We welcome the New Year and take this opportunity to reflect on 2024, focusing on how fortunate we have been and to put on record how grateful we are for the amazing support we’ve had. There is a long list of people we want to thank and they are all, not in any particular order, equally important to us, and must be acknowledged for helping us achieve what we have.
ARCAT is a team of volunteers who together, keep our pets safe. There are small teams within the team and we thank them all. Thank you our admin team Lea Regina Mill, Caitlin Curtin and Myra Stirling. Thank you Bron Cleland and her Auction team Makayla Burns & hubby Matt Burns, Myra Stirling and Rita Lowe.
To our 30 steadfast, patient and amazing foster carers, thank you. Without you, there would be no success stories for us to publish.
Over the last calendar year, we have managed to find homes for 38 dogs, including 13 Greyhounds and 7 puppies; 42 cats, including 25 kittens; Making a total of 80 pets who found their furever homes. Add to that a total of 67 cats and dogs in our care waiting for their turn to come. We feel that’s a mighty effort considering the loss of funding suffered two years ago, so thank you team. You’re the best !!!
We could not have achieved this and continued our high standard of care without the help of so many supporters who have voluntarily and selflessly donated funds. To the following, we are very grateful.
Welfare Cairns https://www.facebook.com/AnimalWelfareCairns/
City Council https://www.cairns.qld.gov.au/
Sheds and Gas https://www.facebook.com/mareebasheds/
Club of Magill Sunrise, South Australia https://www.magillrotary.org.au
World Journeys www.smallworldjournsy.com.au
Companion Animal Rescue Food Program
Oxley of Blue the Grey https://www.bluethegrey.org
ChewProofBeds Team https://www.facebook.com/chewproofbeds/
Dr Justine Campbell Mobile Vet https://tablelandmobilevet.com.au/
Wooler Family
PLUS MANY MORE wonderful individuals who wish to remain anonymous . . we can’t thank you enough.
Not everyone is aware of our Sponsor A Pet program, which allows us to give life time sanctuary to pets that might not ever find a forever home. The oldies, the unfriendly, the ones with FIV or other health issues that we feel we can’t ethically pass on to the public. We are forever obliged to those long term carers and grateful to the many sponsors who help us care for these less fortunate furry friends, by sponsoring a pet. We know you would rather remain anonymous, but allow us to acknowledge your valuable contribution to the welfare of our growing stable of 14 SAP pets. “I’m a SAP and proud of it” . . Come join us if you can’t have a pet, but would like to care for one. https://www.facebook.com/groups/636410970950586/
We owe a great deal to our dedicated team member most know as "The Auctioneer", Bron Cleland, who manages our very successful Facebook Auction Group called Homeless Pets Fundraiser, along with her team of helpers. This site auctions items donated to us by the public and as they say, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. Bronwyn has auctioned many hundreds of small to large items, raising much needed funds to help with vet bills, medications etc. What an amazing job she does. But there would be no auctions if not for public support and so we also give our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has donated items. If you haven’t seen this site, pop over and see if you can grab a bargain :-) https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149577518626933/
Containers for change has surprised us !! At only 10 cents per container, we’ve managed to raise an extra $500 !! NO, we don’t drink that much. . It’s all down to neighbors and friends dropping off containers for us to cash in. We have to say thank you so much for even thinking of us and helping in this way. If anyone living outside Millaa Millaa would like to make us the beneficiary of your used containers, there’s a site where you can register and they’ll even pick up your containers and save you delivering. Please register here. We would be very grateful :-) You will be helping animals AND the planet !!
In closing, just a few statistics from last year, to show how we’re tracking :-)
Income derived from Adoption fees, Gifts, donations, Auctions, Containers, Raffles etc. $44,811.
Expenses including Vet bills, litter, medications, pet food, surgery, vaccinations and worming meds $33,822
Other expenses such as equipment, motor vehicles, fuel and maintenance, admin, phones etc. bring total expenses to $49,980 leaving a loss of $5,551. That’s pretty normal but, we don’t measure our success in dollars. Rather in numbers, and to have saved or rehomed ONE life, let alone 147 is success to us :-)
Thanks again for everything you do to help us be so successful