Slight Rant.
If our phone line is busy or you can’t get through, please leave a message or send a text. Trust me, I'll see it and I can send that information onto other organisations that will contact you rapidly, whilst I'm still on the phone to whomever I'm talking to.
Unlike the bigger rescues, we don’t have a fancy automated system directing calls to multiple people, nor do we have the luxury of staff just waiting around to take every call. It’s just us—real people, dealing with wildlife and tragedy, in real time.
Right now, Jake is flooded in with his family in Ingham and unable to do anything. He can't take calls or give advice as Ingham has no power and he is conserving what battery power he has, in case of an emergency, and I (Josh) am handling calls from all over—Townsville, Charters Towers, Ayr and beyond.
That includes talking people through wildlife emergencies when they’re also stuck because of floodwaters and can’t reach a vet or carer. These conversations take time. They require patience, back-and-forth communication, and problem-solving—none of which happen instantly.
If I don’t answer, it’s because I’m already on another call or tending to the animals we already have in care. And while I understand that you believe your situation is urgent, unfortunately, you are not my only priority. Please don't bombard the phone number over and over again (one caller was 10 times in a matter of 2 minutes)
If I can, I’ll redirect you to another rescue or offer advice. But throwing everything down just for your call is not an option, and I certainly won’t be risking the safety of our one other rescuer—who, by the way, isn’t fully trained yet—by sending them out into flooded or dangerous areas just to appease someone’s impatience.
We are doing the best we can under the circumstances. A little patience and common sense go a long way.
Thank you to everyone else who has left a message or texted in, I'm doing my best to push on your calls to other organisations or give advice, if you are sending pictures and information through with the text.
Please contact the organisations below if you can't get through to us:
Wildlife Carers Townsville WRAPT - Wallabies, Roos & Possums.,
Stonedeaf Wildlife Townsville,
Townsville Bat Rescue Australia,
Fight 4 Flight N.Q. Birds of Prey, or,
NQ Wildlife Care