Lead Astray

Lead Astray Animals are my passion. Living with them, looking after them, saving them. Whatever my interaction, Not your average crazy dog chick....or am i?

Dogs and their overall welfare are not just my job they're my passion.

Buddies enjoying the afternoon sunshine. Poor Lenny is really suffering a lot of pain now, ACL, elbow dysplasia, arthrit...

Buddies enjoying the afternoon sunshine. Poor Lenny is really suffering a lot of pain now, ACL, elbow dysplasia, arthritic hips and legs- no more off lead walks unfortunately 😓

Every single rescue organisation is doing it tough right now, whether it is a dog rescue, cat rescue, wild life rescue, ...

Every single rescue organisation is doing it tough right now, whether it is a dog rescue, cat rescue, wild life rescue, farm animal rescue, sanctuary….. they ALL need our help, and now is the time to step up. Do whatever you can, give whatever you can- it ALL HELPS, AND IT IS A TAX DEDUCTION .
Please help, give, foster, share, adopt- do what you can. If you love sentient beings, its a no brainer 🙏🏼💕💚🐾

11years old today, never thought we would get to say that, but he is a bloody stubborn old bu**er thats for sure. Lucky ...

11years old today, never thought we would get to say that, but he is a bloody stubborn old bu**er thats for sure. Lucky Ev reminded me it was his Birthday as i hv missed 9 of 11, but lets face it, everyday is Lenny’s Birthday and is for most of our loved up dogs- and that is exactly how it should be.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LENNY- no words will ever express how much I love you. 💕🥳💚

Still handsomeStill here

Still handsome
Still here

The sunsets here are truly magical. The whole house was glowing orange tonight, just stunning.                          ...

The sunsets here are truly magical. The whole house was glowing orange tonight, just stunning.

Its only goodbye for 2 weeks guys I promise!!!Holiday time for me- last walk for this crew for a couple of weeks.       ...

Its only goodbye for 2 weeks guys I promise!!!
Holiday time for me- last walk for this crew for a couple of weeks.

Afternoon delight.

Afternoon delight.

Harry’s second adventure went really well. He is a very anxious boy, more so since losing his brother Ollie recently, bu...

Harry’s second adventure went really well. He is a very anxious boy, more so since losing his brother Ollie recently, but he was great today, thanks to the support of superstars Betty and Rothko who both made him feel so welcome and at ease- thanks guys!! You got this Harry!!

Welcome aboard beautiful Harry.

Welcome aboard beautiful Harry.

Happy Birthday gorgeous girl.Charley is 5 today 🥳🐾⭐️

Happy Birthday gorgeous girl.
Charley is 5 today 🥳🐾⭐️

Happy faces

Happy faces

Enjoying the cool breeze in their fur today.

Enjoying the cool breeze in their fur today.

A quick stop for lunch with todays co-pilot BettyShe was a bit exhausted and had a little nap while i had a coffee

A quick stop for lunch with todays co-pilot Betty
She was a bit exhausted and had a little nap while i had a coffee

Thank you ALL so much for all your love and concern, Lenny knows how loved he is and we are both super grateful 🙏🏼Lenny ...

Thank you ALL so much for all your love and concern, Lenny knows how loved he is and we are both super grateful 🙏🏼
Lenny was due to be euthanised this Thursday, but in true stubborn, headstrong Lenny form he has made it clear he is not ready to go yet.
I realise now that this process cannot be scheduled. I wanted him to see the vet he loves and trusts, but her time is limited and its not right to lock a time that just isnt his.
He will tell me when it is his time, and it will be right, so from now on its a day at a time until he tells me he is done- which today he is not.
It is an emotional rollercoaster for me, and I will let you all know when he has gone, but for now he is very much still here- and I am happy for every extra day we get.
Thanks again everyone, from one very much loved dog and his tired emotional side kick 💚🐾

 #5 LENNY SAYSLenny says “GET OFF THE PHONE” - we are meant to be out on a walk, spending time together and bonding, you...


Lenny says “GET OFF THE PHONE” - we are meant to be out on a walk, spending time together and bonding, you don’t need your phone!!!
Dogs spend all their time waiting for our attention, we literally are their whole lives, the centre of their world- but the centre of our world has to constantly compete for our focus and attention, and not just from other people- the biggest attention stealer is our phones!!
Before mobile phones, we set out on a walk or to the park, and our sole focus was exercising and having fun with our dog, but now, we are very much distracted, and the time they have waited all day for, is no longer all for them, its no longer quality engaged time.
Most people walk their dogs as they chat on the phone, get to the park and get on their phone, throw the ball while chatting on the phone… there is no quality, there is no bonding, their is very little if any engagement, and we wonder why they run off, get into trouble or just ignore us- because that is what we are doing to them. Why would you want to come back to someone who is barely there anyway.

I always know when I have not paid Lenny enough attention- and not just on my phone, if he comes out on the group walks, he regularly runs off (or as far away as he can) and his recall is s**te 🤦🏼‍♀️ - he knows my focus is with the other dogs, its not solely on him, I know this because, when it is just us out on a walk, he sticks with me, his recall is great, he checks in, he literally watches me for instruction- he loves our one on one time more than anything, because he gets ME, not me and my phone, not me and a group of dogs- just me, and that time is the best time for both of us.
So GET OFF YOUR PHONE!!! Engage with your dog, initiate play and fun, teach them something new, be present and give them the time they have waited literally all day for- they give you their all the minute you get home, show them they matter to you as much as you do to them, give them the gift of your time, give them your full attention- they deserve it.

 #4 LENNY SAYSStay curious!! Look at everyday as an adventure, sniff and explore the world.I was lucky my mum took me on...


Stay curious!! Look at everyday as an adventure, sniff and explore the world.
I was lucky my mum took me on adventures every day. I got to explore, sand, sea, bush, mountains, rivers and trails- sometimes my curiosity got me in to trouble and scared my mum- like the time we hiked at the You Yangs and I ran off chasing wallabies. I forgot to stop and remember my way back and after an hour of exploring, my mum never thought she would see me again!! I didnt hear her for a really long time, but then I did, and I ran and ran until I found her. She was happy and mad all at once, but I knew she was more happy than mad because she kept hugging me when she stopped yelling.
I got a bit too curious a few times, but those smells are overwhelming to us dogs, and curiosity becomes instinct, thats really hard to stop.
Like the time last year when I ran off in the dark chasing a huge wombat. Once again I followed my nose but it was after midnight and in the country so it was so dark, I couldnt see, and I ran a really long way and didn’t know my way back. I could hear my mum yelling in the distance but i couldnt see where I was going and my sore arthritic legs were tired because I forgot I wasnt a young dude like I was with the wallabies!! I had run down a huge drop and getting back up was hard- all the time my mum was yelling my name but she didnt know I was there, I was trying my best to get back. It took me ages, when i eventually got back up and she heard me coming, boy was she mad. This time it took a while to get the cuddles, she kept saying she thought she would never see me again- apparently big wombats are good at trapping dogs in their burrows and crushing them, I dont think that would have stopped me even if I had known before I gave chase.
Curiosity is still a good thing, maybe humans need to know that it turns quickly to instinct with us dogs, or us dogs need to know that wombats can crush you and wallabies are really fast!!

I am still glad I had all the adventures I did, it was fun, so definitely be curious, enjoy everything even if your mum gets mad, she’ll cuddle you again eventually!!

LENNY SAYS  #3Nothing more fitting than Valentines Day for Lenny’s ultimate gift- LOVE.Lenny says LOVE, love love love l...


Nothing more fitting than Valentines Day for Lenny’s ultimate gift- LOVE.

Lenny says LOVE, love love love love, just LOVE 💚💕
I don’t think my beautiful boy could be more loved than he is- everyone that meets him walks away feeling his love, and he is so very lucky to be so loved by so many.
Dogs are such pure beings with such selfless souls, they exist just to please, and their super power is most definitely LOVE.

So today Lenny says LOVE. There are no other words because it is the only word, and when you think of your dog- that is what you think, just LOVE.


 #2 LENNY SAYS-Never judge a book by its cover! Anyone who has owned an amstaff/pitbull (staffy, bully breed, rottweiler...


Never judge a book by its cover!
Anyone who has owned an amstaff/pitbull (staffy, bully breed, rottweiler doberman,german shepherd, mastiff……) but mostly amstaff/pitbull- will know what I mean.
From the day I got Lenny, until now, he has been regularly labelled a dangerous dog.
We have had more people than I can count tell me to muzzle him, or put him on a lead (usually while their own dog runs amok off lead)
We have had sooooo many people pick up their little dogs and/or children, cross the road/oval/park to avoid us, yell at us or give me a look of disgust/distrust or horror- and not once has he deserved it.
He trots up to anyone, with a smile on his face and a wiggle in his butt- none of the stigma aimed at him has stuck- in fact his loving way of approaching everyone has changed more peoples minds than those who have misjudged him.
He has been the absolute BEST ambassador for his breed, I tell him regularly what an amazing job he has done.
Once he has them wrapped around his paw, and they ask- “what breed is he?” I tell them- he is an American Staffy/Pitbull- some flinch, some are astounded, and most if not ALL walk away with a greater understanding of how amazing they are.
Statistically there are more bully breeds dumped in pounds and euthanised daily (worldwide) than any other breed, and it is purely out of fear and ignorance. Lenny is a true example of his breeds wonderful character.

I have regularly changed the books cover (added a pink collar, pink jumper, colourful bandana, bow tie, scarf etc) to change the initial perception- and it works!! The colourful props dull down peoples irrational fear, proving again and again that he is always prejudged. But again and again Lenny says- leave it to me, I got this- smiles and shows them who he IS, a bundle of LOVE AFFECTION LOYALTY + FUN.

Lenny is a typical amstaff, so next time you’re ready to rescue a dog- think of Lenny before you over look the big goofball with the cheeky smile and the block head, who has been waiting the longest at the pound to find their forever home.
Lenny says- give us a chance, we’ll happily prove you wrong!

 #1 LENNY SAYS-EAT THE DONUT- don’t limit your life worrying about the calories, savor the good bits, enjoy every bite!L...


EAT THE DONUT- don’t limit your life worrying about the calories, savor the good bits, enjoy every bite!
Life is too short to say “I shouldn’t”
At the end of life don’t look back and think- I wish I had….. smile knowing you did!!

Lenny did- roll in the s**t (more times than I could count)

Lenny did- run off chasing the kangaroos, wombats, rabbits, cats, kids, dogs, balls, birds,bikes,joggers….

Lenny did- chew up the remote, books, cushions, couch, washing, shoes, toys, balls,chairs….

Lenny did- s**t on the rug, p*e on the floor, and vomit on just about everything!

Lenny did- pretty much everything without thinking “should I?”- like most dogs/animals- he lived in the now and did what felt good at the time, despite the bollocking he got from me so many times for not thinking “should I?” HE DID- and now I am glad HE DID, because he lived his life with gusto- every bloody day he ran into the world with the biggest smile on his face saying BRING IT ON!!

No walks tomorrow!Its going to be 30 degrees by 10am- way too hot for dogs even at that time.Keep them cool and hydrated...

No walks tomorrow!
Its going to be 30 degrees by 10am- way too hot for dogs even at that time.
Keep them cool and hydrated and we will see you all on Tues when the change hits.

Thank you all so much for your messages asking after Lenny. After a visit to the vet last week, I made the decision that...

Thank you all so much for your messages asking after Lenny.
After a visit to the vet last week, I made the decision that it is time for us to say goodbye on the 22nd. Lenny is tired and not 100%, and even though he would hang on for another 6mnths for me, I cant ask that of him. He deserves to leave with dignity. The universe stepped in and chose the date (the only date that we could get with Dr Bridg at PUR- who he loves, and nurse Kate who he also loves) and it happens to be the same date my friend Sal passed away 22/2 (which i hv inked on my arm) kind of fitting, and comforting to know Sal will be there for him at the end when I have to let him go.
So between now and 22/2 Lenny is going to send daily wisdom your way- via me. The first “LENNY SAYS” post starts tomorrow 💚

Thank you all for your love and support- it honestly means so much. We ALL know, the hardest part comes way too soon, and we are NEVER ready for it, but I wouldn’t trade a second for what we have shared in the last 10yrs together. We are going to enjoy every minute we have. 💚🐾⭐️

Introducing Ollie slowly to Arnott. Ollie is very fearful of new dogs since losing his brother Clarrie suddenly last yea...

Introducing Ollie slowly to Arnott. Ollie is very fearful of new dogs since losing his brother Clarrie suddenly last year. I only take him out with fogs he knows, and keep him on lead away from other dogs. I knew Arnott would be the right dog to introduce him to, and he was. He gave him space, approached him slowly and calmly and established that despite his size, he was not a threat. They got closer and closer and by the end of the walk Ollie wanted to be in the back of the van with him (maybe next time buddy- taking it slowly) so proud of them both.

Afternoon romp in the sunshine.

Afternoon romp in the sunshine.

Midday shade hangs with the crew

Midday shade hangs with the crew

Summer at last- smiles ALWAYS

Summer at last- smiles ALWAYS

Such a happy bunch of campers.

Such a happy bunch of campers.

Big thanks to all my crews this week, for carrying me through and making me smile

Big thanks to all my crews this week, for carrying me through and making me smile


Melbourne, VIC


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