All sold 😊
$20 each,
~ 7 weeks old black Australorp hybrids
Last 10 available until March
$20 each, ~ 6 weeks old
Hybrid Black Australorp & White leghorn
Boxing Day pick up available
New arrivals!
Black Australorp hybrids
White leghorn hybrids
( plus a handful of ISA brown chicks)
These will be ready to go early January
$20 ea, Hybrid laying chicks
Offheat, coop ready (6-8w weeks old)
Black Australorps x and assorted varieties
Guaranteed hens,
Average laying capacity ~ 300 eggs per year
Grower crumble available to purchase with chicks.
( light Sussex not available)
$18 each, pre-purchase
Last ones of this batch:
14 White leghorn hybrids
12 Black Australorp hybrids
15 Isa Brown- free rangers
6 weeks old , offheat, sexed - ready to go.
Collection this Sat morning,
$18 each, to collect 2/11 - @ 6 weeks olds
Hybrid layers in White Leghorn & Black Australorp - 15 of each left
Isa Brown Freerange
All hens, vaccinated for Mareks & Rispens
Located Bouvard
$18 each, to collect 2/11 - @ 6 weeks olds
Hybrid layers in White Leghorn & Black Australorp
Isa Brown Freerange
All hens, vaccinated for Mareks & Rispens
Located Bouvard
Limited numbers of these left.
7 weeks old, $19 each
5 x white leghorn hybrid
15 x Isa Brown
Coop ready
Next young stock available at 6 weeks old ,
2/11, $18 - pre-purchase to secure your chicks
$18 @ 6 weeks old (12th October)
All sold!
Next chicks ready 2/11.
$18 @ 6 weeks old (12th October)
Pre-purchase to secure and collect when offheat
Isa browns, Hybrid Australorp & White leghorns.
10 Black Australorps, 20 white leghorn, 20 Isa Brown from this batch left, next batch ready 2nd November.
Sold ! 5 x 8 week old pullets,
$20 each
(4 x isa brown 1 x white leghorn hyb)
Grower crumble available also, 20kg $20
$15 each, 2-3 week old - Isa brown (free-range), White leghorn & black Australorp hybrid chicks - hens!
$18 each pre-purchase to collect at ~ 6 weeks old (12th October - offheat)
Invoices provided for pre-purchases,
Great back yard layers, plenty of eggs 🍳