Our patients come first, that’s why if we don’t respond immediately it’s not because we don’t care, we are just busy caring for those that needs us most of all. Please note we are unable to offer medical consultations online. For all questions concerning your pet's health we would prefer to speak with you in person so we can ask questions and evaluate your pet’s health needs appropriately. Our hea
lthcare team would love to hear from you no matter how trivial or significant your concern about your cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, ferret, rat, mouse, reptile or bird maybe. We would much rather speak with you than have you worrying unnecessarily at home so please don't hesitate to contact us. Our page is a place for Pet lovers to interact with us and with one another. Blackburn Vet Centre would like to protect the integrity of this community. We ask that all comments and uploaded images remain both relevant and respectful to everyone. We welcome differing opinions – but not to the detriment or disturbance of our community. There may be individuals who will try to upset our community so if we feel this behaviour is threatening, in accordance with Facebook’s Terms of Service, we will delete comments. If an individual’s disruptive behaviour persists, then we may block the user from participating. If you want to learn more about caring for pets, illness and injury, first aid care, senior care, surgery and much much more make sure you visit our Pet Library on www.blackburnvet.com.au/pet-library. You won't be disappointed. You can also visit:
Meet our team https://blackburnvet.com.au/about
Learn about puppy school https://blackburnvet.com.au/content/covid-19-new-puppy-support
Your cat and kitten's home away from home. We recommend our cattery - https://blackburnvet.com.au/cat-boarding