I am a Boori of this country
The old ones tell me,
I belong here.
I walk this land like no other,
Following my dreaming tracks
Back with your ancestors Boo...
Thank you so much for your teachings and your insight. Thank you for allowing me into your orbit so that I could observe and learn so ,that i may teach others.
The magic that you so humbly shared has gone for now....
Just had the mother of all storms come through here! Gale force winds, torrential rain and huge amounts of lightning and thunder! It's still going as I write this! As soon as it stops I'll be outside checking the roos and horses and look for damage.
It hit right on sunset so I can't see a thing now!! Wish it would hurry up and move on so I can get outside!!😩
Took this video just now of two Eastern Grey males vying for territory and females.
I was just heading out to feed my horses when I saw these two guys really going at it in the back paddock.
They are the ultimate athletes!!
More to come...
Morning everyone,
Not alot of rescues this week but alot of running around to buy feed and hay in-between storms, rain and feeds. The creek came up a couple of times so now I need to clean away the debris from the flood gates or the fence will go over!!
It's so good to have a decent air conditioner at long last!! This week has been extremely humid , which is rare out here. The air is so thick I feel like I'm sucking water into my lungs instead of air!!! The installation also upset a few joeys. Even though I moved them away from the noise they still became stressed so now 3 have diahorrea. Lots of washing. Lots of bum baths!! Meds given to calm their gut and routine and quiet to get them back on track. Stress is the biggest killer of joeys in care and it can present in many ways. You really need to understand these animals and deal with stress immediately.
As much as I want to get things done I need to call things off at times as I can see the animals are not coping. Sometimes, a simple thing like putting up a picture in the house can set everyone off!! I have to anticipate their reactions every time before I can go ahead to do something.
I completely forgot Fiver Friday last week. I just got swept away with chores, rescues and the loss of my very dear friend Leanne.
I will still be doing rescues over Christmas and New Year. I'll be feeding babies and doing chores. I can't spend time with family and friends either. That's OK. It's just another part of what I do. The animals don't know it's Christmas. They just know when their next feed is due!!
If you are able to donate to help with fuel and feed over the holiday period I would be so very grateful. I will put the donation details in the comments as I can't seem to add them with the video!
This little toad plays hide and seek constantly and I'm always freaking out that I've lost him!!!
More rain forecast to I best go clear the flood gates before I sweat to death out there!! Tan🦘
This magnificent male Wedge Tailed Eagle was finally released today after many weeks in care at Taronga Western Plains Zoo Wildlife hospital.
He was found by my friend Scott on a roadside unable to fly.
Scott called me and we organised to do a relay drive. Scott and Kelly driving half way and myself meeting them. I then brought him home and next morning took him to the zoo wildlife hospital, where he stayed to be treated and recover.
Well, after all the caring from the wonderful veterinary staff at the Wildlife Hospital and all the coordination and driving to get him home, we finally made it possible for him today!!
More story and pics to come....Tan🥰🦅
#wedgetailedeagle #bushfirewildliferelief