What to do on a Friday evening but rerelease frogs?! 🐸
Release night for some of the frogs rescued from the resent fires. Half a dozen Eastern Dwarf Tree Frogs (Litoria fallax) and a couple of Common eastern froglets (Crinia signifera).
#frogs #frogsofaustralia #frogsatpelawmain #wildfrogs #hunterwildliferescue #wildliferehabilitation #frogrescue #wildlifevet #frogvet #Wildlife
What to do on a Friday evening but rerelease frogs?! 🐸
Release night for some of the frogs rescued from the resent fires. Three Striped marsh frogs (Limnodynastes peronii) and 2 Peron's tree frogs (Litoria peronii)
#frogs #frogsofaustralia #frogsatpelawmain #wildfrogs #hunterwildliferescue #wildliferehabilitation #frogrescue #wildlifevet #frogvet #Wildlife
I just missed them eating!
One of the Easter Dwarf Tree Frogs (Litoria fallax), that we rescued from the resent fires, sitting in the food bowl enjoying some crickets. I wasn't quite quick enough with the video to get them catching any, but still a cute video!
#frogsofaustralia #frogs #frogsatpelawmain #hunterwildliferescue #wildliferehabilitation #wildfrogs #easterndwarftreefrog #frogrescue
Release day for "Freddie" the Green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) from Coles. Af few days in care being monitored, hydrated and fed they were ready be be realised on Thursday in bushland near where they found.
#rerelease #frogs #frogsofaustralia #frogsatpelawmain #hunterwildliferescue #wildliferehabilitation #Wildlife #wildfrogs #greentreefrog
Something a bit different for Frogs at Pelaw Main, not a frog:
This Eastern Bearded Dragon has been in our care for the last few days and was released yesterday. It was rescued by fire fighters at the Neath Fire Station fleeing from the resent fire. We happened to be the closest rescuers available so picked them up. They were in shock and dehydrated, but apart from that, thankfully unharmed, with just an old injury to one toe and the tip of their tail. After a Vet check, a couple of days in care with good good and water they were ready for release.
#notafrog #frogsatpelawmain #hunterwildliferescue #wildliferehabilitation #Wildlife #wildlifevet #wildliferescue #beardeddragon
Just a Mag on a mushroom!
Magnificent tree frog (Litoria splendida)
#magnificenttreefrog #frogs #frogsofaustralia #frogsofinstagram #petfrogsofinstagram #petfrogs #frogsatpelawmain #bioactivevivarium #mushrooms
A quick snack for one of our resident wild Green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea).
#frogs #frogsofaustralia #frogsofinstagram #Wildlife #wildfrogs #frogsatpelawmain #greentreefrog
The Daintys also wanted to get in on the synchronization!
Dainty green tree frogs (Litoria gracilenta) 🐸
#frogsatpelawmain #frogsofinstagram #frogs #frogstagram #daintygreentreefrog #petfrogsofinstagram #petfrogs
The Mags decided to play mirrors on the glass last night, they were in perfect synchronization slowly sliding down the glass just before the video!
Magnificent tree frogs (Litoria splendida) 🐸
#frogsatpelawmain #bioactivevivarium #frogsofinstagram #frogs #frogstagram #magnificenttreefrog #petfrogsofinstagram #petfrogs
Release day for this lovely Peron's tree frog (Litoria peronii) 🐸!
This guy came to us via a local environmental services company. They had been accidental sent in from a (thankfully relatively local) mine in a water sample to be tested. We kept the frog in for observation for a few weeks as the water sample had been treated with copper sulphate to prevent algae growth. Thankfully the frog appears to be healthy and we release them next to a creek near the mine site they were from.
#frogsofaustralia #frog #frogsatpelawmain #wildliferehabilitation #frogrescue #wildfrogs #Wildlife #wildliferescue #hunterwildliferescue #peronstreefrog
Have you ever seen a Desert tree frog (Litoria rubella) shed and eat its skin?
We normally only see these guys at night and haven't seen them shed before.
Frogs with regularly shed and eat their skin both as they grow and to keep it this super important organ fresh, they eat it to retain the nutrients in the skin!
#frogsofaustralia #frogkeeper #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferescue #wildfrogs #deserttreefrog #hunterwildliferescue #frogs #frogsatpelawmain
The Magnificent tree frogs (Litoria splendida) are enjoying the storms!
#frogs #magnificenttreefrog #frogsofaustralia #frogsofinstagram #petfrogsofinstagram #petfrogs #frogsatpelawmain #bioactivevivarium #frogcall