
Transfurmations Established in 2011, Trans-Fur-Mations is a solely owned and operated dog grooming service. Prices start from $40 depending on size and coat condition.

Grooming services include:

Bath and dry - warm hydro bath, shampoo, condioner, nail trimming, ear cleaning, full body brush. Prices start from $40 depending on size and coat condition

Tidy groom - all features of the bath and dry plus feet, face and sanitary trim. Full groom - all features of the tidy groom are included plus your choice of style clip (dependent upon coat condition) prices start

at $50

Breed clips - Breed clips are available. All features of the Tidy groom are included in this service with the breed clip being tailored to the breed that you own. Prices start from $60

Puppy Groom - Warm bath using appropriate shampoo/conditioner for your pup, gentle blow dry, comb/brush, tidy of face, feet, tail & sanitary areas and nail clip. (For pups 4 – 6 months - and a free gift!)

💙💙💙💙 Valentine 💙💙💙💙When you’re 16.5 years old and have never been professionally groomed. Stood like an absolute champio...

💙💙💙💙 Valentine 💙💙💙💙

When you’re 16.5 years old and have never been professionally groomed.

Stood like an absolute champion the whole time.

Older dogs tend to have hearing sensitivity so I always use a happy hoodie on them to help reduce the noise. This boy ripped it clean off and decided he wasn’t having it at all 😂

Well done old man. You remind me of a springbok with your happy little run.

Happy Friday!!!

💙💙💙💙 Barney and Ebonie 💜💜💜💜These 2 have been with me for over 10 years now. Feels like yesterday I started grooming them...

💙💙💙💙 Barney and Ebonie 💜💜💜💜

These 2 have been with me for over 10 years now.

Feels like yesterday I started grooming them!

Good kids! See you next time!

When you’ve got a fully booked day, BUT… yeah, how the hell could I have said no? 😂💙💙💙💙 Ollie 💙💙💙💙 I love this boy so mu...

When you’ve got a fully booked day, BUT… yeah, how the hell could I have said no? 😂

💙💙💙💙 Ollie 💙💙💙💙

I love this boy so much. Hes just the most beautiful soul who I could love on for days. I always offer to keep him. I’m always told no 😂

See you next time gorgeous boy! 😍😍

💙💙💙💙 Archer 💙💙💙💙Life’s hard when you’re this handsome! While not a huge fan of the blow dryer, he did super well then en...

💙💙💙💙 Archer 💙💙💙💙

Life’s hard when you’re this handsome!

While not a huge fan of the blow dryer, he did super well then enjoyed some beef lung samples I had stashed 😂

I love this gorgeous boy!

💙Jeff update 💙Honestly, you’re probably sick of seeing every post about my dog instead of yours.  But alas, the Jfry sag...

💙Jeff update 💙

Honestly, you’re probably sick of seeing every post about my dog instead of yours. But alas, the Jfry saga continues. 😳🤦‍♀️😂

While Jeff has been well rested between work and home, today we went in for a recheck and what was meant to be the removal of staples and stitches… all went well until it didn’t.

The surgical nurse took him back (armed with roast chicken) and began to remove the staples one by one until she got to the final 6-7 of them. Then she saw pus. 😭🤦‍♀️

His surgeon then took a look and has advised they will need to stay in a little while longer (along with his cone of shame) until Friday. Because we had the setback of him chewing his stitches, he’s super slow to heal in that area so more time is needed. The good thing is that he doesn’t need antibiotics at this stage. (Please keep your fingers crossed because I’m convinced I’m about to have another melt down if it’s not all over by Friday evening)

Argh, another week of supervising me in the salon and sleeping, plus extra food as his weight still isn’t where I need it to be (another slooooowwww thing)

Thanks again for playing at home.

This dog is going to be the death of me I swear! 😂🤦‍♀️😂

Life isn’t measured by the amount of breaths we take, but by the amount of things that take our breath away Good evening...

Life isn’t measured by the amount of breaths we take, but by the amount of things that take our breath away

Good evening everyone,

First off, what a ride I’ve been on. There wasn’t enough ashwaganda in the world to deal with that s**t!!!!

As I watch Jeff lay next to me quite happily snoozing away for the evening, I feel like the 2 weeks has been a complete nightmare. What I find really interesting is that he doesn’t hold on to the emotion behind his own trauma, doesn’t show pain and just gets on with life with no complaints. Time for a little self reflection and introspection tonight.

In a world where I learned through life lessons not to rely on anyone, not to take charity, didn’t know how to ask for help, determined to do everything on my own and be fiercely independent, that view of the world all came crashing down around me in the blink of an eye. I don’t begrudge anyone for doing it, it just wasn’t for me

I didn’t know about the Go Fund Me page until it was too late. It was done and my dogs story went absolutely viral as over 170 people gave what they could to help save my boy. There were no words, there still aren’t. Some people gave twice knowing Jeff had to have a second surgery and I had exhausted all of my savings in the first 4 days of him being hospitalised. The entire experience completely humbled me in ways I cannot put a language around and even now I still cry when I think about it. I’m not sure if it’s because my dog almost died twice, or if because in the moment where I always believed humans failed me and I learnt to simply do it alone, I didn’t have to. So many people stepped up with support in different forms and continued to do so even after the second surgery. Completely recognising the fact that I was flat broke, didn’t know how I was going to pay the bills that continued to roll in, all I needed was my dog to be okay. That was all I could ask for.

Being rallied around by the community there were certain moments that were super powerful for me personally.

One lady popped in, handed me a small donation and said “I’m sorry this is all I can afford but I really wanted to help”… I also know her dog is not at full health with kidney issues and while being managed by diet, it’s not easy financially or emotionally to deal with that.

Another gentleman popped in asking about his dogs appointment that was coming up and to tell me that on this upcoming visit there would only be one dog coming as one of his boys had crossed the rainbow bridge after having health issues for quite some time. He still threw money on the desk and said “see ya next week”, promptly walking out as I burst into tears on the poor bu**er.

A 10 year old child drew me an excellent picture of Jeff and gave me some money also wanting to help. (I’m not good with kids but in that moment I forced myself to suck it up and not cry on her) it was such a lovely gesture and I’ll be having that picture laminated and up in the salon the first chance I get.

The stranger who doesn’t know me or my dog, but managed to snag some photos I put up, make a tictok video and raise an extra $1000

The 2 silent assassins who sat in the background and both said to me, do what you need to do to save his life, i will foot the bill and figure out a payment plan later, both knowing it could have ran up to a further 20k (thankfully not needed)

I cannot thank every single person enough who had something to offer, whether it be through financial aid, sharing the GFM, dropping in to check on me, feeding me, calling and messaging (sorry to anyone who did not hear back, not only was I trying to prioritise, I had 2 business to try and keep going, plus manage my other 3 dogs, and my disabled mother at home)

Thank you will never seem like enough for me personally. And maybe it’s because I’m a prideful, stubborn person. But I don’t take the lesson lightly. Believe me, I’ll be paying this forward as soon as I’m able to do so financially. I’m also now acutely aware than even the most dog savvy person can screw up. We are all human and sometimes mistakes are made. This one was mine. (Although not the dog who I thought would do this out of my pack)

I’m lucky enough to still be able to work in both my businesses and continue to look after my dog who really doesn’t know what all the fuss is about but appreciates being handfed multiple times a day as I try to reset his gut flora and get some weight back on him.

I am told many of you woke in the middle of the night and automatically checked Facebook for updates, I’m sorry if there were none.

I’ve always said it takes a village to raise a dog and by that I always meant the professionals such as our vets, nurses, trainers, groomers etc. I’m now adapting that view to include everyone. Without a community I would have lost the most precious gift that just keeps on giving. (Me a headache mostly 😂)

With Jeff no longer bombed out on meds, he’s bright, alert, happy and tries to decapatate me with that cone of shame he will continue to wear until he’s all healed. He continues to improve daily and now that we are 5 days post surgery I think he will be absolutely fine.

There are still a number of people to thank…

My sister who checked in twice daily

My vet and vet nursing mates Lisa and Mish

Sammy, who I can always count on to give it to me straight

Kirsten, Jeff’s breeder who rallied and supported as much as she could, who also raised him for the first 15 months of his life before entrusting me with him (are you sure there’s a no returns policy on this dog? 😂😂)

Buffy, who organised the go fund me behind my back and told me to shove my prideful head where the sun doesn’t shine and smashed the link as much as possible

Jasmine who also smashed the hell out of the link at every given opportunity.

Susie- the creator of the bow wow store which I own with pride who’s been super helpful in the background with my other dogs when one was particularly distressed

My nameless canine nutritionist (her choice, not mine) who’s been super helpful with all the things (the flying messages at random o clock when my brain is not able to shut the hell up

Donna and Mick who kept me distracted the night of the first surgery

Jen, who was thrown in the deep end in the dog world and ran some deliveries for me to lighten the load when I was struggling and put up with me losing my tiny mind 400 times a day

The vets and nurses at AEC Frankston for keeping my boy comfortable during his first 4 days (and had so much clean up as things came out of both ends)

Kellie- who happened to be the first person I met at VRH who was on reception and had followed the story on Facebook, and realised she had owned Jeff’s half brother Corona who has since crossed over the bridge

The surgeon, head vet and vet nurses at VRH who continued (and still are as we still need staples removed) to look after him for a further 4 days

Our vets and nurses get such a bad rap when it comes to what has to be charged for their care. Please consider the fact that this industry has the highest rate of sui€!de of any industry and we have a critical shortage Australia wide.
Years of study with a schooling bill of up to 200k, and that’s for general vet care. To go and specialise in something specific has an even higher price tag. Our nurses do all the grunt work and are paid peanuts for it. Please think about this the next time you need to take your dog to the vet, or come and see me and my 30k dog.

And lastly, to my boy Jeff, who never gave up even at his worst point. The spirit you showed coming out of that door when we found out that first surgery had failed, you ran out to me warbling your head off as if nothing was wrong. For every single moment when you’ve sat by my side during hard times even when I was trying to do it alone the forced love was there (not even extra tall baby gates can keep you out 😂) it was in that moment I knew I couldn’t give up and just hope that you would pull through and throw everything possible at you. You are worth every cent and more (even if you refuse to 💩 gold nuggets for me 😂) just keep being you, you blonde numpty 🥰 I love you to the moon and back.

If you’ve managed to get through all of my waffling tonight, thank you for reading and supporting. You’ll truly never know what it means to me.

I’m just a girl who loves her dogs and says f**k a lot (sorry, no filters here)

Disappointment reigns when he realises I’m not sharing my dinner 😂😂One more day of antibiotics left and one last night o...

Disappointment reigns when he realises I’m not sharing my dinner 😂😂

One more day of antibiotics left and one last night of gabapentin…

Smashed his food today, took him into the salon so I could get a bit of work done and the first thing he does when I let him out of his crate is to go and hop on the grooming table 😂😂 which thankfully was dropped as low as possible because he’s not adverse to jumping big heights.

Let him interact with the girls for a little bit today so everyone can get used to him smelling different and the cone, because while I think everyone has worn one, it’s different when someone else is a lampshade 😂 Jorja escorted him to the toilet and back. So far the only one who’s unsure is Felicia. She’s not done anything wrong, she just tries to avoid him and his cone.

Other than that he’s well rested, and smashed every meal I offered him (and offered to smash every meal I didn’t 😂)

When the girls were put to bed he tried to go with them 🤦‍♀️😂 then he realised he was getting fed again and changed his mind quick smart.

This boy is going to be just fine and I am so grateful for that. Without the power of social media and the kindness of friends and strangers I would have lost him. I get emotional just thinking about it. 😭😭😭

All in all we are definitely trending in the right direction. Just waiting for the reflux to settle down and the stitches and staples to be removed next Monday.

He still has a bit to go in terms of weight gain but I expect that’ll be rectified in a couple of weeks. He went from his perfect ideal weight of 28kgs, and dropped as far down as 22kgs. He now sits at 24kgs roughly.

Thank you doesn’t seem like enough, yet it’s all I have.

Good night from him…
And good night from me

💙 J-Fry update 💙I’m sorry I didn’t cross post last night. Apparently in my lack of sleep I forgot. Yesterday he told me ...

💙 J-Fry update 💙

I’m sorry I didn’t cross post last night. Apparently in my lack of sleep I forgot.

Yesterday he told me I could ram the food the vet gave (odd for a dog who will usually eat anything, I think that’s a given) so I went home to cook for him.

He’s now in a diet of chicken, turkey, rice, scrambled eggs, and tuna. Meat is completely boiled then everything is turned into a slurry. Tomorrow I’ll prep more meals for the week ahead. Also paired with pre/probiotics x 2 that work well together. I’ve also added the stuff the vet gave me much to his disgust 😂

Life is hard for him. He just lays around all day being handfed and looking pretty in his gabapentin haze (current state, see last photo)

Tonight we had another vet visit to remove his feeding tube, (which I didn’t have to use at all) and to have his wounds checked.

When we walked into the building everyone who was there looked at him and asked what happened, I told them the story and the eye watering amount, what I paid personally and the absolute amazing community I have around me who contributed to his recovery via the GFM page or private donations and they all cried with emotion (so did I, for the billionth time) and again said how thankful I am to have my dog still because of ALL OF YOU!!!!!

I think this weekend is going to be a very very quiet one for us. Lots of resting, sleeping and trying to catch up on things I’ve missed the past week.

For now it’s goodnight from him..
And good night from me…

Just a very quick post to let you all know he’s finally home!!!We are wiped!Good night from him and me xx

Just a very quick post to let you all know he’s finally home!!!

We are wiped!

Good night from him and me xx

With quiet hope he was allowed to come home tonight… I arrived at the planned time.. waited patiently as other emergenci...

With quiet hope he was allowed to come home tonight…

I arrived at the planned time.. waited patiently as other emergencies came in the door…

Finally my name was called… and there my boy stood, wagging his tail and warbling like nothing had happened… the vet asked me for a quick chat… I stepped in the room and sat down…

She was obviously very uncomfortable as she uttered the words “I know you’re here to pick him up, but…”

My heart stopped.

5 minutes prior to them getting ready a vet nurse made the unfortunate mistake of removing his ecollar and turned her back… Jeff then proceeded to chew through 2 layers of stitches causing an absolute chaotic panic for the emergency team who promptly had to examine the wound…. The poor vet nurse was horrified because he had literally been so good all day with no issues.. 🤦‍♀️ …

The surgeon and head of the dept who is actually his vet were called and because it’s not an emergency they didn’t want to operate yet again so soon and have opted to keep him in over night and watch him, and let the original surgeon do the procedure tomorrow giving his body a little more time before going under general anaesthetic for a 3rd time in a week.

I personally think he’s gotten used to everyone who works out the back feeding him chicken (including his surgeon who I’m told pretty much fed him at any given opportunity) so he’s tried to reserve a permanent room at VRH because chicken is life. 😂

I’m honestly not mad or upset about the mistake.
While I’m obviously disappointed I couldn’t bring him home tonight, I do know from working with dogs for such a long time, and Jeff eating the towel in the first place that even the most sensible dogs can be unpredictable and do dumb things.
The guilt and shame we feel when something like that happens on our watch is awful (I know, I’ve felt it over and over in the last week) so I can definitely empathise on this one.

Fingers crossed all goes well tomorrow with no set backs and I can collect my boy after work and bring him home.

Tomorrow the real work begins as far as making sure his recovery goes as smooth as possible. Dat 3-5 is generally when things will go wrong post surgery so if we can get to Monday with no incidents then we should be good.

Keep your fingers crossed this absolute goose of a dog doesn’t do anything silly and I’ll continue to update at the end of each day.

I know so many of you have been waiting for this with bated breath and I apologise for the delay. On tonight’s installme...

I know so many of you have been waiting for this with bated breath and I apologise for the delay.

On tonight’s installment of the “my dog is a moron” saga, here’s how today went.

I’ve just gotten back from RVH after a visit with the boy which I’m super grateful for.

On arrival when he was bought out his tail went rather mental on seeing me which is always a good thing. We were put in one of the consult rooms so I could spend some time with my boy before his critical care nurse had to do her night rounds and put him to bed for the evening.

Automatically, he whinged and snuggled up to me and we spooned on the floor for awhile as I flooded him with all the things I’d read and asked him to continue to get better so I could bring him home as soon as possible. I’m pretty sure he slept through most of my lecture 😂

He went well overnight. Today all IV pain relief was stopped and is now being administered orally as needed. Bloodwork is looking as good as can be expected after 2 major surgeries in 2 days, he’s drinking like a champ and still on fluids, still being tube fed because the appetite hasn’t kicked back in yet. I suppose after having my guts rearranged twice and some of my bowel removed i probably wouldn’t want to eat either.

Right before I arrived his nurse Sarah informed me she had managed to get him to eat a single piece of chicken which is a good start. I’m hoping with some coaxing he will eat when it is offered again even if it’s in small increments because something is better than nothing and the sooner he eats reliably, the sooner he will be released to come home.

The way it works at RVH is that you get a phone call once handover is complete. That generally means between 8-9am or later. So between dealing with clients (cos million dollar dog still needs paying for 😂) vets inform you of the plan for the day, and then you get a call later on pre handover to let you know the progression (todays vet was Jai) so when I called just before 7am they were in the middle of handover hence I had to wait (as patiently as possible) which is why unless there’s a reason, I’ll probably only post at night.

While it is frustrating having to wait, I know my dog is in good hands and he is not the only one there that needs critical care right now. It was a long 30 hours of not seeing his smooshy derpy face that I love so much.

Thank you to everyone who has checked in (sometimes repeatedly) with messages, phone calls and texts all day today. I’ve tried to respond to every single person who’s made contact and sometimes I just have to push an emoji button in response depending on what’s in front of me (like dogs and deliveries) please do not think that I’m ignoring you or ungrateful in any way shape or form. I’m truly not. I just need to prioritise.

Tomorrow is a big delivery day, plus I’ve got a million things to do after work on the off chance (it’s probably a stretch but I need to be prepared) that the community kid pulls his paw out of his ass and actually eats reliably, I need to organise his set up at home and at work. (Sleep maker beds are ready but I do need to make him up a slurry of food that’s easy on the gut because right now his diet will have to change for a short time)

Funds became available from the GFM page and were paid directly to the hospital. They did not touch my account as I asked for them to go direct so it was one less thing I had to concern myself with today.

To date, $27k has been spent in less than a week and we are still not done yet.

Tomorrow is not promised, so hold your dog tight and tell them I said hi.

From my pack to yours, goodnight.

💙 j-fry update 💙After making the decision to move Jeff to the specialist hospital this morning and potentially having to...

💙 j-fry update 💙

After making the decision to move Jeff to the specialist hospital this morning and potentially having to do yet another surgery, this is where he is.

I’m sorry I don’t have an updated photo of him tonight but I have not seen him since this morning.

When I dropped him off he was bright and happy (or as much as possible), 4 hours later he went down like a sack of 💩 and back to throwing up and liquid p**p which had the vet most concerned as we had a basic plan on how to tackle him and surgery wasn’t going to be the first thing she suggested based on everything she had seen and how he presented.

Once he started vomiting we skipped plan b and went straight to plan c which meant surgery with a specialist.

They were hoping for a quick and easy repair but no, Jeff threw a spanner in that plan and went and had not one but 2 out of the 3 surgical sites fail.

The first one was an easy quick stitch job, the second one was far more difficult and the bowel had to be resected. He also recieved a drain for excess fluid so no more build up, and a feeding tube since he’s on day 6 of not eating anything.

I got a phone call at 6pm telling me it was going to take longer and that the surgeon would call once it was all over.

730pm rolled around and I’m pacing like an angry cat in a cage not knowing what to do (I wasn’t angry, just frustrated but I understood my dog isn’t the only one there AND he was currently being worked on) … 6 minutes later he called to let me know all the finer details as I’ve said above and said the surgery had gone as well as could be expected but Jeff isn’t out of the woods just yet. his chances of recovery are sitting at 60-70%. Now I know most people would be “f**k this, I’m out” but those odds have improved from the initial 50% chance I was given this morning.

He was then moved back to critical care where he could be monitored for obvious signs of post surgery complications.. and obviously I will get a call should anything go wrong (and you all better pray it doesn’t please because f**k me this dog is making me lose my tiny mind by the hour, sometimes the minute) The next 3-5 days are the most critical for him as that’s the time for things to head up 💩 creek without a paddle.

I have just done the final check in for the evening and the nurse looking after him said he was doing well, groggy as expected, had some BP issues that needed to be addressed and has now settled.

This crazy f’d up situation has so far had me almost put my dog down twice, question every decision I was making since Thursday last week and ripped me emotionally from pillar to post with my world literally imploding what feels like every 4 seconds.

I am so grateful to every single person who thinks my dog is a worthy cause (so much so that some people have donated multiple times which made me just cry again) and every cent has absolutely helped in saving this boys life. Believe me when I say I won’t see a cent of it. Nor do I need to. I just need my boy to be okay and home with me. His pack (Jorja in particular) is very lost without him home.

I cannot seem to find the right words to express my gratitude and I’m so humbled by everyone who has donated, shared, checked in, advised, and supported during this time. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough and yet it is all I have.

I’m tired and emotionally spent. I’ll be back at work tomorrow. I keep telling Jeff he is the reason I don’t have nice things. His response was simple. “I am the nice thing mum”

No son, you’re just the most expensive thing I own right now. 😂 you’re the price of a brand new car. And I wouldn’t change my decision to try and save your life for the world.

From me and my boy who is resting comfortably for the evening, goodnight.

And just like that, things change in the blink of an eye… 💙 J-fry update 💙At 630am I got a phone call saying things were...

And just like that, things change in the blink of an eye…

💙 J-fry update 💙

At 630am I got a phone call saying things were right. I got there as soon as I could do discuss my options with some phone support on the way (thanks Lisa)

My options were that he probably needed further surgery by a specialist

Or put him to rest.

When they bought him out he FLEW to my side and it’s the brightest I’ve seen him look since last week. He’s still got fight and spirit left in him and I cannot give up on my boy no matter what.

After some discussions, he was moved to VRH in Dandenong where I ran into someone who owns a half sibling who took him and got him set up and settled.

I was then called back to discuss options in terms of next steps.

She suggested running tests on some suctioned fluid to see what they were dealing with and how best to tackle it. In the meantime support care given and I would hear more once they had some results.

Given my bills and how he presented she didn’t want to rush a second surgery on him as he was still bright and happy enough at that point.

At 330pm I got the latest update.

He had gone downhill which means surgery is definitely needed now and we are skipping the idea of a CT scan which was going to be the next step.

Jeff is now going into surgery very shortly since he’s now back to throwing up and 💩 everywhere again.

I’m absolutely devastated my boy has to be put through another surgery. BUT I will do what a have to in order to save his life.

Hes now going to be the most expensive dog I’ve ever had and certainly the one who gave me the biggest amount of grey f**king hair ever.

Whatever your beliefs are in life. Send the positive stuff my way please. Jeff and I could really use it right now.

💙 J-fry update 💙Surgery went well last night and finished at 2am, I got to see Jeff at lunchtime and while he’s absolute...

💙 J-fry update 💙

Surgery went well last night and finished at 2am, I got to see Jeff at lunchtime and while he’s absolutely smashed off his face on a fentanyl high currently, I at least got a tail wag and he came straight out of his caged area to greet me while stoned. I didn’t want to stay too long because I know the vets and nurses are busy and I didn’t want to be in the way, but most importantly he needs to rest and recover with minimum interruptions.

I am so grateful to Frankston AEC who have given him round the clock care since Thursday evening. When we went in, a blockage was the last thing on my mind, he hasn’t eaten anything like that since he was a 2 year old and back then it was credit cards, licenses and seatbelts. He wasn’t into socks and un**es.

Upon looking at the foul ratty mess that was removed from his gut, the stinginess leads me to believe it was a towel he managed to get ahold of from a washing basket with a lid on it which I am 98% sure was used to clean up a spill in the kitchen as one of my food containers had leaked through the fridge and I quickly soaked up the excess and threw in the wash. Now I expect the black and tans to pull stunts like that, but not him. He usually just leaves stuff alone. 🤦‍♀️ that event happened 2-3 weeks ago… so all this time it was sitting in his gut rotting away and the towel was taken from him at the time when he was caught with it.

Then along comes a client who pulls a rabbit out of a hat and starts a go fund me page which over 70 people have made donations to. My dogs are always my responsibility and I’ve always paid their bills. Having to accept help is such a mind f**k and she nailed it when she said I’d never ask for anyone’s help. This experience has been one of the most humbling of my life and I will forever be grateful to every single person who has donated and shared it. Jeff went viral and so many people are hugely invested in the outcome.

For those who said “sorry I couldn’t donate more, I feel bad” please don’t. I’m honored you chose my dog to help save. All those smaller donations have added up to over 12 hours of critical care which is half a day I’m not as stressed about. Please know I am so so grateful for everything. My faith in humanity has been damaged over and over again with life experiences and you’ve managed to restore it

Friends and strangers donated from far and wide to help save my beautiful boy who’s given me the world in the last almost 7 years. Hes now been renamed “the community dog” and every single one of you now own a little piece of my boy who I’m sure will love the attention once he’s home and I’m able to monitor him myself.

He has a long way to go recovery wise and once he starts eating independently he will be allowed to come home. I’m hoping it’s soon. I miss my boy terribly and so do the girls.

It’s been such an emotional roller coaster ride so far and all I’ve done is cry on and off today for so many reasons. But my beautiful boy is trending in the right direction and all I can do is hope it continues.


💙 Jeff update 💙

One of the most painful things is watching your dog suffer and not being able to fix them.

On a scale of 1-10 my level of fear pretty much sits in a state of 729 right now.

My boy is my absolute world and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him and that includes what feels like selling my soul right now.

One of my long term clients kindly created this go fund me for Jeff because she knows I’d never ask for help from anyone.

It has been shared by multiple friends and clients and the love pouring in for me and my boy absolutely humbles me in a way I can’t even put a language around right now as I’m functioning on caffeine, cortisol levels and minimal sleep.

A blockage was discovered tonight putting Jeff’s life at risk and pushing the bill up to close to 15k. Can I afford it? No. Will I find a way to pay for it? I absolutely will regardless of the outcome. He’s the most empathetic dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of being owned by in life and I will not give up.

After being bullied by multiple people to share this go fund me page half the day, I’m relenting.

Please know I’m not asking. I’m trusting that someone out there is watching over me and my boy during such an f’d up time. My inner critic screams at me and it’s a massive wrestling match to even get to this point.

This has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life and I’m so overwhelmed with donations from friends and strangers alike.

The tears haven’t stopped as I sit and wait for that phonecall to tell me my boy will be okay and has made it out of surgery.

And so with the deepest of gratitude I share the link that was created with Jeffrey in mind.


Shop 8, 37-41 Victoria Street
Melbourne, VIC



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