Thank you for supporting this community project Flowers on the side has been an idea I’ve wanted to try for a while and it’s been so well received. A dedicated space on a flower lovers stall for local, quality, garden grown flowers. Believe me, these flowers are loved! The seedlings are sold out for now but there will be more. Our plants are specifically chosen for cut flower production. Varieties for our climate. Lots of learning being shared here. It’s beautiful 😍 Flowers on the side Clarence Valley Yamba Farmers & Producers Market
Last of the summer gardens and it’s really taking off now. Finally enjoying some rain in Maclean over the last few weeks. I’m also planting out some beds and ready to offer seedlings for cut flower for any keen beans. Available at the farmers market on Wednesday. #gardening #summergarden #clarencevalley #flowergarden
Looking pretty comfy there on your couch G.Daddy.🤺 Growing organically means co-existing, to some degree, with things I don’t like much. Believe me I have tried many of the certified organic inputs, unfortunately these products leave a residue, seen and unseen, need reapplying and don’t fit my line of business.. so what to do? The answer, it seems is healthy soil, biological warfare, engaging in a war of attrition and knowing thy enemy. DPI are helpful in ID not in organic methods of control, if you’re unsure. Some nasties lay in the soil at certain temperatures and moisture content, some have a 30 day cycle, others a few weeks, and I’m recently learning that some feed on certain tastes of the plant, which brings us to molasses. Just before this rain event, I have sprayed the entire garden with molasses. It feeds the healthy microbes in the soil. Eventually changing the sugar levels in the plant making them unpalatable to certain bugs! It’s high in calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. It contains Sulfur and a host of micronutrients. The greater the health of the plants the less bug attack. In theory right. So, this season started beautifully with a nice chunk of rain in winter, early spring but as my old farming neighbour tells me … “yeah well by Xmas we’ll all be screamin’ for rain” thanks Rosco, right again! Basically with the dry and insane heat early on, plants get pretty stressed. Bugs smell the fear and attack. Pretty simplistic but true . then it’s just a hop, crawl or jump to the next victim, healthy or not, then there’s lots of food, everyone is happy and making babies.. sacrificial plants work to a degree if you need time to concoct a plan of attack (like removing the plant in the dead of night while the bugs are sleeping 🤔.. ok obviously they just hop onto something else or if you have army worm they stop drop and roll…part of their army DNA… Like most organic, herbal remedies it’s not a quick fix and I’m h
This is my version of a food forest. I honestly can’t see the difference between it and an edible garden so being the old school kinda gal I am, here’s our forgotten edible garden. The one that does its own thing when life, microgreens and a few weeds take over… #summergarden #subtropicalgarden #gardening #clarencevalley #microfarm #urbanfarming #maclean #yamba #fingerlime #vegetablegarden #ediblegarden #foodforest #gardeninspiration
Summer greenhouse life of a micro farmer. Plant, 💦,👀,💦, ✂️,wash, pack, enjoy a garden moment…. REPEAT.
Sweeeeeeetpeas 🥰
Can you smell them? They’ll be on the stall @yamba_farmers_market tomorrow #freesniffs #shortandsweet #sweetpeas #donteatthem #spring
Market micro
Back on at Yamba Farmers market in the morning! See you there. 😁
Microfarm Maclean
Our summer cut flower season is coming to a close. I’m grateful for it all and also hugely relieved. 🙏🏼 Some major challenges this season, some wins with lots to learn, lean into and others to let go of. One thing is to take the long term weather predictions with a grain of salt. It was NOT dry… Another reminder is to leave my attachment and pre conceived ideas of the season at the gate. Pretty sure I’m not alone there. Best thing about a change though, is NEW things are coming. 🤗❤️🦋
On a side note, that little greenhouse pumped out a staggering amount of microgreens and I know my local friends (and tourists) are loving them (some weekly deliveries are x3 to our local SPAR!) and that season will continue to thrive in this warm salad weather!
#flowerfarm #backyardgarden #gardening #flowers #clarencevalley
Happy new year
2023 from a distance… a dream come true year for @littlethingsgrown I have renewed perspective, learned some valuable lessons, love and appreciate my family more every year and always grateful for:
🌱 Good growing conditions (when they happen)
🌱 Best supportive customers and community ever!
🌱 Resilience, dedication, will power & perseverance.
… because sometimes even the best laid plans and noblest endeavours can be conspired against by forces unseen.
Thank you 🙏🏼 Wishing everyone a fantastic 2024
XAvyssa and all the little things she’s grown 🌻🌱
#urbanfarming #gardening #backyard #backyardgarden #gardeninglife #microfarm #flowergrower #growing #reflections #smallbusiness
Our traditional FLOWER PRESS is here. A few years in the making from initial design to finding the local team (and time) to pull it all together. Thank you Shane for having the CNC machine of my dreams and taking on this chick who turns up on the workshop step with a sheet of Harwood ply or two 😬. My local design gal @cheriewinter an absolute breeze to work with as she comes with years of expertise in the graphic design/photography industry. And new local creative Kieren @thorneslane with his keen eye for detail has mastered the laser engraving and it’s just magic!! Swooping in at the finish is another local legend Rick and his electric guillotine. My hands work the finishing touches on the timber and press building. I absolutely love it! I’ve used it regularly over the last few years and pressed thousands of flowers for cakes and client projects. It’s robust enough to press decent sized flowers and stems as well as the delicates.
We sold out on Wednesday @yamba_farmers_market of the first “quiet” run and we are now restocked. 😁
They’re available on the website over the weekend posting Monday/Tuesday for Xmas. If you’ve always wanted one, or keen to upgrade, pop over via the link in the bio.
We will also welcome wholesale orders in early 2024.
#flowerpress #botanicals #folkart #pressedflowers #pressedflowersart #naturelovers #forager #botany #botanicalart #plantlover #plantlife #craft #gardeninspiration #gardener #botanics #botanicalprints