Comfy Critters Home Vet

Comfy Critters Home Vet Mobile small animal vet for the Central Coast & surrounds. Warm, personalised home care for pets. Gentle handling & comprehensive slow medicine.

Wellness and preventative care. Peaceful end of life care and in-home euthanasia.


Conversations from the Vet Pet Connect at Sharpey's Love Shack

Yesterday brought us beautiful weather and I got to chat to a lot of lovely pet owners who had questions about their pet's health

One topic that comes up regularly at these community events is dental care

Dental care for your pet can involve a wide range of things, including chew toys, treats and even dental food

Hill’s Pet Nutrition have several lines of dental food for dogs and cats and I love using it as a treat to show pet owners how their pet will actually chew on their food before swallowing

Chewing on hard food helps their teeth because it can help rub off the plaque and tartar building up on the teeth

I educate busy pet parents through comprehensive health and wellness consults in the comfort of their own home

Follow Comfy Critters Home Vet if you want to see more veterinarian-recommended tips and tricks to keep your pet healthy 🐾🩺

Meet your local mobile vet this Thursday!I aim to educate busy pet parents through comprehensive health and wellness con...

Meet your local mobile vet this Thursday!

I aim to educate busy pet parents through comprehensive health and wellness consults in comfort of their own home

Come and join me for a relaxed chat about dog and cat general health at from 9.30 - 11.30am

Bring your doggo if you want (I have tasty treats for them to try!) and grab a coffee and tasty tidbit from the cafe while we chat about your general health questions


Which skin product do I use for my dog's itchy skin?

The answer is going to be dependent on what's affecting their skin

Is it yeast? Is it bacterial? Is it a combination of both?

Talk to your vet about the history of the skin:

How many times it's happened before, what times of year it happens, if it's gotten better or worse from something you did, where on the body it's affected, are the ears affected...

These are just some of the topics they'll ask you to talk about in order to understand the cause and treatment options

And when they give you the treatment?

Make sure you follow the instructions and report back on the success - or not quite resolution of issues so we know what steps to try next

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Follow Comfy Critters Home Vet for more pet care health tips and tricks 🐾🩺

Meet Dr Allie at the next Vet Pet ConnectWe have 2 new community events coming upThursday 22 August 9.30 - 11.30am at  F...

Meet Dr Allie at the next Vet Pet Connect

We have 2 new community events coming up

Thursday 22 August 9.30 - 11.30am at

Friday 30 August 8.30 - 10.30am at

Bring the pets, bring your questions about car and dog health care - and enjoy a morning at your local cafe!

Comfy Critters Home Vet - educating busy pet parents through comprehensive health and wellness consults in the comfort of your own home 🐾🩺


Has your vet mentioned the word 'DENTAL'?

They've dropped ideas like "tooth brushing for your pet" and you've looked at them like they're crazy

But like any dedicated pet owner, you buy a toothbrush kit for your pet...You unpack it, dip it in the toothpaste and approach your pet...

Only for your pet to flee to the darkness of the back of the wardrobe or under the kids' bed 🫥

You're devastated and thinking "how will I be able to help my pet keep a healthy mouth if they won't let me brush their teeth?!"

And your pet is like "what you doing with that thing near my face?!"

You're both completely normal in what you're thinking!

What's missing here is the gentle, slow introduction of a new object to your pet - and the pairing of it with something positive (and maybe tasty)

See, it's totally normal for your pet to experience fear and anxiety at something new in their lives - or near their faces!

But if you give your pet time to get used to its presence - just leaving it out for them to sniff and see it's not scary

And then progress to putting something tasty on it for your pet to enjoy at their leisure

Later followed by gently introducing your pet to face touching, cheek touching, lip lifting

You will actually be breaking the tooth brushing process down into tiny little baby steps that build trust and connection between you and your pet

There is no rush to this process - it can take as long as you need to to make them comfortable and OK with this activity (I'm talking weeks to months)

Forcing them to do this won't be good for either of you

But once you have built that trust, established that routine, you can show off to your friends and family - even your vet - that your pet enjoys its teeth being brushed!

And then we do this every day after they eat so that we help reduce the build-up of food, plaque and tartar on their teeth

If you found this interesting or helpful, follow Comfy Critters Home Vet for regular pet health care tips and tricks


Head shaking? Itchy ears? Smelly discharge?

Sounds like it could be an ear infection...

I saw Zion recently for some ongoing skin problems

Part of my skin workup is to check the ears - and the history of ear infections

Zion had been showing some signs of head shaking and really getting in to a good ear rub when his Dad gave him a head scratch

When I swabbed the ears, I found a LOT of brown, smelly discharge on the swab

Stay tuned for the next post about what I found in Zion's ears 😳

Follow to learn more about how to keep your pets healthy and happy 🐾🩺

Grab your calendars - there's a new Vet Pet Connect at  🐾🩺Friday 2 August 8:30 - 10:30amPop down, grab a coffee and chat...

Grab your calendars - there's a new Vet Pet Connect at 🐾🩺

Friday 2 August 8:30 - 10:30am

Pop down, grab a coffee and chat to Dr Allie about general pet health care questions

Last time we had all sorts of topics to chat about, including how to deal with smelly breath, ear infections, and how to overcome your dog's desire to eat everything it sees!

Dogs are very welcome - we'll have tasty treats for them too!

Paws up if you're coming down 🐾


Are you calling me fat?!?!

Vets might make a big deal about weighing your pet every visit, but we're not actually all that focused on the numbers

Vets definitely look at the trends of your pet's weight over time, and we might compare the number to the breed average

But what we're really paying attention to with your pet is something called the Body Composition Score (BCS)

Assessing your pet's body composition score is an opportunity to pat your pet from head to tail and gauge how well we can feel their spine/ribs/hips, how squishy their dermis is (a place for extra fat storage), and whether they have a defined body silhouette

With this information, your vet will then give your pet a score from 1 - 9 (where 1 is emaciated and 9 is very very overweight)

Using this BCS and the actually weight, your vet will then make a recommendation: try to lose some weight, try to gain some weight, or keep doing exactly what you're doing!

Much weight change can be achieved through modifying your pet's diet (including breakfast and dinner, treats, scraps, and scavenging)

If you found this helpful, follow Comfy Critters Home Vet for regular pet health care tips and tricks

Vet Pet Connect at  tomorrow 10am - 12pmJoin me for a chat about your pet's general health and happiness 🥰Sample a varie...

Vet Pet Connect at tomorrow 10am - 12pm

Join me for a chat about your pet's general health and happiness 🥰

Sample a variety of dog treats (chicken, beef, kangaroo) and let your pet experience vet attention without all the fear and anxiety that usually goes into seeing the vet!

For the humans, will be serving up coffees and treats, so come on down and say g'day!

Pets are welcome (but bring a lead in case it gets busy!)

You're also welcome to come down alone and have a chat with me - whether you have a pet at home or you're thinking of getting one soon 😊

Paws up if you're joining us tomorrow! 🐾


Whose pet loves treats?

I love being a vet for many reasons...

But being able to build rapport and trust with a pet so that they are willing to accept treats from me is definitely one of my favourite parts

Have you ever taken your pet - dog or cat - to the vet and found that they turn their nose up at the proffered treat?

It's not because the vet's treats aren't good quality...

It's because your pet doesn't feel safe enough to eat the food because they're too nervous/anxious/scared

Until your pet feels comfortable enough that the person on the other side of the veterinary exam table isn't going to hurt them/you, they aren't going to let themselves relax enough to enjoy a nibble on the treat

That's why I just love my in-home vet visits!

I get to come to you and settle in to your pet's familiar environment and put them at ease

I get to work slowly and gently with your pets, without time pressure so we aren't making sudden moves and creating memories of fear

It's the definition of fear free handling ☺️

And I get to be very liberal with my treats so you might say I become your pet's favourite visitor 😉

If you're interested in a home vet visit with a smorgasbord of treats for your pet, DM me 'COMFYCRITTERS'


What's the deal with ear infections anyways?

Ear infections can creep up on you and your dog and cause significant discomfort

If they aren't treated properly, they can continue to cause pain and irritation, and in severe cases, progress into a middle or even inner ear infection

Some of the more common causes of ear infections that I see include:
- Allergies (environmental or food sensitivity)
- Too much moisture from bathing or swimming
- Foreign bodies in the ear (e.g., grass seeds)
- Underlying health issues (e.g., hypothyroidism)
- Ear mites

What might you notice if there's an ear infection?
- Scratching or rubbing ears - or seeking out ear rubs from you more frequently than normal
- Head shaking
- The infected ear(s) is hot to touch
- Smelly ears (or just one side is particularly smelly)
- Smelly discharge (yellow, brown, or bloody) - can be just one ear that is affected
- The inside of the ear is redder than usual
- Balance issues or a head tilt

When should you see a vet?
- Early!!!
- Not all itchy, red ears will be an infection - but if it's not seen early, it can progress to a painful and uncomfortable ear infection
- If you think the symptoms are persisting for more than a day or two
- If you can see visible pain or discomfort with your pet's ears
- If the ears are very smelly or you see an unusual discharge
- If the ears haven't responded to your treatments at home
- If you notice any signs of hearing loss, balance issues or a head tilt

Getting a vet to check your pet's ears early is so important! In addition to providing treatment for your pet, I'll also work with you to understand what the cause might be and if there is a pattern to repeat ear infections that we can solve.

I post regular pet health care tips and tricks - follow me for more

What are you doing next Tuesday?Join me for a coffee at  from 10am - 12pm on 23 July to chat about pet health and happin...

What are you doing next Tuesday?

Join me for a coffee at from 10am - 12pm on 23 July to chat about pet health and happiness

I'll have tasty treats for the dogs (chicken, beef, kangaroo) as well as plenty of head pats, chest rubs and neck scritches!

But if you're walking up an appetite that morning, you might want to check out the selection of delicious baked goods on offer at the cafe!

Dogs are welcome to join us on the day - but don't feel you need to bring a 4-legged animal to come and chat to me.

Whether it's a dog or cat-related question, or you're thinking of getting a new furry member of the family - I'd love to meet you and help answer some questions!

Had the best morning! Next one coming soon!!!

Had the best morning! Next one coming soon!!!

The next Vet Pet Connect is coming up!Want to know more about keeping your pets healthy and happy?Come and join me for a...

The next Vet Pet Connect is coming up!

Want to know more about keeping your pets healthy and happy?

Come and join me for a coffee at with the doggos and we'll chat about your general pet health questions

Tuesday 23 July 10am - 12pm

Drop a "🐾" in the comments if you or your pet wants to come along!


What a wonderful morning for a Vet Pet Connect at café!

It was the perfect spot for locals to bring their dogs, grab a coffee, and chat with me about their pet's health.

We had some great conversations about how to pair treats with better dental health, motion sickness in the car, and tips for nail clipping.

Our special guest was on treat quality control duty and gave us an A+ for variety and flavour!

Follow to find out when the next Vet Pet Connect will be held!



What happens when a vet, a cozy café, and our wonderful community come together?

A Vet Pet Connect!

This morning, I teamed up with to host the first Vet Pet Connect event - and it was awesome!

Our four-legged friends enjoyed an array of delicious treats like beef liver, chicken breast and kangaroo - and there weren't any scraps leftover 🦴

We had the chance to chat bout general health questions like pet dentals, anxiety with vet visits and being too food-focused.

Stay tuned for more videos of today's event!

Thank you for capturing this event!

Follow  for more pet health tips and tricks Dental care is not a once-and-done thing for our pets. Booking your pet in f...

Follow for more pet health tips and tricks

Dental care is not a once-and-done thing for our pets. Booking your pet in for one dental is unlikely to be the only dental procedure they ever have in their lifetime.

Our pets need our help to look after their teeth. From tooth brushing to treats, there are a lot of things we can do at home to keep their teeth as healthy as possible.

But this won't necessarily keep you from needing dentals for your pets in the future.

Remember that as humans who brush twice daily, floss regularly and use mouthwash - we still need to visit the dentist frequently to have an expert look at our mouths and help prevent the need for more advanced dental treatment!

I love helping pet owners understand how they can look after their pets and keep them as healthy as possible at home.

I post regular tips about pet health care - follow for more

Paws and relax!Join Dr Allie at  tomorrow morning 7.30 - 9.30amBring the dog, bring your questions about dog and cat hea...

Paws and relax!

Join Dr Allie at tomorrow morning 7.30 - 9.30am

Bring the dog, bring your questions about dog and cat health care, and come enjoy a warm beverage!

Comfy Critters Home Vet - educating busy pet parents through comprehensive health and wellness consults in the comfort of their own home

See you in the morning!


Have you met the new local mobile vet?You can come down and meet Dr Allie at  on Monday 8 July between 7.30 - 9.30amDr A...

Have you met the new local mobile vet?

You can come down and meet Dr Allie at on Monday 8 July between 7.30 - 9.30am

Dr Allie will be set up in the courtyard to chat to everyone about general pet health care for dogs and cats.

Dogs are welcome to come and say hello/shake a paw! And for the humans, you know there is an excellent selection of hot drinks to choose from at The Fat Goose!

This will be a great opportunity to socialise your pets and meet other local pet lovers 🐾

Visit for more information on how a mobile vet can help you and your pets 🩺

I am thrilled to announce a partnership with  for end of life care.Recently I had the opportunity to visit the team in M...

I am thrilled to announce a partnership with for end of life care.

Recently I had the opportunity to visit the team in Morisset and learn more about their pet cremation and aftercare service that honours every pet that comes into their care.

From a peaceful viewing room for families that choose to attend their pet's cremation service - to the range of beautiful urns and memorabilia, I was blown away by the thoughtful care this team puts towards caring for pets on the last journey.

Helping provide care for pets at the end of their lives is one of my special interests. It was important to me to find an aftercare provider who also valued each and every pet and provided a service that was kind and dignified.

A special thanks to Kim, Christina, Kevin and Steve for their time and expertise on the day.

Visit for more information on Comfy Critters Home Vet services

Got a nervous pet? The fast pace of vet clinics means you're in and out of the consult room pretty quickly.While this mi...

Got a nervous pet?

The fast pace of vet clinics means you're in and out of the consult room pretty quickly.

While this might suit some, it can also create BIG problems for your pets that get worse over time.

Animals need time to adjust to new and scary situations.

Think about all the smells in a vet clinic: chemicals, other animals

Consider all the new people your pet meets in a vet clinic: looming over the top, putting them up on a table with nowhere to escape.

And what about how vets have to push past your pet's discomfort to examine them, touch their feet, give needles.

All of these things add up to being repeatedly uncomfortable and scary situations for your pets.

It's no wonder that so many animals express serious signs of fear, anxiety and stress when you pull out the carrier for the annual vet visit or your pet gets out of the car and suddenly realises where they are.

Trembling, drooling, panting, cowering, vocalising, accidents in the car, growling, and swiping are just a few examples of how animals signal their discomfort.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, a home vet visit might be the right choice for you.

Vet visits can be a completely different experience to what I described above. Try having slow consults with plenty of time to relax, eat tasty treats and have gentle handling.

If you want to see what a difference a home vet visit will make for your pet's experience, DM me 'COMFYCRITTERS'

Hello pet lovers! I'm Dr Alison and I'm excited to introduce you to Comfy Critters Home Vet - providing your pets with w...

Hello pet lovers! I'm Dr Alison and I'm excited to introduce you to Comfy Critters Home Vet - providing your pets with warm and personalised care in the comfort of your home!

With a passion for wellness and preventative care, I'm here to provide high-quality medicine for your beloved pets - all from the comfort of your home. No more stressful car rides or anxiety in the waiting room!

Offering comprehensive home veterinary services, I assess the whole animal in its home environment to determine your pet's physical, behavioural, nutritional and environmental needs.

I'm passionate about making animals feel as comfortable as possible and helping pet parents understand what their pet needs to be as healthy and happy as possible.

Comfy Critters Home Vet provides services to the Central Coast, surrounds and beyond by appointment.

Want to know more? Call or text 0493 978 743 for more information 🐾🩺

Nervous pets at the vet 😬I saw Marley recently for an annual health check.Marley's Mum, Slav told me that Marley was qui...

Nervous pets at the vet 😬

I saw Marley recently for an annual health check.

Marley's Mum, Slav told me that Marley was quite anxious at the vet and would tremble, hide under the chair, and shrink away. This was far from the normal bouncy, happy and gregarious pupper Marley was normally 😞

It is estimated that up to 78.5% of dogs become stressed or fearful in the veterinary clinic (Edwards et al, 2019. Investigating risk factors that predict a dog's fear during veterinary visits. PLoS One Jul 22;14(7)).

So how did I help Marley relax and have such a good experience?

I gave him time to settle.

I gave him time to sniff and wander around freely and get used to my presence.

I brought a selection of treats to entice his nose and his tummy and showed him that my presence in the room was safe both for him and his Mum (some pets can become anxious if they think you're a threat to their human).

After Marley warmed up to me (or the treat selection), I introduced him to my stethoscope and gentle pats as I slowly did a full physical exam.

His Mum and I had a good chat as I examined Marley and we took turns giving him tidbits and praise.

By the time we got to his needles, he was relaxed and so focused on getting the last licks of peanut butter off the licky mat.

Gone was the nervous, shivering, terrified little dog that Slav had experienced in the past.

Here was the confident, gregarious and cheeky pupper she was used to seeing!

I practice Slow Medicine - prioritising the quality of my work over being quick and seeing lots of patients.

I am a Fear Free Certified Professional who loves to build trust and relationships with pets and Owners to have a better veterinary experience.

Interested in combining Slow Medicine and Fear Free handling with a vet visit in the comfort of your own home?

DM me 'comfycritters' to learn more

Is your pet aged 6+?Do you know how to look out for signs of slowing down?Common signs of slowing down in dogs include:*...

Is your pet aged 6+?

Do you know how to look out for signs of slowing down?

Common signs of slowing down in dogs include:
* Doesn't want to go as far on regular walks
* Stiff and slow in the mornings
* Takes steps more slowly
* Doesn't jump onto/off furniture or car as easily

Common signs of slowing down in cats include:
* Spending more time sleeping
* No longer jumps up onto higher surfaces
* Less playful
* Matted fur around the back where they can't reach to groom
* Appetite may be reduced

I offer comprehensive in-home consults for the Central Coast and surrounds at your convenience.

I provide tailored treatment options based on the whole animal and its history and home environment to give them the best quality of life.

Want to chat? DM me 'SENIORPET' to learn more about how I can help your ageing pets.

Is your cat anxious at the vet?You're not alone - many animals experience fear, anxiety and stress when visiting the vet...

Is your cat anxious at the vet?

You're not alone - many animals experience fear, anxiety and stress when visiting the vet

Whether it's travelling in the car, seeing/smelling other animals in the waiting room, or the consultation itself - there are many reasons why cats can be afraid of going to the vet

In some cases, owners are reluctant to take their cat to the vet because they don't like seeing their cat so stressed - even more-so if their cat seems healthy and well!

But it's still so important for your cat to receive regular vet check-ups to detect early stages of illness and discuss things you can do to make your cat healthier and happier

That's why I offer vet visits in the comfort and convenience of your own home

I use fear-free handling practices, plenty of treats and practice slow medicine (getting to know you and your cat in great detail so I can give you the best care and advice)

Coming to homes in the Central Coast soon!

DM me 'HOMEVET' to be the first to know when my books are open to new clients


Killcare Road
Killcare, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 6pm
Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm


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