That was one cold night! Thanks to everyone who has supported me in donating money to the Vinnies through the CEO Sleepout (and remember donations are open till 31st July - link below).
Last night started no different from heading into Optus Stadium to watch the footy & cricket like I've done many times before, but without the throngs of supporters it felt eerily quiet.
Once I got through the gates, I met up with my group of mates and other business leaders where we shared a simple meal of hot soup and a roll. The night then moved on to the official presentation where we heard from the staff who co-ordinate Passages, a Youth Engagement Hub, that delivers basic needs to 12-25yo's that are homeless. There they can access a kitchen, laundry and a bed, as well as a computer so they can keep in touch with their family and apply for jobs. While there are multiple agencies for older homeless people, the youth often slip through the cracks and this is where big gains can be made to stopping the cycle of poverty.
Once that finished, I looked around the stadium for a place to spend the night. With 2 pieces of cardboard, a sleeping bag, pillow and the towel my dog Wally generously leant me, I channeled my Year 10 adventure camp skills (not many) to fashion a shelter from from the cool breeze. I found myself unusually bonding with my shelter as it made such a difference and the night bearable.
We had heard stories during the night of the homeless getting robbed by other homeless, leading them to sleep on top of their only belongings for security while they slept. Unknowingly I woke up with my gloves, beanie, phone and water bottle secure in my sleeping bag.
Though the cold, concrete floor and resulting sore back and shoulders wasn't comfortable, the more I reflected on the night I realised that the worst part of it was the silence, isolation and not having my family around.
Homeless people don't get to simply drive home to a warm house, hot shower and a fridge full of food when they've had enough. They have to carry on, sleep deprived, sore, dirty and hungry and somehow society expects them to figure out that mess.
The CEO Sleepout for my was a humbling experience that helped remind me of how lucky we all are. Take care of yourselves and others around you, least of all strangers.
Dr. Trev