What happens when you cross a cloud with a puppy?
Of course!!! A Japanese Spitz!!!
We were just glowing with joy after seeing just how relaxed this baby girl was, just look at that face.
Booking your babe in for a groom with Masters… might be the change they need?
Call now 8316 1056
Or email us [email protected]
Don’t wait.
#masterspetgrooming #pointcookbusiness #pointcook #dontyouwantthis #comfy #japspitz #japspitzagram #japspitzmelbourne #japspitzinstagram
Would you be the perfect parent to this beautiful baby?
Laylah is looking for a loving new home.
Take it from us… she is a gorgeous little babe, she will enrich the lives of her new parents for sure.
If you, or someone you know is wanting to dedicate their love and devotion to a beautiful little life… let us know!
#masterspetgrooming #foster #fostercare #fosterdog #fostering #fosterfamily #fosterfail #pointcook #pointcookcommunity #pointcookbusiness
Baby boy BUTTER!!🧈
Butter relaxed so much he melted all over the table lol
#relaxing #puppy #grooming #puppygrooming #doitright #doitrightthefirsttime #love #trust #respect #masterspetgrooming
It’s not easy being beautiful… right?!
I mean, honestly would you just look at that face? It’s enough to melt the polar ice caps lol 🩷🥰🐶
#masterspetgrooming #pointcookbusiness #pointcook #cavaliersofinstagram #cavaliercommunity #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel
Here it is, Mr. Fluffy himself looking as cute as a button.!!
#masterspetgrooming #pointcook #MPG #pretty #boy #prettyboy
hi there, everyone would like to introduce to you now little Mr. Fluffy. It was such a pleasure today to take this little fluff ball who was a little bit scared at 1st to be honest then turn all of that around by the end of the Grooming session he did so well. We are so proud of him.!!
Make sure you see the next post so you can see the before and after in full effect 🐶💎🧡
#dogs #rule #loveisallyouneed #trust #respect #matting #comfort #fluffydog
Here’s a fun weekend activity to do for your bubs…
Try planting some healthy herbs in pots for your doggos to graze on!!
Our boys LOVE the these potted yummy treats,
choose wisely what you’re planting as some plants can be very bad for dogs.
#healthfoodfordogs #healthy #dogs #healthydogs #healthydogsarehappydogs #indoorplantsfordogstoeat #masterspetgrooming #best #living #bestliving #dogs #rule #dogsrule
Our youngest pup Lockie had his very first “Puppy Massage” yesterday with k9_mobilemassage and INCREDIBLY he loved it!!
Sure at first he thought it was PLAY TIME 😂 but after a few mins he relaxed into it…
Nicole the massage therapist explained that he had one tear of a muscle and a few little sore bits here and there but nothing drastic. After a little bit of traditional Massage style, she then took out the amazing laser that helps heal the body in a totally science-fictiony way.
Our 3 older boys have been enjoying the “Fountain of Youth” aka K9 massage for years now, if you’ve ever met our boys or seen them running and playing you would agree with me, their bodies and minds are definitely much younger than the years they’ve lived!!
Good food, lots of love, and a massage every few weeks… what more could anyone need?
#K9_mobilemassage #massage #for #dogs #massagefordogs #healinglasers #laser #therapy #lasertherapyfordogs #lasertherapy #LaserTherapyBenefits
Do you take your doggo to the beach?
That’s great of you do! We LOVE the beach and regularly take our 4 pups…
One thing to keep in mind, bathing or at the very least a very good rinse after your Bub has been in seawater is vital to keeping a Mat free coat.
Did you know?
One minute of swimming equals four minutes of running, helping dogs build strength and endurance!!
So…… 🎶 just keep swimming, just keep swimming 🎶 #pointcook #pointcookbusiness #masterspetgrooming #MPG #beachlife #beachvibes #dogsatthebeach #dogsatthebeachmakemehappy #good #tip #goodtip
It’s time your Bub was fresh like this!! Book now to avoid missing out!! Email: [email protected] and Phone 8316 1056. #MPG #masterspetgrooming #pointcookbusiness #pointcook #fancy #salon #treatments #spectacular
It’s such a beautiful thing… grooming a puppy when you’ve made a connection with them… it’s a very deep and meaningful thing!
#masterspetgrooming #pointcookbusiness #MPG #gorgeousness #perfection #beautiful #supportsmallbusinessess #maltesecrosschihuahuapuppies #maltesecrosschihuahuas #maltesecrosschihuahua
Snowy the Japanese Spitz is STUNNING to groom!! Undercoat removals are soooo satisfying!!
The glorious feeling of running your fingers through their clean, silken fur is the stuff dreams are made of (well…our dreams anyway 🤭) #supportsmallbusinessess #gorgeousness #beautiful #pointcookcommunity #perfection #masters #japanesespitz #japanesespitzinstagram #japanesespitzofinstagram #japanesespitzaustralia #japanesespitzlovers