Beautiful post from Sinead, her work supporting horses and owners through the transitioning of their animals is so valuable and is a support service everyone should know is available. If you have an animal who is transitioning soon, or you and your herd is grieving a lost one Sinead can help you. 🤍
End of Life ~ Transitioning 🌿
🦋This subject has been on my mind since last year and literally in this last week I have had two very special animals in my life transition on the same day and literally within one hour of each other. They were both elderly and thankfully their caregivers had a few days to prepare not only themselves but their dear animal. Even though we can prepare ourselves when given time, Im not sure we really can fully understand the concept of transitioning? And sadly, sometimes we do have emergency situations where we dont have the luxury of time and feel like the rug has been ripped out from under our feet when euthanasia is called upon and is the only solution.
🦋I know this subject is icky, we dont like talking about it, its uncomfortable, however if you are reading this, you most likely have a horse or an animal you care deeply about in your life right this moment and have on occasions brought up the subject and then quickly dismissed it praying for longevity in your beloved animal.
🦋And I hope that I can write this post in an articulate, meaningful way that expresses my feelings, offerings and with deep respect to everyone?
🦋Animals have a very different viewpoint of end of life than us, they do not see it as an end as such, but a finality of their earthly body. They do not fear death. Ever. And they also do not want us to suffer onwards from their death. Animals do not wish for us to spend any longer in grief or get lost in than is healthy, yet they acknowledge that we will grieve their loss along with the other animals within the herd or home.
🦋Grief will heal and it is of course very individual, yet feeling and acknowledging that your loved one is gone, and through not living in the past or wishing them back, will heal the trauma.
It takes time.
🦋And for an age, I was quietly offering assistance to people and clients when time was coming near for their animals “crossing over of Rainbow Bridge.” And I feel now is the right time for me to let people know that I am now of service to offer modalities to assist both you and your animals during this significant time. I also want to acknowledge that I am not a Death Doula, I have the utmost respect for this profession, but at this time its not something I want to pursue.
🦋So, my reasoning to writing this post. When the time has come I can offer support, compassion and calm for the animal, the caregiver, the family, the herd or the whole animal family. I do this in a number of ways, through different types of energy work, acupuncture and also through Animal Reiki. This can be done either in person or via distance work. All of this work facilitates and supports the animals end of life process and can also provide some clarity for the family left behind.
🦋I understand that this subject is most likely something that you will not want to think about for some years to come especially if your horses and animals are feeling healthy and young. Yet, I feel it is important to bring up the subject no matter and to hopefully bring up transitioning without us brushing the issue aside and talking in hushed voices. I want to make it no longer taboo. It is a part of life and its certainly a part that we will eventually experience as we have these glorious creatures in our lives.
🦋Therefore my intention is to bring awareness that there is support out there, albeit even if there is not many of us shouting it from the roof tops that we do this work. And you are never alone, ever. So please, read this post, acknowledge it and hopefully remember who to call upon in times of transitioning.
💕This post is dedicated to “D” who pushed me forward to writing this and remembering Tuesday mornings will never be the same without him🦄
Much love X