At the moment our days are fully booked 3 - 4 days in advance, we will always do our best to fit in emergencies, but if there are multiple emergencies happening at the same time we can only be in one place at a time, getting angry at us is not helpful!
There is currently an Australia wide shortage of vets, in the past, vets from overseas would come spend summer in Australia working, the last 2 years they have been unable to get here.
Please be kind and understanding, if we can't get to you it's not because we're sitting down for a nice lunch (most days we don't even have time for a sandwich!), or at the beach enjoying our beautiful weather, instead we're working 14 hour days and on call 24/7.
Please be organised, if your horse needs to be microchipped to compete, don't call the day the entries close to book in for the microchip, if your farrier wants feet xrays done, don't call the day before they're coming to book in, with a little bit of notice we can get things done.