Central Goldfields Wildlife Rescue

Central Goldfields Wildlife Rescue 0499 654 950
s peterson
bank: BSB: 814282
ACC: 50386525

Wildlife rescue covering Maryborough, Talbot, Carisbrook, Avoca, Dunolly, Clunes and surrounds. Completely volunteer based, providing immediate response to native wildlife in need of assistance. We work with the community, carers, rescuers and a network of people to rescue, care and rehabilitate native species. You can contact us 0499 654 950

Creswick & surrounds - Michael : 0437 758 736

at & surrounds - BADGAR : 1300 223 427
Bendigo & surrounds - WRIN : 0419 356 433
Statewide - Wildlife Victoria : 03 8400 7300

We are volunteers and fully self funded in all aspects of rescue, rehab & care
Donations can be made via


Bank deposit:

BSB: 814282
Account: 50386525
Sharon Peterson



A great rescue this morning 😍This magpie found itself in a spot of bother, getting itself trapped between a garden shed ...

A great rescue this morning 😍

This magpie found itself in a spot of bother, getting itself trapped between a garden shed and a fence with no exit point.

As I'm personally trying to step back from rescue entering the final weeks before my own "joey" is earth side, I took my trusty assistant Jack to help this Maggie!

Jack did a fantastic job, climbing up with a net and freeing this gorgeous bird from its tight spot! Needing no advice or assistance, I think I've been promoted to supervisor as he handled this case beautifully πŸ˜‰

In no time at all, she was back in the trees and with others πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Little Tallulah who was rescued back on 11th of Jan after her mum was hit by a car and we had to put her mum to rest.Tal...

Little Tallulah who was rescued back on 11th of Jan after her mum was hit by a car and we had to put her mum to rest.

Tallulah is settling well into care and adapting to life being raised by humans, she is starting to adventure outside to see the bigger babies and has had a busy day from checking the groceries, supervising that everything was put away correctly, pooping in the kitchen and naps after her bottle πŸ˜…

Not all joey's settle as nicely as little Tallulah, but it sure makes it a relief when they do learn to adapt πŸ™

She may be re-named senior supervisor at this rate 🀣

πŸ’« Wallaby in town πŸ’«With multiple reports of a wallaby in town, sitting next to a busy road - I drove past to have a look...

πŸ’« Wallaby in town πŸ’«

With multiple reports of a wallaby in town, sitting next to a busy road - I drove past to have a look. Finding this little guy, I got my partner to bring me some food, water and a chair for the wait of a darter to arrive.

2 days ago, I made the decision to take a couple months off from *most* rescues as I'm entering my 8th month of pregnancy and a recent injury sustained during rescue, made me make this very hard decision to step back for awhile (this will not stop us assisting where we can and won't impact our shelter as animals will still require care. We can still be contacted on 5463 2585 & 0499 654 950 and will do our best to find assistance if we cannot physically help)

Trevor travelled from Greendale, so while waiting for him, I set myself up in the shade pateintly watching the little wally.

The temperature jumped from 32 to 36 while sitting, waiting and watching for 2 hours & a lot of strange looks from passing motorists with my little comfy set up 🀣

With the help of Jack and with Trevor now on scene, we successfully darted the wallaby who is now having a great old snooze and being moved to a more suitable location πŸ™

A happy ending for this little swampy πŸ₯°

We hate asking for help, but right now we are running a current appeal in hopes to help cover costs of much needed feed....

We hate asking for help, but right now we are running a current appeal in hopes to help cover costs of much needed feed.

We are about to place an order for speciality formula, which will last us approx 4-6 weeks.
This is coming at cost of around $1100.
We also need to do a hay run that will be additional costs, the current dry conditions - there is no feed, our paddocks are dry and we are supplementing both our wild mobs and ones in care with grass hay and roo food.
We suspect with the how dry it's getting, we may also have to buy in water.
We suspect our costs to be around $1800 just for the next month in feed, without considering additional animals coming into care, medical or any other unexpected costs.

Our feed costs are increasing and our bank accounts are decreasing!

We face ongoing challenges with being fully self-funded, but we always manage and find a way to fund our work but things are getting very tight.
As a result, we are reaching out to compassionate individuals in our local community for assistance!

Donations can be made via

Bank Transfer
BSB: 814282
Acc: 50386525
S. Peterson

Whether you can make one donation, or set up weekly, fortnightly or monthly contributions - these funds go directly to our wildlife.

Every donation, big or small - helps us, help them!

We understand that not everyone is in a position to contribute financially, but by sharing with friends and family and by advocating for wildlife - we can all do our bit to help wildlife!


A lucky duck!Or a story of a not so lucky duck πŸ¦†Tonight 3 kind people stopped to render assistance to a distressed pacif...

A lucky duck!

Or a story of a not so lucky duck πŸ¦†

Tonight 3 kind people stopped to render assistance to a distressed pacific black duck at Victoria Lake - Maryborough.

A mother and son duo managed to safely net this duck that appeared to have swallowed a hook and a kind man with his lovely pooch called us for help!

We arrived at the lake, and thankfully only having to get my ankles wet - retrieved this blackie from the net!
Thinking xrays would be required, I contacted the vets to make a plan.
Noticing the blackie seeming quite annoyed by the line, I investigated further and thankfully it was wrapped around the bill - loose enough it didn't leave a mark or cause any harm but tight enough to not slip off.

One quick snip and blackie was returned to the lake and quickly found its friends again πŸ’•πŸ₯³

A great reminder to always make all efforts to retrieve fishing line and discard of it appropriately.

What legends to be able to secure and help our little feathered friend!! πŸ™

This mornings call was one that tug on the heart strings 😭This mumma kangaroo was hit by a vehcile along the Talbot-Lext...

This mornings call was one that tug on the heart strings 😭

This mumma kangaroo was hit by a vehcile along the Talbot-Lexton road - one person stopped to call for assistance. Though many drove past.
This was just after 8am this morning, though the original call had come in around 7am to another organisation who didn't pass on the case to us.

During this time, we are thankful the joey hadn't disappeared as she is way to young to survive on her own.

We first safely secured her little joey, while mumma roo laid their unable to protect her baby. All she could do was growl at me and cluck to her baby 😭😭

Her joey was confused, wanting to stay with her mum and calling to her while we "pouched" her.

Mumma roo was euthanised due to the extent of her injuries.

It broke my heart causing such distress and separating the mumma and joey.

It also broke my heart, they I had to stop mid rescue so many times due to cars not slowing down or giving us space!!

Please be careful driving on our country roads, we share this land with our beautiful natives πŸ™πŸ™

Though many of you would know we are slowing down on rescues, we are still trying to do what we can, where we can - as I respond to most the rescue calls, being now 33 weeks pregnant with other issues along the way, I am limited to what cases I can do. But we still try to provide the same service we always have.

We still have our shelter, which i only assist at - this is ran by Sharon.
With many in care still, this will still be operating as usual. Many mouths to feed and the page will focus more on those in care over the coming months while I slow on the rescues.

Please still call as needed, just understand we may not be available and are doing our best as unpaid volunteers πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ’•

Some of the babies currently in care πŸ₯°

Some of the babies currently in care πŸ₯°



This may actually be my favourite day of the year πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Firstly we would like to thank all of the carers rescuers out there for their amazing volunteer work - saving, helping, raising, advocating, protecting and loving our beautiful kangaroos! Kangaroo carers are one of a kind, because they have soo much love to give, even with all the heartbreak, they still selflessly continue each and every day, these people are the angels on earth!
We recognise and appreciate all of you!! πŸ’–

🐾🦘 What can you do to celebrate world kangaroo day? I'm glad you asked!

🦘 Pledge to never buy kangaroo meat or products! Our kangaroos belong in the wild! Not to be shot, bludgeoned and injured for the production of meat and skin products

🦘 Donate to your local Wildlife Shelter or rescue organisation! We are all self funded volunteers who rescue and care from our own pockets!

🦘 Sign up to become a wildlife rescuer!
Warriors 4 Wildlife hold both online and in person workshops, to teach you all the basics so you can learn how to help our native critters

🦘 Slow down on country roads!
If you do hit a kangaroo or find a injured one, call it in to your local rescue group

🦘 Keep dogs on leashes! When walking your furry friends, it's a great to keep them on a leash to ensure our kangaroos stay safe πŸ™

🦘 Advocate for kangaroos and let everyone know how wonderful they are

🦘 Make pouches for kangaroo joey's in care! We can send you some patterns πŸ˜‰

🦘 Debunk myths about kangaroos, our wonderful, protected native animals who are so badly misunderstood and represented! We recommend "Kangaroo: A love-hate story"



Little Echo enjoying the special mix of foods offered in care πŸ₯°

Echo found itself requiring to come into care after being clipped by a car, thankfully the kind and compassionate Ash stopped and got this little one to Maryborough Vets who gave her pain relief and examined for injury, after xrays and the all clear - weighing only 800grams, Echo was taken into care where she's doing well!

Want to help wildlife?Want to learn what how to rescue?Maybe you just want to know what to do when you find injured wild...

Want to help wildlife?
Want to learn what how to rescue?
Maybe you just want to know what to do when you find injured wildlife?

Sign up for this free rescue course!

We have another FREE Virtual Wildlife Rescue Training session coming up!! 🦘

Join us on Sunday 15th September 2024 to learn the basics of wildlife rescue and transport! β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

If you would like to join our training but are unsure if it's for you, there is absolutely no obligation to sign up to our Rescue Service afterwards. Either way, you'll come away with skills that you can use in the event of a wildlife emergency. πŸ¦…

The online session runs for approximately 6 hours and is absolutely free. ☺️

Follow the link below to sign up β¬‡οΈπŸ”—


Feed time πŸ₯°

Feed time πŸ₯°

Welcome Jagger πŸ’œ

Welcome Jagger πŸ’œ

After a couple days off from injury, yesterday was certainly exhausting.6 calls for joey's.3 required euthanasia.2 are i...

After a couple days off from injury, yesterday was certainly exhausting.

6 calls for joey's.
3 required euthanasia.
2 are in care.
1 referred to another shelter.
3 adult kangaroos hit by cars with horrific injuries.
1 call referred to another rescuer.

1 fuel tank completely empty.

I won't add stories, I'm to tired.

But I will say, there is a desperate need for wildlife rescuers (and carers)

Where ever you are, if you have ever thought about becoming a wildlife rescue volunteer, now is the time!

Warriors 4 Wildlife hold online training sessions regularly as well as in person sessions.

Link to check out the training sessions!

If you have ever thought about dedicating your life to treating and rearing orphan wildlife, have a read below and become a volunteer at your local Wildlife shelter to gain invaluable information and experience

Nothing like refilling the hay in these conditions 🀣 straight on my bum and landed on the one rock on the entire veranda...

Nothing like refilling the hay in these conditions 🀣 straight on my bum and landed on the one rock on the entire verandah! πŸ˜’

A huge thanks to our volunteers that have still worked rain, hail or shine this week as we deal with wet weather!

Unfortunately with this weather and continuing rain, looks like access to the shelter will be by boat soon 😬


Phalaris Toxicty 😒

This past month, we have seen an increase in Toxicity cases due to Phalaris grass in the Majorca and Red Lion area.

Unfortunately phalaris toxicity can also effect sheep, cattle and horses with "staggers" and sudden death syndrome.
It is a horrific introduced pasture, that during certain conditions can have horrific effects on grazing animals.

"Kangaroos can develop chronic phalaris toxicity, or β€˜staggers’ as it is commonly referred to in sheep, which causes neurological damage in animals that have eaten Phalaris grasses (also known as canary grass). Phalaris is a common pasture crop and when grown under certain conditions, the young growth of some phalaris grass species can be toxic to animals that graze on it.

Symptoms commonly seen in kangaroos that have chronic phalaris toxicity poisoning include muscle tremors and abnormal or erratic movement, such as repeated falling over, giving the appearance that the kangaroo is β€œdrunk” or β€œstaggering”.
Currently there is no known treatment for this condition in wildlife"

If you have any kangaroos on your property that are moving erratically, falling over, have muscle tremors or appear to be "acting weird"
Please give us call for us to come out and assess.

If you are concerned about stock, remove them off pasture immediately and call your local veterinary practice for advice!

Unfortunately there is no cure.

Though if caught early enough and removed from the pasture, the animal may survive with minor neurological issues.

Below is a video of a kangaroo suffering the "staggers" - he has minimal control over his nervous system and is continually falling down.
This kangaroo required euthanasia.

I have recently been in the the areas between Red Lion Road, Red Lion and Kendans Road, Majorca.
Those within this area I would urge to check your local kangaroos as well as stock regularly to prevent them suffering this horrific condition.
Though phalaris is widespread throughout our shire and is not limited to the areas above.


🦘 How to perform a pouch check 🦘

What you need:
🌟 Gloves
🌟 Pillow case or pouch

These are items you can keep safely in your car!

Always remember:
πŸ’œ Ensure the mumma roo is deceased before attempting a pouch check
πŸ’œ You are in a safe spot to do a pouch check, you may need to drag the roo off the road to check
πŸ’œ Before removing the joey, ensure it isn't attached to the teat. You may have to cut the teat
πŸ’œ If the pouch has elongated teats, enlarged mammary glands or is quite loose - call it in, there may be a missing joey near by!

If needed, call your local shelter, rescuer or wildlife group for advice or guidance!

Keep the joey dark warm and quiet πŸ¦˜πŸ’“

Avoid taking photos, keep the radio down and noise to a minimum to reduce stress!

This mumma roo was hit in Maryborough Sunday night, wonderful response from Maryborough Police Officers who attended, dispatched the injured mother who required euthanasia then stayed on scene for me to come and grab the joey πŸ‘

Please always perform pouch checks.

Many say they don't know what to look for, well check for testicles first - if it doesn't have balls, it's going to have a pouch 😊
Often "pinkies" can be quite hard to visually see or feel.
The pouch is located on the abdomen and the opening can be quite small.
If you can't find a pouch, give us a call! We will talk you through it πŸ₯°

Please share and save the video, as you never know when you may need it.

Even if the kangaroo has been there a day or two, we have had joey's come in 5+ days after the mother has been killed - in both freezing and hot conditions.
They rarely perish over night - so please, always check πŸ¦˜πŸ’œ


Maryborough, VIC



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