Now for the hardest question...
When is it the right time to say goodbye?
For many of us, making this decision is one of the hardest things you will ever do. We ask ourselves so many questions in order to get it right. Are they in pain? Are they happy? Is it too early? We also talk ourselves out of it. But they are still playing with their toys. They are still eating. They are still going for walks.
We do this because we get caught up in our feelings, our fear of life without them. We have to remember "it's not about us."
For me, if you are asking the question, you know in your heart the answer but don't want to hear it. Our pets let us know when it's time, but many of us choose not to see it because we aren't ready. The truth is we will never be ready.
Here are some signs that you can look out for:
Your pet is sleeping more than usual.
Not eating as much or at all or needing to be hand fed.
Not interacting with the family or toys.
Are they in pain that can’t be managed by current medications? Are you able to afford the medication?
Can they still go outside to go to the toilet, or make it to the litter box?
Are they happy?
Staring out into space and being alone. rather than on the couch with you?
How much awake and happy time are they having?
Our pets all have a sparkle in their eyes, when that sparkle dims, they are ready.
It's about quality of life, if your pet is only playing for 10 minutes a day then sleeping for the rest, is that quality? If you are carrying them outside to toilet because they can't walk, is that quality? They are on heavy pain medications to get through the day, is that quality?
It is up to us to do the right thing for them, we will grieve and feel the pain, but prolonging it only puts off our pain but can cause pain for them.
One of the best ways to help with the decision is to make a plan in advance, decide what signs mean it's time for your pet to be let go and stick to those signs. Make a daily waggy tail chart and be consistent, mark the chart and if more often than not there isn't happiness then you know your answer.
Once you have decided it's time make a plan on when and where and sit with your decision, it will be hard, but love always has hard parts. I have often heard people say that they waited too long and regretted making their pet hold on and they would never do it again. They then live with guilt.
Our pets love us unconditionally and depend on us, please don't let them down when they need us the most. Letting them go with dignity, respect and love is the best thing you can do; for all of you.
Please get in touch with me if you would like a chat in regard to making a plan for your pets earthly ending.