HAPPY NEW YEAR! From all the staff at Falcon Vet! 🥳
We hope you all have a Safe & Happy Holiday!
From all the team at Falcon Vet!
Make sure to look out for these hazards & hidden dangers to your pets!
Dehydration and heat stroke are very real threats to our pets during the hot temperatures of summer. Animals should always have fresh, clean water available & Shade to keep cool under.
Avoid Walking during the heat of the day, early morning or late afternoon when the weather has cooled down is much more ideal. Make sure to Carry portable water bowls & water on walks.
Short-nosed dogs (Brachycephalic) such as Pugs & Bull dogs, darker coated pets, animals that are overweight or ones that have thick coats (such as Himalayan or Persian cats), are especially prone to heat stress. Brachycephalic dogs should avoid being walked during any hot temperature days and be monitored very closely and kept as cool as possible.
Watch out for these sings & symptoms:
🌡Excess lethargy
🌡Breathing Distress - Excessive or loud panting
🌡Decreased urination
🌡Bright Red Tongue & gums
🌡Increased Heart rate.
🌡Refusal to eat or Vomiting
🌡Thick saliva
🌡Sunken eyes
🌡Decreased skin elasticity (Gently pinch your pet's skin near the shoulder up into the shape of a tent; if the skin is slow to snap back, your pet may be dehydrated.)
If you suspect any signs of heat distress or dehydration DO NOT DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL ATTENTION, CONTACT A VET IMMEDIATELY!
Its officially the first day of Summer!
The warmer weather can bring various hazards to our pets, follow some of these simple tips to have a pet safe summer!
Can you believe its been 4 years already! 🥳
Lets give a round of applause to our super star Vet Nurses here at Falcon Vet - Shari, Michelle, Jess, Cody, Leah, Sam, Tiarne, Hayley & Macca! and also to our amazing work experience Trainee Vet Nurses Teegan, Abby & Leche!
What does a Vet Nurse Do?
A Vet Nurse provides assistance to the vet, reception and is your first point of contact in the clinic, nursing care to hospitalised patients, including patient monitoring, feeding, grooming, administer treatments including injections, tablets, fluids, perform diagnostic tests such as blood sampling, urine analysis and x-rays and so much more. We apricate everything that you all do here for us at Falcon Vet 🐾❤️
Interested in trying Beransa for your senior dog?
Call us on 📞 (08) 9534 6003 to book in 🐾
Interested in trying Solensia for your senior cat?
Call us on 📞(08) 9534 6003 to book in for a consult!
To Dr Euan, Dr Susan, Dr Nic, Dr Ashwin & Dr Julie (& our Locum vets!) we are so lucky to have you all here at Falcon Vet!
Thank you, for your constant care, love & compassion for all our furry friends! 💜🐾
We apricate all that you do!
Hot cross buns contain dried fruit, such as currants, sultanas and raisins – and all of these are toxic to dogs.
If your dog eats even a small quantity of these dried fruits (and grapes), they can suffer severe kidney failure which may be fatal.
The mechanism of toxicity was previously unclear but it is now thought to be related to tartaric acid, a compound found in high concentrations in grapes. Some pets have ingested large quantities and felt no effects, but others – including large breeds have died after eating just a few raisins.
Sharing just a little bit with your dog isn’t worth the risk of losing your best friend – avoid heartache by keeping them away from hot cross buns altogether.
If your dog ingests any Hot Cross Buns, please contact a Vet as they will need to make them vomit ASAP.