David Bingham is with Benjamin Perks and Marian Hutson.
5 hrs ·
I found this in a South African Equine Journal and thought it might be of interest
Something different
A recent development in South Africa is the
introduction of the Cytek horse shoe. This shoe
is made from metal, but is designed to try and
allow for the domestic equine foot to function
as closely as possible to what nature intended.
It is claimed that the shoe allows the horse to
achieve its own central point of balance in all
paces at all times. This will reduce the risk of
strain to the horse.
Many farriers have still not made up their
minds concerning this shoe – it is very different
to other metal shoes. The shoe is claimed to
maintain the correct point of break-over and
natural length of the toe. This means the hoof
functions as close to that of a natural unshod
hoof, while still having the protection of the
metal shoe.
The Cytek shoe has a bevelled front
with no toe or quarter clips. When properly
placed, the shoe maintains the point of
break-over at the tip of the coffin bone,
which helps the horse to naturally keep its
toe trimmed to the ideal length.
The Cytek shoe has a wide slightly concave
surface area that allows fine soil to pack
between the sole and the shoe. Cytek claims
this mimics the condition of an unshod hoof
and will promote healthy sole growth.