Moving in to 2024 I will be making a slight change to my page…. For the better of my mental health and for the whole vibe of my business.
Breeding beautiful pups in a wonderful environment has often been overshadowed by me chasing and alerting you of scammers, one in particular who has basically tormented me.
I woke up this morning to a message from someone asking if I was the same person they were buying a pup from. I said no, that they had been scammed - out of $3,000.
Whenever anyone finds out they’ve been scammed, I’m generally the recipient of their first reaction, often unpleasant yet understandable.
I’m very much an empath and absorb more than I should and always feel my heart flutter and dreadful for the people.
This time last year I spent hours during our family camping trip parked on the side of the road where I could get phone reception, trying to figure out how to alert everyone in Australia and report every single fake page. Literally hours. I will not be doing that this year.
So this will be my very last post regarding scammers.
This post is to highlight that they are out there as much as ever and are being more and more tactful than ever before.
It is up to everyone as an individual to be responsible for their due diligence in making sure they are dealing with a legitimate breeder. And there’s no point airing that on my page as they all only find my page after the fact.
Today miss Toff Toff and I spent 3 hours at the park with my kids - they had a ball! And I’d much rather be doing that than trying to report scammers who are like weeds that pop back up anyway.
Here’s to a positive, fun and enjoyable 2024 everyone! 🐶♥️