After arena work
Weather was hot when we finished our ride, it's a pleasant relaxing trail amongst green ..
Jachllah's last walk here , he was very happy and did a few buck buck ..
When you have horses
👌🍑 DiDi, the Mare
. ... CINDY
An den Zügel stellen
An den Zügel stellen heißt, das Pferd derartig mit den Schenkelhilfen von hinten nach vorne an die durchhaltende Zügelhand heranschieben, daß im Halten sowie im Gang zwischen Reiterhand und Pferdemaul eine unbedingt sichere,wenn auch leichte Verbindung hergestellt ist. Diese Verbindung nennt man A n l e h n u n g.
Fritz know her body language
She know and understood my words
Her 48th ride with us since November 2023.
Lee is 71 years old ♥️
When you want, you make it happen.
Go with
Your balance came from your bodily strength.
If your body move like jelly, you won't find balance and therefore your horse will have difficulty to move in regular tempi.
Ride simple can be not as simple as you think, but when we work out the priority for your NEEDS, then little by little we will have success.
Thanks to Whilhelm
Fritz and Whilhelm
After very hot day yesterday (38°C)
We enjoy our trail ride after arena work
It was nice
Even with flies 🪰
Seasons Greetings
Your lesson, my job
I say, you feel, horse get ready, you ask.
You learn, you try , you feel, you understand.
Every moment, your horse is telling you HOW IT IS.
Listen to your horse
Wih dear Fritz
Civilization and Culture
Meeting, Voting and Adjourning
Be my student
I wouldn't teach you HOW to ride "on the bit".
My horses well.
But, you need to let my horse do its job.
To do its job, you learn to feel.
You feel HOW the horse FEELS you
Elastic Movement
Some horses born with it, it is easy for advanced rider, but not for people who has not found their balance yet, or fear in their mind.
When a horse do not have it from birth
It will happen through gymnastic.
One Two One Two One Two
Takt !!
Thanks to Whilhelm