Sydney Equine | Treadmill Work
Treadmills can be an important diagnostic tool in identifying why performance may be lacking. We can use the treadmill to watch footfall at pace, watch for straightness and fluidity through the back and hind quarters and also check for breathing and airway obstructions via scope.
We also use treadmills for rehabilitation work as they offer controlled, consistent, and measurable training sessions. We can monitor and adjust speed, incline, and duration to tailor workouts specifically for each horse's needs, dependant on injury.
Would you like to know more about our friendly team? Today we introduce Dr. Freya Rees-Jones, one of our ambulatory equine veterinarians.
Freya has been part of our team since 2022 and has a keen interest in racing/trackwork and foal medicine.
Completing a foal ossification study to assess your foals stage of development is a pivotal step in proactive veterinary care. Early detection allows for targeted intervention, safeguarding against potential joint complications and ensuring your foal becomes the athlete of tomorrow.
Foals born prematurely are prone to having tarsal/carpal bone collapse. A simple radiographic study can reveal how mature the bones are and if the foal needs to be confined to allow the bones to calcify further. A vital step in thoroughbred breeding, we also recommend for you performance horse stock to help aid in your foal in becoming a future athlete.
With breeding season wrapping up, now is the perfect time to book your young horses in to be scanned and checked.
Horse vs fence
A horse caught his hind quarter on a fence which required antibiotics, anti inflammatories and many sutures.
Exercise Respiratory Endoscopy
Dynamic upper airway respiratory endoscopy to assess the airway (throat) function of a horse during strenuous exercise. Note the position of the epiglottis (tongue like structure) and arytenoid cartilage movement (behind the tongue).