What’s that? Just a standard edition #kaltjiticollie on a sunny Sunday. Having a day off every now and then is important.
If you don’t believe me, just ask your dog.
#dynamodogspack #sunshineanddogs
Short and sweet for this edition of the Tuesday #dogtrainingtips (yep, a weekly thing).
When teaching a new behaviour, start by focusing on getting the technique right. When you’ve got that down pat, then you can start worrying about speed.
Slow and steady wins the race. And remember, it takes a lot more reps to learn a new thing than you think it might. Check it with the learner (dog or human) on the reg, and test their understanding before you move on to the next step.
#dynamodogspack #dogtrainingthoughts #melbournedogtraining
On the Dynamo household we don’t eat breakfast out of a boring old bowl most days. Instead we solve problems. Sometimes using a little mild violence and a lot of brain power. (It’s usually a mix of the two, for good measure).
Why? Because actively searching for, foraging and problem solving for your meals is biologically fulfilling, mentally stimulating, and a whole lot of fun. Oh, and using your noggin burns a lot more energy than just running amuck like a clown.
Try it, you might enjoy it. I can almost guarantee that your dog will, at least.
#dynamodogspack #dogtrainingtips #kelpie #kaltjiticollie
What do you get when you mix together a bunch of different people, dogs and training levels (all with a good dose of keen); a solid splash of rain; a few silly training ideas and games plus a little loose leash walking?
Well in this case, you get the Wednesday night group session! This time with two awesome trainers and their dogs tagging along, despite the crummy weather. Yay. 🥳
Come join us next time? You might even like it.
#dynamodogspack #melbournedogtraining #trainyourdog
Okay so it’s not *actually* Dobby the house-elf in dog-form, it’s Django the coolest Chilean. 🇨🇱 🐶
Django is an interesting mix of #labrador #bordercollie and #belgianshepherd which means he has really long legs, a skinny snoot and half-flop ears, but a Labrador body. In short, he is super cute.
He is also one of my favourites (one of the #dogswithbigfeelings that I love so much) and his humans reached out for some help supporting Django with life.
Turns out Django’s people are basically pro dog trainers in disguise 🥸 so all I had to do was confirm that yep, all ideas are spot on and suggest a tweak here and there!
I love a dedicated dog owner as much as I love a #reactivedog so thanks Team Django for making my day!
#dynamodogspack #mixedbreedsofinstagram #blackdog
Enjoying a rare day off thanks to birthdays being celebrated (not mine, alas).
So what did we do? Well. Poppy the #kaltjiticollie and myself went for a little adventure, of course.
#dogsofmelbourne #dynamodogspack #offleashlife
What to do with all the leftover wrapping paper, now that Christmas is over?
Well, turn it into a dog food scavenge of course!
Safe, fun, requires some brain power and is biologically fulfilling and hella satisfying.
Win-win for all.
#dynamodogspack #dogfoodpuzzle #dogtrainingtips
Hope y’all are having a smashing Christmas and a lovely holiday time.
We’ll be back to civilisation before New Years.
#dynamodogspack #holidayswithdogs #taungurungcountry
Harlow is a slightly spicy kelpie, part of the crew of #dogswithbigfeelings I usually hang out with. She’s also completely mad for her two ball-on-a-rope toys.
So, natch, that makes for a perfect opportunity to practise both impulse control and the use of clear markers.
Excellent work Team Harlow. Love this!
#dynamodogspack #trainyourdog #kelpiesofmelbourne
Any morning spent with Emmett, a spicy #heelercross of some sort, is a good one. This gorgeous fella is part of the #dogswithbigfeelings crew and has previously used teeth to get his point across, which is pretty stressful for his family.
So, right now we’re working on learning how to take a chill pill and just be a dog, ie when in doubt, trust your handlers. He’s doing excellently so far. 😍
Got a #reactivedog and struggling a bit? Reach out for help, there’s no need to do it all on your own.
#dynamodogspack #melbournedogtraining #redheelermix
Casa Dynamo has recently moved and we’re now re-naming it as the hacienda due to the size of the place.
Poppy the #kaltjiticollie has spent the past few days establishing the boundaries of her new queendom and is happy to report that all is well and under control across the land.
Thanks to the updated space, we’ll have some exciting new services TBA in the new year. Until then, enjoy the early morning birds.
#dynamodogstraining #dynamodogspack #dogsofmelbourne #movinghousewithdogs