If you head in to Fastway Aquarium bring a compass, the jungle just got a little thicker, new showcase of rare and unusual plants courtesy of LCA Aquarium just arrived
Get your jungle on, huge plant order just arrived at fastway aquarium
#fastwayaquarium #aquarium #aquaticplants #aquascaping #aquascaper #melbourneaquarium #melbourne
No calorie counting here, a fat new batch of sakura ranchu and sakura oranda have landed at fastway aquarium #fastwayaquarium #melbourne #fishesofinstagram #goldfish #goldfishofinstagram #fancy #ranchu #oranda #melbourneaquarium #waterpuppy
Got a green thumb? Huge selection of aquatic plants just arrived at fastway aquarium
#fastwayaquarium #aquarium #aquaticplants #greenthumb #melbourneaquarium #melbourne #aquascape #aquascaping #aquascaper #plants
New batch of ornate bichir just arrived at fastway aquarium, he may look cute but he's perching in wait for his next ambush
#aquarium #fastwayaquarium #fishesofinstagram #melbourne #melbourneaquarium #bichir #dinosaur
New range of fighters just in at fastway aquarium, plakats, mustard gas, marbled, double tail, dragons & half moon rosetails
#fastwayaquarium #aquarium #melbourneaquarium #melbourne #fishesofinstagram #bettafish #betta
Need more sexy?
Introducing the aptly named sexy shrimp, cant stop watching that mesmerising hip movemement, sexy fish for sexy people available now at fastway aquarium
Crazy fish
Sick of hiding your exotic fish purchases from your significant other? Look no further, the crazy fish (aka butis butis) is an camouflaged ambush predator who will change colour and patterning to match their environment, the deception continues with swimming erratically in random patterns and can sometimes be found tumbling aimlessly about the tank like a leaf, the perfect stealth purchase, now available at fastway aquarium
#hideit #camoflauge #aquarium #fastwayaquarium #fishes #predator #fishesofinstagram #melbourne #melbourneaquarium #hidden
coral red pencilfish back in stock!
#aquatic #aquarium #fastwayaquarium #melbourneaquarium #fishesofinstagram #fish #aquaticlife #nanotank
Got spare fingers? New marine shipment just arrived at fastway aquarium
#shark #sharks #fishesofinstagram #fastwayaquarium #reef #reefer #melbourneaquarium #melbourne #natgeo #aquatic #aquarium #aquaticlife
motherhood is a beautiful thing, come down to fastway aquarium and see the magic happen, expect a huge special on baby axelotyls in the near future 😉
#countyourchickens #fastwayaquarium #aquaticlife #aquarium #melbourne #melbourneaquarium #motherhood #babies #natgeo #fishesofinstagram #axelotyl #dinosaur
Need more colour in your tank? new shipment of discus in at fastway aquarium, these guys have to be seen in the flesh, don't forget to bring your sunglasses 😎