Some photos from 4yo client c**t Eddies first ride under saddle ๐
The first rides are all about transferring everything they have learnt through their groundwork to being ridden whilst also setting up the foundation for the rest of their lives. It's imperative to build confidence and make it easy and enjoyable. Much like how a child starts learning in preschool first and then as they get older, they go into primary school, followed by highschool.
For the first few rides the horse is in a halter, (I like my c**ts soft in the halter before transferring to the bit) and there is no second person driving the horse forward so the horse is relying completely on me and the cues established from the ground up. It's so important to build their confidence, reward every effort, and install forward movement. I over exaggerate my hand movements so they can see my hand in the direction I would like them to go which has already been established on the ground (round penning, lungework; pointing in the direction of travel).