Dear valued clients,
It is with sincere regret that we have decided to put our equine facility in Luskintyre on the market to sell. It is unfortunate in this worldwide shortage of equine veterinarians and skilled equine nurses that we are unable to continue to spread ourselves over both our Broadmeadow and Luskintyre locations. As our top priorities are the well-being of our staff, our patients and our clients, the only way to continue to deliver the best service possible is to go back to working solely out of our Broadmeadow location as Newcastle Equine Centre. We want to assure you that the ambulatory services extending from Singleton to Taree and the Central Coast will not change. We will still always answer the phone for both routine calls and emergencies.
โข The Capped Travel Day services to our local community in the Maitland and Singleton areas will stay in place on the same days and at the same prices.
โข Assisted reproduction services including chilled and frozen semen artificial insemination, set up for live cover, infertility investigation, pregnant mare wellbeing exams, fetal gender determination and abortion work up will continue at Newcastle Equine Centre or on farm as facilities allow.
โข Embryo Transfer work and Stallion collection services previously offered at Luskintyre will be put on hold due to the limited space we have at Newcastle.
Rest assured that our beautiful recipient mares will return to their owners or be moved to new homes and properties where they will carry on their surrogate duties and cared for as much as much as they were with us. If you currently have one of our recipients on contract, they can be returned to Newcastle Equine Centre at the end of the contract period.
Remember your call will always be answered by Newcastle Equine Centre. Our team of equine vets and nurses are here for you and your horse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
We genuinely thank you for your patronage, understanding and patience during the transition period consolidating back to Newcastle. We appreciate and value each and every one of our clients and their horses. Please do not hesitate to call, email or message us if you have any questions.
(02) 4927 6135
[email protected]