Silkies & Belgian D’uccles
Why not raise some chicks inside to give the kids something to do in this wet weather?
Pick up Lilydale 3140
One of our Silkies “Cho” insisted on sitting on ONE egg, this morning I found her sitting in the run with her little mini me…we’ve made a warm spot for them inside the house…
We have more babies hatching in the incubator in a few days if you are after some chicks 🐣
🐣 Kaz
“Frank” the little black mottled Belgian D’uccle cockerel is quite partial to being on video and also quite likes to show off his little crow at 6 wks old.
We have Belgian boys available in all colours
🐓 Kaz
So much cuteness in the incubator this afternoon…
All these are SOLD…more hatching in 2wks
Kaz 🐣
HATCH DAY …these little chickies are exhausted
I will have day old chicks available tomorrow
Kaz 🐣
Belgian D’Uccles
Silkie Bantams
Pick up available tomorrow Sunday 1st October
We are open 1:30-2:30pm ONLY tomorrow
Pick up by appointment
🐣 Our Porcelain Belgian D’Uccles 🐣
This is Dusty our beautiful porcelain rooster taking care of his ladies just before sunset tonight, he was dancing around and announcing every blade of grass he found. Porcelain is my favourite colour at the moment and their babies are just gorgeous.
We have a few chicks left from this week’s hatch if anyone would like to raise some babies over the school holidays…all you need is a heat lamp or a broody hen!
🐣 Kaz
🐣 Lady in waiting 🐣
Lady Cho or Princess Floof as she’s currently being called has been broody for almost a week, I’ve just brought her into the garage and swapped her eggs to some from the incubator that are due to hatch tomorrow…She will be surprised when 1 Silkie and 2 Belgian D’Uccles hatch!
These Kmart Puppy Playpens are amazing, this is my second season using them, this is the “large” but I mostly use the XL to grow out chicks 🐣
Our girl Barbara who was very sick at the start of the week is getting some fresh air this afternoon. Still very pale but much better posture and happily eating again.
Thanks everyone for keeping her in your thoughts
x Kaz
12wks old
4 black - ALL SOLD
1 blue SOLD
1 black mottled SOLD
1 buff SOLD
Pekin Bantam chicks just out of the incubator and instantly worked out how to use our new chick waterers we got from The Good Life Backyard
These chicks are available
🐣 Meet Bingo 🐣 this little silkie couldnt walk yesterday but a quick little makeshift leg brace and a big sleep overnight and S/he is doing amazing today...we love to give all our babies the best chance to survive here at FBH...with the help of some wonderful foster carers a lot of our special needs chicks rehabilitate and go on to live happy little lives 🐣
Happening right this minute at FBH...the first of 35 eggs hatching 🐣
RIGHT THIS MOMENT @fluffybutthuts Look at the little beak working away 🐣❤️
A couple of gorgeous Mille fleur Pekin Frizzles loving some bread we gave them as a treat
Can you get anymore fancy than this girl? I’ve nicknamed her Priscilla Queen of the Coop! She’s available too
🙌This is priceless...Mumma Honey teaching her chicks how to peck for food...watch the cheeky yellow chick...the look that Honey gives it at the end of the video is the look I give my kids when they are being silly 😝
Woke up to 2 new babies this morning...lucky I left the time lapse recording🐣🐣
Day 9 of 21 days in the incubator...this little Pekin Bantam chick looks to be having a party in its shell lol 🐣