Another training video :)
This video is on the same or similar to the last but a clearer picture and repeated several times to show you an example on how you can practice.
In the video, I say "stop" then "sit" then "ok" ...
Stop means your dog should stop moving or stay on the same spot until the next command.
Sit, is getting her into that sitting position and to wait for he next command.
Ok, is telling her she can do what she chooses and continues to walk/play.
You may notice the first few times when I say stop to Daisy. I actually stop moving myself so she knows that stop means stop.. as she progresses I don't need to stop as she already understands the command. I like to be able to walk past her before I say the word ok, so that she knows when I catch up to her, it's not an automatic release. When you practice this, make sure you say "ok" at different points, so your dog doesn't get in the habit of a specific spot.
Give it a go and see how you go, start with a lead and progress to no lead, like in this video, and repeat several times. It takes practice and patience but something all dogs should know how to do. Daisy is fantastic at stopping in most environments. However, we are still working on it around other dogs when she is very excited.
Be patient and give it a go! We would love to see some progress videos of your dogs stopping on command :)
Any requests for more training videos comment below, and like this post if it's helped you learn something for your training.
(Daisy is an almost 3year old kelpie X border collie)
A video to demonstrate 4 words for when your dog is off lead...
Stop, Sit, come & Ok.
Daisy was a bit hesitant today to listen, but she always stops moving when we say "stop," then she sits and waits for the next command which is to come then "ok" means she can do what she wants.
If you would like help with your dog, let us know. Sessions are available in the coming days and weeks, 7 days a week.
A video for your entertainment!
For those interested in walking their dogs when it is dark and worried you will lose sight of your dog, these collars are a brilliant way to know where your dog is in the dark. We have quite a few as we wanted to try different brands and must
Say they have been incredible!
(The fast red light is Daisy, our almost 3yr old kelpie X, the slower red light is Scoobie, our 5yr Koolie, the blue light is Essy, a senior koolie, and the white one is Max, a 15yr old mini poodle.)
Good morning all, today I have come across this video, which demonstrates the basic knowledge for dog CPR.
I believe everyone should watch this so you can have an idea of what to do in the event of an emergency with your dog.
More training ideas for you all!
Teaching your dog to stay.
Below is a video of Essy doing a fantastic demonstration of stay.
This is something we will practice in our sessions and beneficial for all dogs to learn.
Put your dog in a sit and say the word "stay".. then slowly walk around them, repeat the word or hand signal as you need to and be sure to praise them at the end and say your free word to let them know they can now play, ours being "ok".
Start with a lead, then slowly take the lead away as they get better, when your dog doesn't move at all while your walk, try taking the lead off and for a big challenge try walking both directions. It takes practice but will succeed if you put the work in. If your dog goes to move don't praise just put them back to where they should be and start again, repeat until you succeed. (If you give in to them moving, it will be very hard to get then to stay again so don't give in, be patient)
#dogtraining #stay #obedience
If you would like more of these videos or for us to cover a specific skill level let us know and we will see what we can do.
An insight to the training method "stop"
Take a look at the video below and see how Daisy does it, this is a very beneficial skill for all dogs to learn especially when out in the open and alot of dogs around. If you can say the word "stop" and your dog stops then you will have great control out in the open. If you would like help on how to teach this, send us a message and we can definitely help you learn the skill.
Make sure to have the sound on so the video makes sence as to what we are doing.
#training #dogtraining #stop #obedience #pkdogtraining
PK Dog Training - How to teach your dog to ring a bell.
A lot of questions we get are on how to stop a dog from barking to go outside as well as toilet training. We have used a bell since Daisy was quite young and it helped us with toilet training, now if she wants to go outside she rings the bell. Here is a video guiding you through the steps we to taught her to ring the bell. Follow along and be patient and consistent. Let us know how you go :)
This is Daisy learning and practising her recalls at the beach. Teaching your dog to recalll when there are a lot of distractions is hard work but is benefial for every dog of any age. This is something we teach at PK Dog Training, if you would like to know more about teaching your dog to recall then send us a message and we will help.
Baby Pups Sessions! (8weeks - 12 weeks)
Below is a video of Daisy when she was 12 weeks old and had mastered the Baby Pups Skills. When our puppies turn 3months, they progress through to the 90minunte obediance sessions.
In Baby Pups your puppy will learn...
- Sit
- Stay
- Drop
- Come
- Shake Hands
- Toilet Training
As well as slightlly more advanced skills..
- Rollover
- Under
- Over
- Hi 5 / Hi 10
- Up
- Down
- Touch
- Spin
- Walk on a Lead
We recommend once a week sessions for 4-6 weeks for Baby Pups.
If you would like to book a Baby Pups Session, click 'get quote' and we will get back to you shortly.
Daisy, Training update, added some extra Tricks to her knowledge :)
Puppy Training!
I thought it would be nice to share a video of some training I've done with Daisy (our new pup). In just 2 short days she can Sit, Drop and Shake! If anyone needs help with there puppies training just let us know, happy to help! :)
Some training with our new deaf puppy!