The growers ( raptors) are loving their morning free range in the big paddock 🫣
All the pretty blue laced babies 🐣
#bluelaced gold wyandotte
jumbo jap and king quail
It was all about the quail this morning here at Hidden Valley Wyandottes & Quail swapping brooders for new hatchings. I just love putting babies back in a fresh brooder ,not that they stay that way for long. All these guys do is eat poo and play . But we are so pleased with the colours that are coming out. So cute and pretty 😍
And yes I have a noisey incubator turning motor in the background lol 😆
The younger growers get cheekier every day and there are always some that escape for a zoom morning and afternoon when I'm doing the clean and shift . They soon regret it when the big hens come along and give them a swift peck ,but do it again anyway. Some of these will be moving into the big growout pen in the next couple of weeks .
This is what 5.30 am looks like in the big growout area . Everyone is out for the day ,water, food and pens done for the day. I just love those chubby butts getting the zooms. These guys are super friendly and curious. 🐥🐓. Those that have ordered golds there are some lovely ones in here and will be ready in a couple of months they are about 10 weeks now. And 1 blue laced pullet in there also.
So much cold weather this week ,but apparently the compost is the place to be in the sun out of the wind ,sharing a little dust bath. I've given up trying to keep it contained 🙄