After 35 plus years of breeding we made the decision at the start of the year that we will no longer be continuing on in the breeding industry. This decision was made quite easy by our beautiful horses we have bred as it was just to heartbreaking selling any of them and we made the decision to just breed for our needs. We are now at a stage of having a team of beautiful horses that will be with us and live out there days at our farm. Twilight Déjà Vu is no longer standing at stud and will continue on with his competition career and enjoy being a horse.
This page will however be kept open for people lucky enough to have one of our horses & horses sired by our stallions (new & old) (Twilight or Baxter prefix) & really any relations 😃 we absolutely love hearing and seeing how horses that have come from our breeding are going.
Thank you to the people who have supported us along the way, happy riding ❤️ Pic of our beautiful siblings Rocky & Lolly