New home feels 🥰 A rare look at Hamish with the zoomies about halfway through 🥹🥹🥹 #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #labrador #cockerspaniel #happydogs
SO in love with my Bindi dog right now. What an unbelievable girl she is ❤️ Bindi very unfortunately lost her own single baby at birth last week due to an unfortunate defect. At the same time, dear Millie has been struggling to feed all her babies, with one little boy who is definitely being pushed aside at meal times. It was risky, but I decided to see if Bindi would let him feed from her, and being the sweetest girl she is, she completely adopted him 🥹🥹🥹 I introduced two more so he wouldn’t be alone, and she has taken them in as well. She is just such a kind soul. Will be keeping a very close eye on them to make sure all is OK, but it gives Bindi some babies to fuss over and takes some pressure off Millie. Hoping it keeps going well 🥰#dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #pupper #spanadorsofinstagram #spanador #adopted #happypuppies #bestmumma
Robin and Freddie’s pups on their run 🥰🥰#dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #pupper #pup #spanadorsofinstagram #spanador #happypuppy #bravepuppy #confidentpuppy
First day on the confidence run for the spanadors 🥰🥰 I’m by myself today so I took them in a few groups in order to keep track of everybody 😂😂 These three were particularly confident going through - they are my picks for assistance dog candidates (two of which are still available). All of the babies were SO brave though, and I will get footage of them all very soon ! #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #spanadorsofinstagram #spanador #happydog
Spanador spam 🥹🥹🥹 #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #pupper #happypuppy #spanadorsofinstagram
Little professionals on the confidence run now 🥰🥰🥰 A little bit of rain doesn’t stop these explorers 🥹 #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #pupper #labradorsofinstagram #labrador #happypuppy #confidentpuppy
Aaaaand they’re off !! So brave already 🥰🥰 #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #puppyenrichment #confidence #confidentpuppy #confidentdog #happydog
Some of the cockers making sure the puppy obstacle run is good to go ! Billie’s pups will begin exploring it tomorrow 🥰🥰#dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockerspaniel #cockerdog #happydogs
5 weeks old today 🥰 This morning’s noise exposure was children noise. Each morning and afternoon we rotate through different sounds to expose the puppies. We start quiet and slowly build the volume over a number of separate days. Lots of exploring and playing today, too 🥰🥰#dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #puppy #happypuppy #labradorsofinstagram
The never-ending tail wag ft. Ivy 🥰🥰🥰 Abscess issues holding steady for now 😊 #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockerspaniel #cockerdog #happydog #cuddles
Very hot today so just a slow and quiet wander around 🥰 #dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #pupper #happydog #dogshavingfun
Walkies 🥰🥰#dogsofinstagram #doggo #dog #puppiesofinstagram #puppy #happydogs #dogshavingfun #sniffari