‼️ Very Important Update Regarding Pet Microchips ‼️
HomeSafe ID (one of the microchip pet registry companies) will very soon cease to operate.
This means that if your pets microchip is registered with HomeSafe ID you will need to change your pets microchip to an alternate registry company.
Once HomeSafe ID ceases to operate, vet clinics and the council will NOT be able to access your details to reunite you with your pet should they go missing/be found.
Fortunately animals that have had their microchip implanted at Little Critters will not be affected as our microchips are registered with the Australasian Animal Registry. However there will still be a large number of animals affected by this closure.
If you know your pets microchip number, you can enter the number at petaddress.com.au This will tell you which registry your pet is registered to - if it is HomeSafe ID please contact the clinic on 3816 0210 and we can provide the information required to change registries.
If you don’t know your pets microchip number - not to worry. Just give the clinic a call or pop in for us to scan your pets microchip number, so we can advise if you need to do anything further.
Any questions please contact reception on 07 3816 0210 to speak with one of our nurses.