Because if I say it… Nobody listens … but when Ruby says so… we all know that it must be true
The challenges of EOTRH
Common disease, often misunderstood even by practitioners attempting to diagnose it and describe how to manage it. With two decades highlighting its importance, diagnosising it, treating it and watching the outcomes for patients… we don’t know much about it BUT we do have more experience with it than just about anyone that you’ll be sent to..
So for EOTRH cases in Sydney, Melbourne parts of regional Victoria and nsw + Tasmania. Seek a referral from your regular vet and then please before you commit elsewhere… perhaps ASK us what we think 🤔
This is a short follow up video to the one posted below. You can watch it on its own, however we suggest watching the other video first
Post them in the comments
Again here we deal with many types of case presentations, over the decades we’ve seen many but not all. This one’s been another interesting one and one were we used a solution that we rarely turn to.
A simple reminder that this is Advanced Equine Dentistry, and what we see and deal with are many many difficult, challenging and different dental cases.
Here is a brief description of one, many including colleagues will perhaps fail to see the details and nuances here. This patient is not out of the woods yet however it is a big step closer with complete, successful removal of this tooth.
Footnote ( it only took 9 days )
My definitive second opinion .. on this case .
Maybe we are not all “ the same ? “
Windy day
Just a little windy today, thanks to everyone who braved the conditions and brought along patients to be seen in Sandford Tas
“ But how will they cope without the teeth.. “
Very well!
Tooth root abscess
Despite peoples understanding of what a “ tooth root abscess “ means in the horse, pus is actually reasonably rare.