Baby rabbits open their eyes around 11 days old. These little ones happen to open their eyes during the night. Now mum ( Nutmeg) can’t do anything in peace 😊😍🐰
Not Rabbit Related. Been busy looking after these babies for that last couple of weeks. Prep classes project.🐣😍
8 days old. Thanks Cherry 😘🐰
I don’t have any baby bunnies of mine to post. So I thought I would introduce you all to one of my other furry friends l have. This is Choo Choo . Named after a freight train. Because as soon as he knows his on track to get where he wants. He moves fast for a cat that can’t see. His one of many rescues we have taken in due to my love of animals. I rescued him about 10 years ago at school after l saw some kids throwing stones at a poor sick looking kitten that was about a few weeks old. We cleaned him up and took him to the vet straight away. They looked at his eyes and said he could not see. So best we sew them up. I did not want that to happen so I took him home and started to look after him by cleaning his eyes and making sure he was eating and drinking. Found out he could actually see something’s. As his eyes started to close up l trained him to start recognising my voice. It works until an obstacle is in his way. When the kitchen was redone. I thought I would have had to make him a helmet as that really threw him out for a while. Been a beautiful challenge for a beautiful boy. That’s my Choo Choo😍😊🤣🐾
Training Honey and Pepper to come to me.Didn’t have to sit still long before they approached me. Smart bunnies ❤️🐰🐰👍