Holy cow, can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I’ve made a post..
I am still more than active in the community and available 24/7 to cater to all your snakey needs, I do travel a lot to help our reptile friends in rural areas and mine sites/wind and solar farms, but on those times I am away I have a vast network working along side me to make sure we can get any issues resolved so please keep thinking of us any time you need a reptile relocated
Pictured bellow is a stunning pale headed snake (Hoplocephalus bitorquatus) I found out and photographed at Dalby recently. They are one of the less known and more elusive species of highly venomous and arboreal snakes in Australia, they’re found around brigalow country usually up large iron barks and box trees but really any large tree with stripping bark that they can hide under during the day