Dalton the dragon has turned into a Unicorn 🦄 🐉😅
Dalton the dragon has turned into a Unicorn 🦄 🐉😅
Thought we’d test the puppies on their problem solving skills. First born certainly showed zero frustration and full speed 👌🏼Needless to say I think that’s a big ✅
Thought we’d check the puppies on their problem solving skills.
First born certainly showed zero frustration and full speed 👌🏼Needless to say I think that’s a big ✅
Dream 💭🐩🫶
Stunning Dream is a beautiful Silver beige standard Poodle who is part of our guardian program. She’s looking so amazing because her mum Caye is a fabulous groomer and they compete together!
It’s her first time back here since being a puppy and now we have big horses so it was time for some introduction.
So proud with how quick she went from oh my what is this to oh no worries just horses. Took only minutes with fabulous bounce back, resilience and adaptability.
This is when you see the tools given by a puppy culture upbringing as well as ENS but also most of all the steps given to her by her fabulous environment given by her mum that nourishes her mind and body.
Thankful for my little workers doing great job keeping the doggy exercise area nice and short 🙏🐑 🦙🫶
Thankful for my little workers doing a great job keeping the doggy exercise area nice and short 🙏🐑 🦙🫶
Emails have been sent to our prospective homes.
If you have not received it please message me.
Prada is pregnant 🫶
Edit 🫶
I will contact everyone that has been in touch regarding reserving a puppy from this litter this coming weekend.
Very exciting times ahead as we just had ultrasound confirmation that our girl Prada “Australian champion Prada Du Clos du grand lieu imp Fr” has been confirmed pregnant.
We are currently looking for three homes to join our waiting list. Expected colours are orange and white, Tricolor, black and white and maybe liver and white.
Our Brittany’s are around 48-50cm and around 14-16kg. They have short coat and require minimal grooming. They don’t shed very much and their coat isn’t one that seem to cause allergies but they are not a hypoallergenic breed.
They do require mental and physical stimulation, especially in their younger years. They also require a soft consistent approach to training with many reinforcers, may it be toys, food or/and affection.
They are a healthy breed and we do hip score parents as well as have them health checked prior to their time to become parents.
Their ideal home is an active family home, may it be single, couple or with children.
They shine in obedience, agility, scent work, trial and some special few have been selected for assistance, therapy and diabetes detection work.
They love to jump up to say hello and it’s near impossible to keep them off the couch as they do love their comfort next to you after a day of adventures.
Their medium size seem to be one that is loved by many other breeds of dogs. They are the happy go lucky of the dog breeds. A compact intelligent family dog that will bring much laughter and growth.
If you’d like to join our waiting list please be in touch via email or message.