The answer is in a consolidated approach. Shooting, trapping, poisoning.
A bounty state wide would help as would , reopening the box’s.
But farm bio security must be respected.
Even in some drought affected areas , feral pigs survive.
Open slather is not productive or safe on many levels.
If one station has a planned approach it’s a financial cost added to the bottom line and if next door doesn’t have a program it weakens your program.
The National Farmers Federation is calling for Australia's 24 million feral pigs to be controlled.
"Feral pigs destroy crops, degrade soil and water and spread weeds. Alarmingly they also have the potential to spread endemic and exotic diseases such as African Swine Fever," NFF Chief Executive Tony Mahar said.
"Specifically, we're asking all levels of government to commit to investing in and working with industry towards the more effective control of feral pigs."
So, we want to know, with so many feral pigs across the country, how should Australia control the pest?