What goes in our take home packs?
Well, it’s different each litter depending on what we can find/have on hand, things that are on special or things we think will benefit the pups. I tend try and focus on food and functional things and leave the fun things up to owners.
Our folder - full of relevant health and ID documents, birth records and schedules.
Some Kong toys to help get started.
Chews/Treats - I find good chews to sometimes be a difficult thing for people to source, or not even know they exist and where to find them! They are super handy for crate training and those razor sharp teeth.
Food - We feed fresh/raw, so like to send puppies home with a variety that they’ve been eating ( , , , bones and sardines as well as homemade) in a little cooler bag.
This time around we’ve also included some and ziwi.
Frozen bottle (if you know, you know 🤣)
Toothbrush, pet piller and collar.
P**p bags and clicker.
ceuticals gut protect - I freaking love this stuff, especially knowing the stress pups little bodies are under with all the changes, if we can help keep their digestion calm, that’s a big tick in my book.
Slicker brush - new inclusion, we found them for a steal in Boxing Day sales!
Vet Bed
- an awesome product you add to meat to make a complete meal, super easy!
A bag to use for dog related things…or as a handbag…whatever really. Mine is my daily handbag/grocery bag 🤣.
What things do you like or find important for bringing a pup home?