grandi corse, sono grasso e devo fare la tata dei bambini.

-Sono un Jack Russel.
Sono in grado di affrontare una volpe un tasso e un ratto più grande di me nella sua tana.
Oggi mi rimproverano per il mio maledetto carattere e vorrebbero trasformarmi in un cane da salotto.

-Sono un Husky Siberiano.
Ho conosciuto i grandi spazi della Russia settentrionale, dove potevo trainare slitte a velocità impressionante.
Oggi ho come solo orizzonte solo le pareti del giardino, e per sola occupazione i buchi che scavo nel terreno.

-Sono un Border Collie.
Sono fatto per lavorare otto ore al giorno, e sono un artista inconfondibile del lavoro con il gregge.
Oggi sono arrabbiati con me perché, per mancanza di pecore, cerco di controllare biciclette, auto, bambini di casa e tutto ciò che è in movimento.

Io sono...
Sono un cane del 21° secolo.
Sono bello, sono allerta, sono ubbidiente, sto in una borsa...
ma sono anche un individuo che ha bisogno di esprimere i propri istinti, e non sono adatto alla vita sedentaria che vorresti farmi condurre.
Passare otto ore al giorno da solo in giardino, vederti un po' la sera quando torni a casa e avere diritto solo a una piccola passeggiata igienica mi renderà profondamente infelice.
Lo esprimerò abbaiando durante tutto il giorno, trasformando il tuo giardino in un campo minato, facendo i miei bisogni dentro casa, essendo ingestibile le rare volte che mi ritroverò fuori e, a volte, passando le mie giornate affondato sul mio cuscino.
Penserai allora che sono felice di poter godere di tutta questa comodità mentre vai a lavorare: in realtà sarò in esaurimento, perché questo male non è appannaggio dell'umano ma anche del cane del 21° secolo.
Se ti piaccio, se mi sogni da sempre, se i miei bellissimi occhi azzurri o il mio look da atleta mi fanno desiderare, ma non puoi regalarmi una vera vita da cani, una vita che vale davvero la pena di essere vissuta, e se non puoi offrirmi il lavoro che i miei geni chiedono, allora rinuncia a me.
Se ti piace il mio aspetto ma non sei disposto ad accettare i miei tratti di carattere derivati da una rigorosa selezione genetica e pensi di poterli cambiare con la tua unica buona volontà, allora rinuncia a me.
Sono un cane del 21° secolo, sì,ma in fondo a me, dorme ancora colui che combatteva, colui che cacciava, colui che tirava slitte, colui che guidava un gregge.
E prima o poi, nel bene o nel male, si sveglierà.
E allora cosa farai?
Mi cederai?
Mi abbandonerai?
O mi sopprimerai?


If your dog sits on the sofa, they are dominating you. If your dog goes through the door before you, they are dominating you. If your dog barks at other dogs they are dominating you. Time after time, the choices dogs make or the behaviours they display are blamed on dominance. Aversive trainers continue to promote the myth that dogs are obsessed with being the top dog and that any display of unwanted behaviours is supposedly evidence of that, but lets review...

We choose where they go, what they eat, when they eat, when they are walked, where they are walked, what they wear, when they are played with, what they play with, who they see, where they sleep; need I go on. We control every aspect of their life and that started the moment we chose to bring them home. We subject them to scary situations and complain when they don't cope. In fact, social media is full of videos and photos of dogs forced into positions where all choices are removed and people comment how hilarious it is. We deny them of opportunities to display natural behaviours and expect them to conform to unreasonable standards.

Who is the one in control? Who in the relationship is taking advantage of the other's vulnerabilities? Dogs aren't obsessed with power or dominance, we are. Dominance does exist in canine behaviour, however, its meaning and application are very different to how we use it, thus it does not belong in our relationship. Lets leave it behind and remember that dogs are family members, not competitors. - Holly Leake

Please feel free to like and share, but please do not copy and paste the writing or screenshot or edit the graphic in any way. Thank you. ©

Yesss Zoey!!!

Yesss Zoey!!!

Hobart's Federal Circuit and Family Court have today welcomed Zoey, a new therapy dog aimed to provide comfort and emotional support to people in court.

Trained by Therapy Dogs NSW, Zoey will assist children and adults by giving a "healthy distraction" from trauma responses and providing a source of calming touch.

What the hell is wrong with humans?Please email the names below!!

What the hell is wrong with humans?

Please email the names below!!


Tonight greyhounds will be raced in Hobart after a 36 degrees day, and with temperatures predicted to still be around 30 degrees at the commencement of the meet.

Dogs will be loaded into trailers, many travelling for hours across the state, and then forced to race.

We have not seen any public announcement from Tasracing that there is an intent to cancel the meet.

Therefore we are asking YOU to take action. Email the following individuals to demand the meet immediately be cancelled for the welfare of the greyhounds.

CEO Andrew Jenkins:
[email protected]

Racing Operations Manager Liam Swan:
[email protected]

Racing Director at ORI Robin Thompson:
[email protected]

You can try calling Tasracing direct on 62129333 but no one's answering.


Dear Fern,

I’m writing to you on here, since you left this comment on my video and then immediately blocked my page, so I couldn’t respond directly. Clever.

The video is showing Primrose, my reactive border collie, walking though a busy agility show unmuzzled, on her way to compete. In the video, I describe how Prim has made so much progress, how she used to react to any dog she saw, badly, and redirect onto whoever was holding her. I also said she’s far from perfect, but progress is progress and she’s a generally very happy dog now, where a year ago she was recommended euthanasia by her behaviorist and vet.

I had a quick peek at your profile, and it looks like you use an ecollar on your dog. Plus, you talk about leadership, which is often a thinly veiled way of saying “bully your dog into submission”.

Yeah, I’m not going to do that. A dog that’s in a ‘perpetual awful state of mind’ needs kindness, time and understanding. I don’t want to break her spirit. I don’t mind her pulling when we are at a fun agility show. She’s an individual, not a robot. I want her to feel comfortable enough to tell me when she feels worried, feels scared, not a dog that’s too afraid to show any emotion in the fear they’ll be bullied for it.

I hope you understand. For your own dogs’ sakes.

Any other Ferns out there that leave sarcastic, rude or outright wrong comments on my posts, you aren’t going to change this opinion. My dogs deserve better than a life of fear. We, their ‘leaders’ are the only people in the world they can fully trust, I’m not going to break that trust.


Huonville, TAS


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