Dear SOS Members and Friends, this video features level six completing an advanced road satiety skill, finishing with "court road safety" training.
Shane, Sylvia and the SOS Team. 🐾
Dear SOS Members and Friends,
This video displays level one obedience, the task being the sit/stay with distractions.
The dog must hold their sit next to their handler whilst ignoring the dogs around him and in particular the dog weaving through.
A "leave it" command is given to the dog if the dog reacts, and breaks his "sit" command.
This task will progress to a higher level of difficulty in future levels, where the handler will step away from the dog while performing the same task!
Shane, Sylvia & the SOS Team 🐾🐾
Dear Members and Friends, here is a video of Road Safety Training Level 3. We hope you enjoy it regards Shane, Sylvia and the SOS Team. 🐾
Hi all Members and Friends, here is video of another challenge in level 6 Road Safety. We hope you enjoy it! Shane, Sylvia & the SOS Team.
Level 6 Road Safety/ Court Work
Hi Members and friends, here is a video of our level 6 road safety (court work). This process has many small steps, which eventually teaches the dog to come around the court and not across the road, when recalled.
Dear Members & Friends,
This video may warm some hearts, as it does mine. This is a great example of a culmination of everything we teach at SOS- from basic obedience leading to exceptional, skilled training tasks.
Listen to Shane's commands and tones to each individual dog while holding the others. As you know, it takes a lot of co-ordination and excellent technique to achieve this kind of result with not one but three dogs simultaneously. See how Shane connects, commits and cues his dogs. Truly inspirational work from the Master!
Thank you Shane, from your Team 🐾🐾
Hi To All,
Sincere apologies that this video failed to post before Christmas. Wishing one of our precious Level 6 participants (John & Bailey) a happy retirement, please visit us often! Thank you for all the years of dedication to SOS Training, we will miss you both🥰.
This video is one of Shane's fun activities for the end of year. Congratulations to our newest level 6 member -also the winner of the prize.
Shane, Sylvia & the SOS Team🐾🐾
Hi Everyone,
This video is one of our Wednesday night group tasks to challenge dogs to work at their level with dogs at different levels. Well done to handlers resetting their dog and achieving the obedience task!
Shane, Sylvia & the SOS Team 🐾🐾
Hi To All Members & Friends!
Welcome back!
We are almost ready to start back- this Wednesday 17th and this Sunday 21st of January. Please note though that the following Australia Day long weekend will be observed as it is the last hoorah before school returns!
This video highlights one of our distraction activities we were requested to provide. We look forward to providing many more training opportunities over this year. Enjoy!
Shane, Sylvia & the SOS Team