Wow what a month it has been… this isn’t going to be short.
Preparations leading up to this years Tom Quilty in Warrina Cove SA had started a year ago for PMB Farm Australia
We had a few discussions with our Renegade representative from Arizona in America, Ashley Wingert and it was agreed that she would fly in on the 9th of October to ride her first ever Tom Quilty on the 19.10.24 starting midnight.
It was decided that Ash would pilot the stunning Miss Dior MI gunning for her 3rd successful Quilty.
Paul with his handsome stallion Aloha Chester aiming for his first ever 160km ride, let alone a Quilty.
Paul you seem to be making a habit of this, horses first 100 miler being Quilties, with Alerion at QLD springs to mind with his first ever 100 miler.
I was paired with my all time favorite Castlebar Shatan who after having a foal nearly two years ago is back at it.
It was a long 5hr travel with 3 horses in the gooseneck driven by Paul, followed by us in the float (Ash’s) boudior for the week away.
We had an hour break at Nhill and then travelled a further 5/6 hrs to the amazing Melissa Bright & family’s beautiful home Meldana, nestled away in the Adelaide hills.
We were so blessed to be able to stay in the comforts of Meldana for 3 days enabling us the opportunity to allow the horses a paddock to stretch and graze, with the added bonus of a training ride around the stunning surrounds of Kangarilla.
We owe you a huge thank you Mel, Adrian, Kieran, Ray and Dianne for the wonderful hospitality you bestowed upon us.
I am not sure how many riders actually knew just how hard Mel worked throughout and during this Quilty?
Having had a knee reconstruction meniscus and all,and not giving up on her commitment of being part of the Ride Organising with sponsorship, meet & greet tasks to fulfill.
You truly are an incredible woman and such an inspiration!
Thank you for all that you do 🙏🏻 we sincerely appreciate you. You are my all time favorite compere 🫶🏼
It was fabulous having Karen drop in with lunch Wednesday and meeting Bowe her mini horse/dog!
On Wednesday we headed to the attractive grounds of Warrina cove which was about an hour away.
A short stop off at the bio security to check horses are all well and quick temp check by Jillian. We unloaded them and on loading, Chester decided he would show us just how efficient he was now at jumping into the gooseneck, with an almighty bound forward he leapt onto my inner calf and left me with a huge hematoma and some wonderful rainbow colouring.
I have to say I was impressed with his effort but crickey I paid for it. Still quite the corkey today.
We settled into camp which was perfectly situated behind the cafe, amenities and close to vetting with power & water. Such a luxury at an endurance ride, thank you Paul for your great computer skills and booking, thank you to TQ24 crew for organising such a brilliant venue.
Meeting up with and who volunteered to be our strappers for the next 6 days.
For those none horsey people, a strapper is someone who knows how to handle a horse, can tack up, cool down, take a heart rate etc really helps the jockey after their mammoth journey of riding so that the horse is fed, watered, rugged and walked accordingly allowing the rider the opportunity to eat, toilet and do whatever is required before riding the next leg.
Seriously can’t do this without great strappers, well we can but seriously it makes life so much easier, so a massive thank you for the wonderful job that you both did.
Thursday we headed out for our first feel of the training track, MY what a view, it was spectacular!!
Horses felt good and Roxy was Miss Carousela!! (Leah 😂).
We registered Thursday and vetted horses through well.
Lots of photographs were taken and Ashley had a lovely interview with the media and Rebeka, the nominated TQ photographer.
We then had a quick catch up with Karen & Bec who brought some tasty food and drinks, only to return pre midnight to encounter the strange shenanigans that these weird endurance people get up too!
Out of 131 entrants only 78 successfully completed the course.
Paul and Ashley with their gallant steeds were part of these successful participants.
Shatan and I vetted through the first leg however, it wasn’t an easy job as she was having a hissy fit. Shatan AKA Roxy likes to travel a bit quicker and as it was Dior and Ash’s first 100 miler together we had to go slower.
I decided to withdraw Roxy to allow Ash and Chester the opportunity to have a crack at obtaining a buckle without the hassle of Roxy and I.
As most know, having two groups of horses split up vetting can be chaotic.
I ended up walking Roxy to a dead end grassy track and did some Masterson Method relaxation technique and she gently submissively gave up her need to race out to the track screaming for her buddies as the FOMO she can be.
She ended settling in her yard after the 3rd leg I think it was 🫣so that I could actually go and help strap.
Anyway Ash and Paul did an amazing job of successfully getting our beloved mare and stallion through the SA Tom Quilty with great recoveries.
So proud of our PMB horses, riders and strappers such a great team!!
So cliché, but the teamwork does make the dream work.
All horses pulled up perfectly without leg swelling due to their renegade boots 🙏🏻
We had a great sleep that night hitting the hay about 1am and then an early rise to walk horses, watch BC workouts and eat breaky.
Then it was off to the TQ party which was a hoot, good food and great company with lots of fireballs thanks to Wendy & Amanda for introducing that to us.
So much fun was had dancing with everyone, the
best way to finish a fabulous TQ.
Early departure was Monday morning which was an epic 10 hour drive home with a stop off at horsham.
Horses travelled really well as did the bedraggled hoomans.
Horses happy to be home in their paddocks as we crawled into bed comatosed only to begin the mass clean up the next morning.
Wednesday Ash and I had a lovely breakfast at the French lettuce with a walk around Monsalvat then dinner at a Boy Named Sue.
A Thursday morning departure saw Ash head home to Arizona with a very memorable TQ buckle and new stories to tell.
Thank you to Daisy, Kurt & Will for taking care of the farm whilst we were away, also to Mandy, Oli, Kelsey and Kelby for all your help too 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Huge thank you to our sponsors for all that you do for out lil team to succeed.
Renegade Hoof Boots for
the wonderful saddle pads and boots, worked a treat on those hills. 🫶🏼
Zoe Page Equine Vet - for all your attention to detail on the mares with having to travel with the stallion smack bang in the middle of spring, And also the previous weeks prior 🫶🏼
ALFA Endurance Equestrian - Bridge what can I say!! You just make sure we travel in the most amazin new renegade tops!! Thank you for making the distance and the personal delivery, you are INCREDIBLE 🫶🏼
PK Saddles we wouldn’t use anything else 🫶🏼
Balanced Animals for all your help keeping our team supple and soft and just your happy demeanor 🫶🏼
Hi Form Australia PL for all your amazing supplements Proflamaid plus & Oxydane keeping their joints healthy and for great recovery. 🫶🏼
CEN Horse Nutrition for your fabulous supplements and OUR Collegen!! 🫶🏼
Hurstbridge Saddlery for supplying us with the essential food to fuel our horses and everything else inbetween. 🫶🏼
Hābu Health for my wonderful calendula cream!! 🫶🏼
Northern Float Hire - Andrea for all your support over the years 🫶🏼
Sarkkinen - for your attention to detail with out horses hooves 🫶🏼
Photo credit to Linda Christie
& Sarah Sullivan 🫶🏼