Kyoot & Funnies:
Me copying my itty bitty friend Smokey during grooming😆
The latest gadget to my arsenal of grooming tools - a portable rangehood. That’s right, it’s for cooking fumes but I figured, it extracts, might work. I’ve added computer mesh so I can clear off the fur easily. Works a treat! I love it.
Psst… it’s Fathers’ Day next Sunday. Stuck on what to get him? My bunny friends have some gift suggestions..
One with music - just makes this Timelapse an all that more entertaining.😋
Timelapse videos are back.
Today is Lola at our first groom in April.
Full video. I didn’t realise the previous post trimmed it.
Hi friends. Let me recommence posting with a little example of brushing a long haired bunny rabbit.
Abby sweetpea. She didn’t get to her age being told what to do😉
Exhibit A: One of the reasons I provide mobile bunny grooming.
Because car travel can be very stressful. My girls quiver like leaves in a tree in a windy day.
PART 2 of 2
If you know an animal is being neglected, abused, or mistreated, don’t delay in reporting to the RSPCA. Know that it’s easier for you to cancel a report made, than to ask for action to be fast-tracked.
There’s only 30-odd RSPCA inspectors for all of VIC - that’s rural, regional, and metro. They don’t just visit homes and take animals to the vets, they also make the submissions to court, attend the hearings. With over 10-thousand reports of cruelty every year, each officer has a caseload no other type of claims manager is expected to manage. This is why, don’t delay in reporting.
Here’s a link about Inspectors at RSPCA.
Contact them and ask how you can help increase the number of Inspectors.
(Video should fit now)
Warning: not a happy post. Please skip if you want.
PART 1 of 2
I’ve been sitting in this one for few months. It’s not often that I post about horrible conditions that I come across. I usually don’t post about it becauseI I try to work with the humans behind the conditions to see if they’re willing, and able to improve things for the bunny.