Empowering Equine Education

Empowering Equine Education Dr Lizzie McCready BVetMed(Hons) CVA, Equine Veterinarian

Founded in 2021 by Dr Lizzie McCready BVetMed (Hons), an equine veterinarian who qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in London and currently works in Victoria, Australia. Amongst Dr Lizzie's decade of veterinary training and clinical experience, she has spent time working in ambulatory equine practice as well as at a specialist referral equine hospital. She aims to take the practical knowl

edge and transferrable skills from her own experiences, and provide resources for owners to use in their personal education development, allowing them to expand their ability to offer excellent care to their beloved competition and companion horses.

2023 Online Courses:


Welcome to the Equine Emergency Training community Ros! An excellent idea to empower yourself with high-quality emergenc...

Welcome to the Equine Emergency Training community Ros!

An excellent idea to empower yourself with high-quality emergency skills and valuable know-how, in light of your local vet retiring.

Enjoy the journey and speak to you on the inside, Dr Lizzie 🩺

Jumped aboard learning Equine Emergency training with Empowering Equine Education

I live in the country and my awesome vet is retiring. Have had lots of experience with the horses and cattle. Makes sense to hone the skills and learn more 🙌


🐴 🌧️ Free Webinar: Winter Hoof Ailments + Mud Management 🌧️🐴Learn from an equine vet how to protect your horse from comm...

🐴 🌧️ Free Webinar: Winter Hoof Ailments + Mud Management 🌧️🐴

Learn from an equine vet how to protect your horse from common winter conditions such as thrush, abscesses and mud fever.

Plus, get expert tips on effective mud management from a landcare expert to keep your horse healthy and happy through the wet season!

Join us on 30th July 2024 at 7 PM AEST for an exclusive FREE webinar with Dr Lizzie McCready and Dr Melanie Archer.

A recording will be sent to everyone who registers, if you can't make it live.

🔗 Register Here: https://rb.gy/e9461e

Excited to see you there!

5 Reasons Why EVERY Horse Owner Should Train for Emergencies 👇 Based on my experience as an Equine Vet..."I'm seeing an ...

5 Reasons Why EVERY Horse Owner Should Train for Emergencies 👇 Based on my experience as an Equine Vet...

"I'm seeing an incredible shift towards Emergency and First Aid Training becoming the normal amongst horse owners, instead of it just being the exception. It's going to have an incredible impact on horses around the world!"

~ Dr Lizzie McCready, Founder of Empowering Equine Education

Want to know Dr Lizzie's Top 10 Tips for Equine Emergencies?

Download her FREE 16-Page Guide for Horse Owners Here: https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/top10tips

Student Testimonial 🎓"I am so happy I completed this amazing course with you, Dr Lizzie! Thank you so much for sharing y...

Student Testimonial 🎓

"I am so happy I completed this amazing course with you, Dr Lizzie! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in such a way that made it an enjoyable way to learn!" - Alannah D., Australia

The Equine Emergency Training (EET) is designed to equip everyday horse owners, and equine professionals essential skills and knowledge to handle equine emergencies effectively. Through combination of in-depth theory, hands-on practice, and real-life case studies, students learn to identify and respond to various emergencies, administer first aid, and work effectively with their veterinarians.

With the EET online course, you can be prepared to act swiftly and confidently in a critical emergency situation, capable of helping your horse when they need you most. The Equine Emergency Training is open for enrolment and waiting to help you become a more empowered, capable and confident horse owner.

Find out more on our website, or send Dr Lizzie a message directly to enquire.
We’d love to welcome you into our supportive community!

🩺 Stay Ahead of CellulitisOne condition that can escalate REALLY quickly in horses is cellulitis. Cellulitis can escalat...

🩺 Stay Ahead of Cellulitis

One condition that can escalate REALLY quickly in horses is cellulitis.

Cellulitis can escalate quickly, so it’s crucial to catch it early. Look out for sudden swelling, heat, and severe pain in one limb. If you notice these signs, contact your vet immediately to start treatment and prevent complications.

Here are a few pro tips to help prevent cellulitis:

1️⃣ Inspect your horse daily for any wounds or abrasions and treat them promptly
2️⃣ Treat signs of skin disease (redness or scabs) such as mud fever as early as possible
3️⃣ Keep your horse’s environment clean to minimize the risk of infections

If you notice your horse developing swelling, heat and pain in one of their limbs, contact your vet immediately.


Cellulitis in Horses 🤔

Cellulitis is a severe bacterial infection that causes rapid swelling and pain within the layers of the skin, usually in one limb. This condition needs prompt veterinary attention as it can escalate quickly, leading to lots of vet visits to help your horse!

Signs of Cellulitis:

Sudden, extensive limb swelling
Severe lameness and pain
Sensitivity or painful to touch
Fever > 38.5 degrees C
Lethargic and possibly off feed

Common Causes:

Bacteria entering through minor skin wounds
Skin irritations or skin disease (like mud fever)

Prevention tips:

Clean and disinfect even minor wounds promptly
Consult your vet if you have any concerns or require guidance

If you enjoy learning about horse health and emergency care, download Dr Lizzie’s Top 10 Tips for Equine Emergencies, available on our website: www.empoweringequineeducation.com

The Top 2 Horse Allergies - Prevention Tips 👇An allergic reaction can be an uncomfortable and distressing experience for...

The Top 2 Horse Allergies - Prevention Tips 👇

An allergic reaction can be an uncomfortable and distressing experience for your horse.

Let’s dive into the common symptoms and fast-action management strategies for the TOP 2 allergic conditions in horses:

#1 Respiratory Allergies
🌬️ Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, persistent coughing, intolerance to exercise
🌬️ Tips: Provide a dust-free environment, use low-dust bedding, avoid dry, dusty hay and feeding from round bales

#2 Insect Bite Allergies
🦟 Symptoms: Severe itching, swelling at bite sites, hives (raised bumps), restless behavior due to discomfort
🦟 Tips: Use insect repellents, provide fly sheets and masks to protect your horse’s skin and keep your horse’s environment clean to reduce flies

FINAL TIP: Good environmental management is essential for helping a horse with allergies, sometimes in combination with medical management under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Learning how to help your horse during a sudden onset allergic reaction is just one of the many emergency situations you can learn to navigate within Dr Lizzie’s Equine Emergency Training! Send us a message to enquire more about the online course.

🌬️ Have you heard about Equine Asthma?  Just like humans, horses can suffer from asthma too! Equine asthma, often linked...

🌬️ Have you heard about Equine Asthma?

Just like humans, horses can suffer from asthma too! Equine asthma, often linked to airborne allergens, can severely impact a horse's breathing and overall well-being.

Here’s what you need to know:

Equine asthma, also known as Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO) or Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD), is a chronic condition where a horse’s airways become inflamed due to inhaled allergens like dust, mold and pollen. This can lead to difficulty breathing, coughing, and poor performance.

Suspect Signs:

- Frequent coughing, especially during exercise
- Nasal discharge
- Labored breathing with flaring nostrils
- Decreased stamina or reluctance to work

Managing Equine Asthma:

1️⃣ Reduce Allergen Exposure: Keep stables well-ventilated and dust-free. Consider using low-dust bedding and feed. Wetting hay can also minimize dust particles.

2️⃣ Environment Control: Turn your horse out as much as possible. Fresh air can significantly reduce exposure to indoor allergens.

3️⃣ Medical Management: Work with your vet to develop a treatment plan. This may include bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and other medications to manage symptoms and reduce inflammation.

4️⃣ Regular Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your horse's respiratory health. Regular vet check-ups can help catch any issues early and adjust treatment plans as needed.

Equine asthma can be managed effectively with the right care and attention, ensuring your horse stays healthy, comfortable, and able to be ridden.

Have you encountered Equine Asthma before?

Great post by WormCheck, diving into the specifics of harrowing..."Harrowing should be done in conjunction with hot, dry...

Great post by WormCheck, diving into the specifics of harrowing...

"Harrowing should be done in conjunction with hot, dry weather – breaking up the manure will aid in drying it out in the summer heat, killing off larvae. Or, harrowing can be done when paddocks are to be rested once horses are removed. Remember though, a paddock will need to be rested for ~6 months, or be cross-grazed by other livestock to reduce larval burden."

Tips on harrowing when horses are still in the paddock are included in the main post 👇

Question: When can I harrow my paddocks?
Answer: Before resting pasture, or when there are no, or very few, worm eggs in your horses’ manure.

Worm eggs, and infective worm larvae (the stage that lives on the pasture) are extremely tough. Generally, harrowing paddocks to break up manure will only spread the worms out further across the pasture. While harrowing is good for the health of the pasture, if you aim to keep paddocks ‘clean’, with as few infective larvae as possible, harrowing on its own is more likely to have a negative impact than a positive.
Usually harrowing should be done in conjunction with hot, dry weather – breaking up the manure will aid in drying it out in the summer heat, killing off larvae. Or, harrowing can be done when paddocks are to be rested once horses are removed. Remember though, a paddock will need to be rested for ~6 months, or be cross-grazed by other livestock to reduce larval burden.
So when can you harrow while the paddocks contain horses? When EPGs (worm eggs per gram of manure) are low. EPGs will be low (or ideally, 0) for 6 to 8 weeks following a deworming treatment. In the case of this photo, we are harrowing a section of paddock with high manure build up where all the ponies were dewormed less than 6 weeks ago – and therefore while the manure is being spread around, there are no worm eggs being spread (as none are currently being shed in the manure). If you have a paddock of horses who all have very low EPGs* the same principle can apply, and you can harrow instead of poo pick up. And how can you tell what your horses’ EPG is? Through a FEC, of course!
*What’s low? 300? 200? 100? Depends on horse age/paddock size/climate…

Did you know your horse's gut hosts over 100 TRILLION microorganisms and each horse's microbiome is unique?!Last week, i...

Did you know your horse's gut hosts over 100 TRILLION microorganisms and each horse's microbiome is unique?!

Last week, in a fascinating Q&A with Equine Veterinarian, Dr. Erin Roddy, we dove deep into the complexities of Equine Nutrition and Colic Prevention.

One Mind-Blowing Takeaway 👉 Gut Health is Hereditary!

A horse's gut is first colonized by bacteria when they pass through the birth canal as a newborn foal. Then through the mare’s colostrum and milk.

This means that your horse’s microbiome and therefore gut health, has been significantly determined by the gut health of their dam.

Following birth, the microbiome is then influenced by the horse's diet, environment, stress levels, medications and overall health.

Despite our best efforts, genetics and previous living circumstances can have a lasting impact on a horse’s gut health. Which is why some horses can be so challenging to ‘get right’.

We then went on to talk about...

> How to restore and optimise a horse’s gut microbiome using the best prebiotic available
> Why probiotics won’t fix your horse’s microbiome
> And how to create a gut that is resilient and able to adapt to changes with ease

In addition to other thought-provoking discussions about ideal hay combinations, feed weights, toxin binders, flavoured waters and more!

Want to watch the replay of our entire 2-Hour Nutrition + Colic Q&A?

You can access it now inside The Colic Bundle ⤵️

🔗 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/colicbundle

🤧 Horse Allergies - what to know…Horses can suffer from allergies just like humans, reacting to common environmental tri...

🤧 Horse Allergies - what to know…

Horses can suffer from allergies just like humans, reacting to common environmental triggers like pollen, dust, moulds and insect bites.

These allergies can cause health problems such as respiratory disease and skin irritations. Some of which can present suddenly and severely, warranting an emergency vet visit.

Key signs your horse may have an allergy include:

🐴 Difficulty breathing - flared nostrils or a high respiratory rate
🐴 Coughing and / or nasal discharge
🐴 Itchy skin with hives (raised areas of skin, often circular)
🐴 Swelling of the eyelids and possible discharge

Contact your vet if you think your horse may have an allergy. They willl investigate possible causes, discuss how to optimise management to reduce allergic triggers and possible medical intervention if required.

⏳ Time is precious! ⏳Colic can escalate from just mild discomfort to a life-threatening emergency very quickly. Time is ...

⏳ Time is precious! ⏳

Colic can escalate from just mild discomfort to a life-threatening emergency very quickly. Time is of the essence, especially if your horse develops a colic that requires surgery, such as a strangulating lipoma or large colon torsion.

Your quick action as a horse owner can significantly improve their chances of survival.

How To Be Proactive:

1️⃣ Recognise the signs: restlessness, pawing, rolling, flank watching and lack of appetite
2️⃣ Assess your horse’s 8 vital signs
3️⃣ Call your vet immediately!

If you want to know exactly what to say to your vet over the phone, comment “COLIC SOS” below and I’ll share my downloadable script you can use to relay valuable information to your vet.
To ensure your horse gets the best care, fast.


🐴 EQUINE NUTRITION + COLIC LIVE Q&A 🐴Would you love to hear the best, up-to-date nutrition advice that will promote opti...


Would you love to hear the best, up-to-date nutrition advice that will promote optimal gut health in your horse and help keep them colic-free?

Plus, get all your questions answered by experts?

Join our LIVE Nutrition + Colic Q&A with Dr. Lizzie and guest expert Dr. Erin Roddy, an Equine Vet with a special interest in gut health on June 14 (USA time) / June 15 (AUZ time).

This exclusive session is part of the *New* Colic Bundle, a resource specifically for horse owners that covers all angles of colic. Nutrition, prevention, emergency care, aftercare, hospitalisation and colic surgery.

In addition to the Live Nutrition + Colic Q&A, you’ll also get access to:

#1 The Complete 5 Part Colic Course - deep dive training on equine digestive anatomy and functionality, colic types and treatments, emergency care, preventative strategies, hospitalisation, colic surgery and aftercare with a step-by-step Workbook and Handbook you can reference for years to come.

#2 BONUS Horse Health Assessment Mini-Course ($97 value) - so you can learn how to master your horse’s 8 vital signs for exceptional colic and everyday care

#3 BONUS Strategic Worming for Horses Webinar ($97 value) - teaching you the best practices to support your horse’s health and avoid resistance to worming products

All designed to equip you with practical knowledge, proactive strategies, and the skills you need to reduce your horse’s risk of getting colic in the first instance but also how to manage colic in the best possible way if it does occur.

Follow the 🔗 to join The Colic Bundle ($37) before we go LIVE for the Q&A - http://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/colicbundle

Hope to see you inside!
Dr Lizzie

P.S. if you can’t make it to the Q&A live, you can pre-submit questions and watch the replay instead.

What you DON’T know about colic…Colic is a complex and sometimes complicated condition, which sadly affects 10% of horse...

What you DON’T know about colic…

Colic is a complex and sometimes complicated condition, which sadly affects 10% of horses each year. 10% may not sound like much, but it equates to 950,000 cases of colic per year in the USA and 100,000 cases in Australia 🤯

It is a condition we are continually learning more about as veterinarians and I’m on a mission to share the best, practical advice with the horse owner community.

Including how to…

-Optimize your horse’s gut health to help prevent colic

-How to recognise and mitigate the various risk factors in your horse’s environment

-Understand the various types of colic and what they mean for your horse

-Respond with confidence during a colic emergency to maximizes your horse’s chances of survival

-Feel prepared for the scary moment that colic can bring, including hospitalisation and colic surgery

-Aid your horse’s recovery from colic, ensuring they receive the best care possible

If you’d love to learn how to do all of the points above, look no further than the *NEW* Colic Bundle. The ultimate colic resource for horse owners that pairs up-to-date knowledge with valuable practical skills to help you proactively care for your horse and feel prepared.

Find out more here: https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/colicbundle

Dr Lizzie, Founder of Empowering Equine Education

Equine Emergency Training Saved My Horse's Life! 🩺"The Emergency Training has saved my horse's life. I think it should b...

Equine Emergency Training Saved My Horse's Life! 🩺

"The Emergency Training has saved my horse's life. I think it should be mandatory for all horse owners! Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't make half the mistakes I have in the past. I can also prepare myself and my horse much better for the vet's arrival. I now know how to make sure things don't escalate from me doing the wrong things (e.g., pulling out a nail from a hoof, spraying purple spray over everything), and I have more awareness of the seriousness of various injuries (e.g., joint injury)." - Sam W., Australia ❤️

We lost Ruby to surgical colic due to a strangulating lipoma in February. Last Thursday would have been her 23rd birthda...

We lost Ruby to surgical colic due to a strangulating lipoma in February. Last Thursday would have been her 23rd birthday.

Ruby was an all-around superstar pony with a giant heart, bringing immense joy to me, my sister, and my Mum over our 18 years together🦄

This heart-wrenching experience reminded me just how crucial it is to be prepared for colic. Colic is often a race against time, presenting some of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make on behalf of your horse.

Through experiencing colic first-hand as a horse owner, and as an equine vet who has helped hundreds of horses and their owners navigate colic, I’ve learned that being prepared can make a world of difference.

Losing Ruby inspired me to compile the best colic resources into one powerful bundle to help you and your horse.

Introducing: The Colic Bundle! 🎉

The Colic Bundle is designed to equip you with practical knowledge, proactive strategies, and hands-on skills to prevent colic and manage it effectively if it does occur. It’s a resource you can trust and reference for years to come.

This bundle aims to fill the gaps in your knowledge, assist with fast-action decision-making, and reduce the panic, fear, and overwhelm that colic can cause.

Our horses deserve the best care, and as proactive owners, we must take steps to reduce our horse’s risk of colic and know exactly what to do if it happens.

Find out more about the *New* Colic Bundle here: https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/colicbundle

Plus, if you join us before Friday, June 13, you will receive an exclusive invitation to the *LIVE Colic + Equine Nutrition Q&A* with guest expert Equine Veterinarian and gut health guru, Dr. Erin Roddy!


⚠️ Did you know? ⚠️

Colic is responsible for nearly 30% of all horse fatalities annually! 😱 This makes it one of the most critical emergencies a horse owner can face. Early detection and prompt action are vital to improving the chances of a positive outcome. Don't wait—know the signs and be prepared!

🚨 Restless behavior
🚨 Kicking at the abdomen
🚨 Rolling and pawing
🚨 Lack of appetite

Stay vigilant and keep your vet's number handy! 🐴💙

Learn more with the new Colic Bundle below 🔽

Dr Lizzie McCready had an excellent time alongside Equine Veterinarians Dr Nimet Brown and Dr Erin Roddy at Poseidon's C...

Dr Lizzie McCready had an excellent time alongside Equine Veterinarians Dr Nimet Brown and Dr Erin Roddy at Poseidon's Colic Explained Webinar!

Join us to learn the best and up-to-date advice for colic prevention, emergency care and insight into hospitalisation and colic surgery.

You can now watch the replay below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haVU_KaBdxU

And if you want to dive even deeper after the webinar, you can now get Dr Lizzie's *Brand New* Colic Bundle!

👉 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/colicbundle

🚨 Colic Alert! 🚨As horse owners, understanding how to monitor our horse's vital signs is crucial, especially during a co...

🚨 Colic Alert! 🚨

As horse owners, understanding how to monitor our horse's vital signs is crucial, especially during a colic episode. Quick and accurate assessment can be the difference between a minor scare and a serious situation. Here are the key signs to check:

❤️ Heart Rate
💨 Respiratory Rate
🌡️ Temperature
👄 Mucous Membrane Colour
⏱️ Capillary Refill Time
🎧 Gut Sounds

By mastering these skills, you can provide invaluable information to your vet and help ensure the best possible outcome for your horse. 🐴💪

Stay prepared and confident! 💖

FREE Webinar: Colic Explained - Emergency Care, Recovery & Prevention 🐴 Have you ever felt worried or stressed about col...

FREE Webinar: Colic Explained - Emergency Care, Recovery & Prevention 🐴

Have you ever felt worried or stressed about colic? You're not alone.

Colic is the most common equine emergency and a leading cause of death in horses worldwide.

That's why EVERY horse owner needs to be taking proactive steps to reduce their horse’s risk and be fully prepared to act if colic occurs.

Join our FREE webinar and learn from an expert panel of THREE Equine Veterinarians, who will be sharing practical strategies and up-to-date knowledge to help you become a more informed and empowered horse owner.

REGISTER HERE 👉 https://webinar.poseidonanimalhealth.com.au/colicexplained

You'll Learn About:
- Causes of Colic: Understand why colic is so common and how to reduce your horse's risk
- Colic & Gut Health: Learn how to care for your horse from the inside out to prevent colic
- Gut Supplements: Discover when and what supplements can help prevent and manage colic
- Emergency Colic Care: Find out the critical steps to take (and avoid) during a colic emergency
- Hospitalisation & Colic Surgery: Gain valuable insights into what these procedures entail

Live Webinar Details:
🇺🇸 4 June 7pm EDT
🇦🇺 5 June 9am AEST

Can't make it live? No worries! Register today and you'll get access to the recording afterwards.

Reserve Your Spot Now! 👉 https://webinar.poseidonanimalhealth.com.au/colicexplained

See you there,
Dr. Lizzie
Founder, Empowering Equine Education

Exciting news - I'm collaborating with two other vets + Poseidon Animal Health to bring you a NEW Free Colic Webinar on ...

Exciting news - I'm collaborating with two other vets + Poseidon Animal Health to bring you a NEW Free Colic Webinar on 4th June (USA / UK time) / 5th June (Auz time)! It will be a panel discussion going over prevention, emergency care, colic surgery + recovery. I'll share the details on how to register soon.

Meanwhile, I'd love to get your thoughts on something...

Colic is one of my passion topics as a vet. Having lost two of our family horses to surgical colic I know all too well how heartbreaking it can be, and it's become one of my missions to empower other horse owners with the knowledge and skills I've acquired as a vet, to help you navigate this condition and to give your horse the best chance of pulling through.

So - I'm thinking of creating a 'Colic Bundle' - a collection of my best colic resources, including my top advice and tools for prevention and emergency care.

Before I dive into creating this new library of resources, I'd love to know...is this something you feel would benefit you as a horse owner?

If yes - I'd love to hear what it is that you'd be looking for within a resource like this. What is it about colic you want help with? What do you want to know or to be able to do? What do you find / think is a current problem that you experience when faced with colic?
I want to ensure this resource meets your needs and wants as a horse owner.

Thanks so much for your input and I can't wait to share more life-saving information with you about colic in the upcoming webinar AND the new Colic Bundle.

Excited to read your comments,
Dr Lizzie
Empowering Equine Education

13 Days To Go! Have you booked your spot yet?🐴 Equine Emergency + First Aid Practical Workshop at Glenormiston College 🩺...

13 Days To Go! Have you booked your spot yet?

🐴 Equine Emergency + First Aid Practical Workshop at Glenormiston College 🩺

"Dr Lizzie's first aid workshop is an absolute must for horse owners. I cannot recommend it more highly. Extremely informative with up-to-date veterinary advice and a very hands on workshop." ~ Tash Neeland

"WOW! what an amazing experience! To come out with a whole new level of confidence, knowing you are able to help assist your horse(s) in an emergency and be able to communicate to the vet with important information that could potentially save their lives.

I highly recommend attending this no matter your age, level in horse experience - it is worth every cent." ~ Kristy Burgess

Find Out More + Book Your Spot Here:

A 1-Day Practical Workshop with equine vet Dr Lizzie for horse owners. Learn how to help your horse during an emergency with an array of essential emergency and first aid care skills.

Equine Emergency + First Aid Workshop - Glenormiston College, Vic...Feel capable and confident when handling an emergenc...

Equine Emergency + First Aid Workshop - Glenormiston College, Vic...
Feel capable and confident when handling an emergency or first aid situation with your horse...

And wave goodbye to feelings of overwhelm, stress and helplessness when faced with a situation like colic or blood gushing from a wound.

Join a fun and interactive 1 Day Practical Workshop and learn the essential emergency skills every horse owner should be equipped with, directly from Equine Vet Dr Lizzie McCready.

👉 www.empoweringequineeducation.com/glenormiston-workshop

You’ll Learn How To:
✓ Build your own Emergency Kit
✓ Perform the Horse Health Assessment (including stethoscope use)
✓ Assess your horse’s foot, limb and eye for injuries
✓ Stop bleeding from a wound
✓ Apply a foot poultice like a pro
✓ Bandage your horse’s leg
✓ Administer medications - oral, eye and injections - with confidence

You’ll also get a BONUS Emergency Starter Pack worth over $100 so you have some key supplies in your Emergency Kit 🩺

This is a unique opportunity to develop your emergency skills and confidence in just one day, taught directly by an equine vet FOR horse owners WITH the chance to ask all your questions.

Spaces are limited and tickets are available for participants and fence sitters!

Click Here for details and to Book Your Spot www.empoweringequineeducation.com/glenormiston-workshop

📣 LAST CHANCE: Equine Emergency Training LIVEFind Out More + Enrol Here 👉 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/eet-...

📣 LAST CHANCE: Equine Emergency Training LIVE

Find Out More + Enrol Here 👉 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/eet-live

“This is honestly the best thing I have invested in this decade!” ~ Dea Dale, Australia

Get a unique opportunity to learn directly from Equine Vet, Dr Lizzie McCready, on exactly how to best care for your horse during an emergency scenario. Which will help your horse to recover ASAP while also saving you money in vet bills.

EET LIVE includes interactive live teaching, support and guidance while you study amongst a group of passionate, dedicated horse owners.

With this training you’ll:

✔️Be prepared to handle a wide range of emergency scenarios
✔️Have an extensive and up-to-date knowledge of emergencies
✔️Feel confident with quality hands-on skills and useful tools
✔️Know exactly what to do to help your horse
✔️Know precisely when to call the vet and how to communicate with them
✔️Help stop emergencies from happening
✔️Be able to save money on future vet bills
✔️Have peace of mind you’re doing the right thing for your horse

Secure Your Spot Now 👉 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/eet-live


"Seriously the best online course I've done. it has already saved me in vet bills & has given me peace of mind..." ~ Kaye S., Australia

“I’ve enjoyed the course so much and having the opportunity to interact with you and get feedback quickly has been absolutely amazing, thank you so much! ~ Michelle L, UK

“Thank you so much for this brilliant course, I have saved money on vet bills already, for myself and my friend’s horse” ~ Anne L, Australia

“The EERT has probably saved my horse's life. I think it should be mandatory for all horse owners!” ~ Sam W, Australia

“ I truly believe this is one of - if not THE - best investment I have made for my horse!” My F, Australia

Priceless Peace of Mind with Equine Emergency Training LIVE 🩺At some point, your horse is going to get sick or injured, ...

Priceless Peace of Mind with Equine Emergency Training LIVE 🩺

At some point, your horse is going to get sick or injured, but the fear of the unknown doesn't have to keep you up at night. Your power lies in being prepared with the knowledge and skills to handle any equine emergency confidently.

🛡️ Be Prepared, Not Scared: With Equine Emergency Training LIVE, you’ll learn from an experienced equine vet how to thoroughly assess your horse, when to call the vet and how to effectively communicate with them, as well as how to help your horse with hands-on skills.

💡 Why Wait for an Emergency? Don’t wait for a bad experience to catch you out. The best time to get prepared is today. Emergencies are unpredictable but the way you respond doesn’t have to be. Do yourself and your horse a favour and learn the knowledge and skills you need to feel confident ahead of time.

🌙 Sleep Soundly: Knowing you're equipped to help your horse when needed brings a profound sense of calm. With the training inside EET LIVE, you’ll feel self-assured and gain valuable peace of mind knowing you’re prepared and capable.

Enrol now and turn potential anxiety into actionable assurance. Your horse’s safety and your peace of mind are worth it.

👉 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/eet-live


“What an amazing 8 weeks…The wealth of knowledge I have gained has given me the confidence to be able to stay calm, and know how best to deal with an emergency situation with my horse until a vet arrives, knowledge so valuable to have.” ~ Laura C, Australia

How do you feel when you think about your horse getting colic or a nasty wound?

Stressed, worried or panicked?

Transform those feelings into calm, confident action and well-prepared responses with Equine Emergency Training LIVE. Where you'll learn how to handle real-life emergency scenarios, gain practical hands-on skills along and receive direct support and feedback from experienced equine vet, Dr Lizzie McCready, Founder of Empowering Equine Education.

You’ll Receive:

🎓 In-Depth Knowledge: Join in Weekly Live Case Study Seminars and Bonus Live Q&A sessions that allow you to delve deep into a wide array of emergency scenarios, ask questions, and get immediate answers

🩺 Valuable Emergency Skills: Engage in hands-on practical tasks, designed to refine your techniques and boost your confidence in equine emergency care, and receive 1:1 feedback directly from Dr Lizzie to ensure you’re emergency-ready

💪 Elevated Confidence: Step into any emergency situation knowing you have the right training and protocols to correctly assess your horse, communicate effectively with the vet and perform emergency and first aid care to help your horse recover

🐴 Support + Community: Feel supported throughout the entire course with guidance from Dr Lizzie and help whenever you have a question. You'll also get to join our EET Community of like-minded horse owners dedicated to improving equine health, who will be there to support you for years to come

Ready to feel prepared, confident and empowered when faced with an emergency, able to help your horse?

Join Equine Emergency Training LIVE before doors close on April 26,2024

Find Out More + Enrol Here: 👉 https://www.empoweringequineeducation.com/eet-live


Melbourne, VIC


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