Bit soggy today. Took Alfred the dog for a bike ride to the bridge this morning.
I can’t get to my deli in Yamba, but my staff can. I can get to the pet shop, but my staff can’t. Do it works ok.
We are open like normal. Roughly normal. If it’s dead slow, we might close at 4.00.
As our dog is called Alfred I see myself as a bit of an expert of this upcoming cyclone.
All our animals are sorted and safe. We have spare time this afternoon if anyone need help catching and moving chickens. Please let elderly neighbours etc know we can come and help. We can probably help with other animals too, but we are mainly used to chickens.
We might be able to help other days too depending how busy we are with our own animals and keeping stock up to both my little shops.
We also sell chickens. It’s super fun.
These double mums (Naked Nancy and Princess Layer) have three chicks together. Today this happened.
We got some chicks from away, put them in a cage with heat lamps. They all escaped and found a better source of heat. ❤️
It’s just like our family. I had some kids, Phil had some and then we all decided to live together. I have room under my wings for extras (partners and friends of the kids) just like these hens.
This is so good as i wanted to keep a lot to grow out. We always let the mums keep their chicks, but they aren’t hatching enough. So this is amazing.
I’m going to see if our other mums sitting on eggs will have some of these as it’s too many for the double mums.
We have layer chicks (white, black and red), Australorps, leghorns and Isa browns. They require heat. We also have older hyline chicks that don’t need heat. All are females.
Three for 4️⃣0️⃣ for chicks. Three for 5️⃣0️⃣ for older ones.
Lots of chicks at the moment. I’m also getting a delivery of sexed hyline babies today.
Gold fish are looking nice at the moment.
Big Buckbeak loves having babies.
We got these new chicken yesterday.
My son came home from school and went to the toilet and then he got a freight.
The worst thing is that this was the 5th most important thing to tell me. Indoor chickens happens more often than it should.
The poor young hen had even laid an egg on the floor. We actually have eggs everywhere after a day with these. They sure are good layers.
Lots of drinkers and feeders for chick season!
Hmm, we got a small batch of very young budgies in the other day.
This one is the nicest one we have ever had and I love him. I really hope he gets a good home with lots of interaction as he is so social.
I’ll bring these cuties into the shop on Monday.
2 naked necks, 1 pure silkie and the rest are silkie bantam mixes.
A few more about to hatch.
Our new rooster is a one woman sort of man. We had hoped he wouldn’t be.
We are still deciding his name. It’s either Prince Edward of the East (Pee) or Prince Washmop. I call him Prince Pee Mop.
Unfortunately he picked Princess Estelle for wife who is old and doesn’t lay eggs. She doesn’t even live with the others. She and a small group of old ones have decided to live on our veranda to be pets. We love that, but we actually want babies from him.
I’m going to close early today. I need to be at home with my goats and chickens to make sure they are ok.
Please message me on FB if you need anything and I’ll pop back in. I only live 8 minutes away, so it’s no problem at all. Unless there is a problem as we get flash flooding on our road. Then I can’t come in.