Just some little 'killers' exploring the new setup and playing with new toys. While this just looks like a cute 5 seconds - it is a super important one. Puppy is practising what a dog is wired to do.... find it, kill it, devour it. His predatory motor pattern. It is important for dogs to have outlets for this.
One other important thing we do each day once they graduate the whelping box is rearrange their pen every day or every second day. We add and remove different objects to provide exposure for all of their senses. Different surfaces to climb on and walk on.... toys that are soft, toys that are hard, toys that make a noise...mat beds, plush beds.... anything and everything we can think of. Puppy in the back is practising walking on a surface that moves a little - a raised bed. This is one of those things that seems silly but a stepping stone to bigger things throughout his life.
We continue to keep our zones to develop good toileting habits and an understanding of where to go, but start to rearrange the way they get there to further reinforce "find that grass!".
I love watching our puppies grow and thrive. Fascinating stuff.
Last days for us with some of our puppers.... this part never gets easier. I always get teary saying goodbye having watched them grow and putting lots of blood sweat and tears in.
Edith, Ralph, Donny, Ellie, and Crumpet to fly the coop tomorrow. All bar one travelling by plane so there's been lots of positive crate association work and airplane sound desensitisation going on this week, and it makes me feel a little better knowing they are handling it all very well.
🙌 Training fun! 🙌
So this looks like I just got lazy and didn't pull the puppy feed bucket out when we fed..... but.....
This is also thoughtful, no pressure, positive association training and we do -A LOT- of this with our pups.
Simply putting things in their environment, allowing them to explore at their own pace and ensuring there's some form of "accidental" reward for being brave and awesome.
It's a bucket with the dregs in it to lick out..... but this is the start of being confident with confined spaces, understand there is a reward for trying out a closed in space.... when do we need this?
➡️ What about crate training? The being in there, the initial going into a dead end box?
➡️ What about if we needed to muzzle train?
➡️ What if we wanted to teach them to go into a box to find enrichment treats?
➡️ What if we want to put their head into a towel to dry them after washing.... and have them put their head willingly into the towel?
This is the start of so many things... it looks like nothing. It's not exciting. But it is, because this is exactly how it should look - and that in itself is exciting!
From little things, big things grow.
Puppies quite happy with their new toys. :)
Suzie and I have just finished an awesome week...
She went teaching horse clinics with me and then we flew to Perth for a 2 day mantrailing workshop with Rob and Karen Hewings of The College Of Scent Dogs Ltd. Well worth it!
Beautiful to see these guys work in a field that they are born to work in. ❤️
Afternoon walks and a cool off in the dam today!
Finally he's here!
412 days ago, Landon sent me some photos of a nice pup that might be for us.... and after a massive process - today was finally the day we got to pick our boy up from his 30 day quarantine in Melbourne.
Big thankyou for Bar H Farms Basset Hounds & Corgis for keeping this guy for us, and putting up with a process that was more painful and longer than we even originally planned for. I seriously can't thank your whole family enough. I remember thinking as I originally enquired that no one will be nuts enough to want to try and export a pup downunder... and you're probably regretting it after the last year.... but I seriously appreciate it.
And to Pilar & Randy Casa Fairview Canines... thank you so much for all your help. Without you, I would be bald from stress and likely cross eyed from going over the paperwork 500 million times. And also for just chatting to me like a mate - it was great to have someone looking over our process who really cared. Dog bless you. (😆)
After 412 days, too many vet visits to count, 4 flights, 30 days in quarantine and a transition from freezing to now 35 degree days.... both he and I can finally relax. He's very bewildered and wondering who the heck I am but is already warming up and was slightly wagging to see me at both the start and end of today's domestic flight home... and is now snoring on my leg in the car. 🥰
The tail waggers had some lovely visitors out today to get their 'basset fix' and the girls enjoyed soaking up all the love and pats!
It is always lovely to hear when people come a chorus of... "your dogs are so happy and content!" And it warms my heart that it is that way. They are all apart of our family and we put so much time into keeping them happy and keeping their home surroundings nice for them.
They were a little excited for dinner tonight, especially when I'm boring and ask them all to wait. Except Suzie - who was at this point still snoring upside down on the lawn. 😂