💦✨Look familiar? Almost the same but different! Introducing Aspidoras Pauciradiatus, or the sixray corydora. ✨💦
Similar looking to their cousins Corydora sp., but in a smaller size! Only reaching 3.5cm 📏 these guys will fit right into your nano scapes! 🪴
Originating in northeastern Brazilian 🇧🇷 basins, these guys are perfect for 20 litre+ tanks! Aspidoras are a schooling bottom feeder, and will eat any fish food that gets down to them, but do like their own bottom feeder food from time to time.🥙
Aspidoras are an easy going fish in stable parameters, liking cooler temperatures anywhere from 20° to 25° Celsius🌡️, and pHs ranging from 6.0 to 7.5.
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Monday - Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Sunday: 10am - 2pm
18/151-159 Princes Highway, Hallam, VIC, 3803
Phone - 03 8712 7865