This is your reminder to let your dog sniff!!
Make the walk enjoyable for your dog. Sniffing is a welfare need. It's great for a dogs mental health and can make them feel happier and calmer.
Especially for those with kids at home, life can be busy and chaotic- so really make that walk count and let them decompress and enjoy that sniffari and let them follow their nose.
Don't rush them. Let your dog enjoy it!
#cooperandkids #letthemsniff #sniffari #sniffing #letyourdogsniff #doglovers #instagramdogs #dogtraining #dogtips #trainyourdog #dogtrainer #dogbehaviour
#positivereinforcementdogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining #helpingdogs #understandingdogsbetter #understandyourdog #meetyourdogsneeds #enrichingyourdogslife #listentoyourdog #helpyourdog #morningtonpeninsuladogs
Fun Facts And Tips With My Kids School holidays addition!! 🐶🐾
I love teaching my kids all about dogs. Being safe around them, being kind to them, how to truly make them happy, learning to read their body language and just plain old fun and silly facts about dogs.
As a result they decided they wanted to jump on and share some of these with you guys to help educate you and your kids too.
Here are our 5 tips to help you, your kids and your dogs these school holidays:
1. Leave a sleeping or resting dog alone. Dogs need their sleep so don't feel guilty leaving them home alone for some uninterrupted sleep.
2. Leave a dog alone when they are eating meals and treats. Give them a safe place to eat and rest away from the kids.
3. Make sure to actively supervise kids and dogs together.
4. Be proactive. Not reactive. Use management and separate your kids and dogs when you need to give everyone a break.
5. Have FUN! Get the kids involved in the fun stuff your dog loves doing.
Make sure to educate your children on the importance of all of this too. It will help them to build happier and safer relationships.
Learn to Understand, Listen and Advocate.
Leave a comment to let Harper,
Paxton and Brooklyn know you've watched and if you enjoyed their important school holidays tips- they can't wait to hear from all of you!!
We hope you enjoy!
Mel and kids xox
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You've asked, we've delivered!
Just in time for the lonnnnng school holidays.
This is for all the human parents out there! With or without dogs...
We hope you find this helpful and please make sure to share or tag anyone in the comments who might need to hear this.
Remember just like our dogs - our kids are generally just craving that feeling of love, safety and security from their parents. The people they love the most in this whole world. So make sure to be understanding and help them in the moment in a way that will truly count.
You're welcome! 🤣
Mel xox
#cooperandkids #raisingkids #raisingkidsanddogs #positiveparenting #whypunishmentdoesntwork #helpingkidsanddogs #parenting #parentingishard #whybehaviourhappens #happykids #happydogs #kidsanddogs #parentingtips #parentingtips101
Managing Feeding Time With Kids and Dogs 🐶🐾👧🏼👦🏾🍔🍕🍝🍣🍿🍌
We know first hand how tricky this can be!!
So here are our three top tips!
1) Be Proactive and use management. Don't let your dog be underfoot at meal time. This can be dangerous for a number of reasons. So before your child sit's down to eat, pop your dog behind a gate, tether them, put them in another room, outside or if they understand and will stay - ask them to go and lie on their bed.
2) Teach your children not to run around the house with food. It is just as much about training the kids as it is training the dog!! Without realising it, kids can easily tease and temp the dog with their food, so making sure they sit still is incredibly important and helpful. Also this will reduce the risk of your child choking. And yes I have 3 young kids so I know this is easier said than done.
3) If your dog struggles to be seperate during meal times and/or won't stay on their bed/mat - give your dog something to do at this time too!! Prepare a @lickimat. Give them their meal in a puzzle toy. Scatter their food outside in the grass. Dogs need things to do and some will find it hard to settle and relax when everyone else is eating - so no problems to give them their meals or a yum snack at the same time.
If you need any more help with this, please reach out! And make sure to tag anyone who might need help with this or share it with them.
Mel xox
#cooperandkids #dogandbaby #childanddog #dogsandchildren #dogandtoddler #managingfeedingtime #highchair #babyfeedingdog #toddlerfeedingdog #makingdogshappier #keepingkidsafe #dogandchildsafety #parentingkidsanddogs #kidsanddog #kidsanddogs #dogsandkids #dogmum #dogtrainermteliza #dogtrainermorningtonpeninsula
Fun Facts And Tips With My Kids 🐶🐾
What a fantastic and incredibly important fact from Harper!
Our dogs are always communicating and it is up to us to learn to understand their whispers.
So often we hear that a bite happened without warning! But so often the warnings are missed. Get educated so you don't miss the whispers. Plus learning what your dog loves and doesn't love will ultimately enable you to give them a better and happier life.
I love teaching my kids all about dogs. Being safe around them, being kind to them, how to truly make them happy, learning to read their body language and just plain old fun and silly facts about dogs.
As a result they decided they wanted to jump on and share some of these with you guys to help educate you and your kids on our fun facts and tips.
Make sure to educate your children on the importance of this too. It will help them to build happier and safer relationships.
I mean look at the way Cooper is resting into Harper here!!
Learn to Understand, Listen and Advocate.
Leave a comment to let Harper know you've watched and if you enjoyed her important fact - she can't wait to hear from all of you!!
We hope you Enjoy!
Mel and Harper xox
Ps. Excuse the giant t-shirt on Harper! She insisted on wearing one of mine. We do however have these in kids sizes available online!
#cooperandkids #dogtips #kidsanddogs #understandingdogs #advocatingfordogs #dogbodylanguage #dogcommunication #dogwhispers #caninecommunication #dogbiteprevention #dogandchildsafety #dogandchild #happydogs #dogsandkids #dogmum #ilovemydog #dogfacts #dogtips #makingdogshappier#fundactsandtips
Have you heard about our self-paced Online Program!? 🤰🏼🐾👨🏽🍼🐶
“Getting Your Family Ready For Life With Dog and Baby”
The aim of this program is to help prepare the whole family for life with a dog and baby.
For a limited time we are offering a very special introductory fee of $127.
This is a self-paced program that you and your family can do in your own time.
It is jam packed with heaps of educational content – presented in text, images, video demonstrations and fun animations. All designed to keep it enjoyable for you as you work your way through the program.
This program is targeted for those families who are expecting a baby and already have a dog.
Our program makes for a great gift for a friend or family member too.
If you know anyone who is expecting a baby and has a dog, please help to spread the word far and wide by sharing this with them or tagging them in the comments.
Let's help dogs and their families to live happily and safely together!
The earlier you get started in your pregnancy the more time you will have to plan and prepare so make sure to purchase today.
Mel xox
#cooperandkids #kidswithdogs #babyanddog #dogandbaby #babiesanddogs #kidsanddogs #instamama #mumlife #keepingitreal #dogsandkids #dogtraining #dogtips #trainyourdog #dogtrainer
#positivereinforcementdogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining #pregnancy #preparingdogforbaby #stylishbump #thebump #pregnancyzone #ig_motherhood #onlineprogram #preparingforbabyanddog
Which breed of dog is the best family dog??
Spoiler alert- I literally cannot tell you.
Yes we can breed stereotype and say golden retrievers and cavoodles however- I work with plenty of those breeds that have bitten children. Whereas dogs like staffies or German shepherd who don't always get the best wrap- I have worked with plenty who are divine in family homes. And visa versa too.
For me it's less about breed and more about the specific dog and their temperament.
Yes you do need to take into account the sheer size of a dog as this can make it harder to manage or the bite bigger for example.
So where to start if you have kids and you want a dog?
Find the dogs you like the look of and whose breed personalities fit your lifestyle. Then go and meet with a whole bunch of ethical breeders. Meet their adult dogs. Make sure you like their temperaments. See how they are raised.
Genetics play a big part in your dog's temperament so making sure to do your homework and research before bringing a dog home can make a massive difference.
Plus how they are raised and treated in your home. And the way your children are educated on how to be behave and be safe around dogs is so important too.
I have lots of resources on this stuff plus you're always welcome to reach out for personalized help too. I offer this as a service if you want to chat it through too.
Mel xox
Fun Facts And Tips With My Kids 🐶🐾
Never ride on a dog or jump on a dog. Sounds so simple but you'd be amazed at how often we see this happen!
What a fantastic and incredibly important tip from Paxton!
And he is so correct! Dogs are not horses and they do not appreciate being ridden on or jumped on.
Even if your dog seems “fine” with it - it is still so important that children never ever do this.
The last thing we want is for a dog to be sore or get a fright and turn around and bite or hurt the child as a result of their own fear or discomfort.
I love teaching my kids all about dogs. Being safe around them, being kind to them, how to truly make them happy, learning to read their body language and just plain old fun and silly facts about dogs.
Make sure to educate your children too on the importance of this.
Leave a comment to let Paxton know you've watched and if you enjoyed his important tip - he can't wait to hear from all of you!!
We hope you Enjoy!
Mel and Paxton xox
Ps. Excuse his pained face in half the video- he told me after he had a sore tummy 😬🙈
#cooperandkids #dogtips #kidsanddogs #dontjumpondogs #dontclimbondogs #dontridedogs #dogbiteprevention #dogandchildsafety #dogandchild #happydogs #dogsandkids #dogmum #ilovemydog #dogfacts #dogtips #makingdogshappier#fundactsandtips
Just something a little cute and funny for your Monday...
Want to know why my hilarious golden retriever, Scout, climbed a tree?!!
#cooperandkids #dogclimbingtree #funnydog #smartdog #doginatree #mondaylaughs #goldenretrieverinatree #goldenretriever
This is one of my favourite things to talk about with my clients. I mean, why do we get dogs?? We get them to make us happy and to make them happy, right? To be apart of our family!
A happy dog is a dog who has had all of their needs met! And enrichment is definitely one of their needs.
What is Enrichment?
In simple terms, enrichment is literally anything we can do to make our dog's life more interesting. In more specific terms, enrichment is intended to promote behaviours that are appropriate, instinctive or “normal” for that species, and fulfil an animal’s physical and psychological needs.
Enrichment provides mental stimulation and therefore prevents behavioural difficulties and improves the overall quality of life for our dogs.
Food enrichment is just one type of way to enrich your dog's days. And such an easy one to add into your daily routine. Especially when you have kids in the mix too.
Check out some enrichment options here
Reach out if you have any questions.
Mel xox
#cooperandkids #canineenrichment #enrichment #foodenrichmentfordogs #happierdogs #happydogs #understandingdogsbetter #understandyourdog #meetyourdogsneeds #enrichingyourdogslife #listentoyourdog #helpyourdog
Fun Facts And Tips With My Kids 🐶🐾
What a fantastic and incredibly important tip!
When a dog is eating we must always leave them alone!!
I love teaching my kids all about dogs. Being safe around them, being kind to them, how to truly make them happy, learning to read their body language and just plain old fun and silly facts about dogs.
As a result they decided they wanted to jump on and share some of these with you guys to help educate you and your kids on our fun facts and tips.
So today in this series of reels, we have Brooklyn joining us.
And he is so correct! Dogs have a natural instinct to guard or protect resources of value and food is a very common one. Even if your dog is “fine” with you around food - it is still so important that children never approach when a dog is eating meals, treats or chewing on a bone or high value treat. We want kids to always be the good ones and we never want a dog to think the child is coming to take something away from the dog.
The last thing we want is for a dog to get protective over their food and feel the need to bite a child to get them to move away.
So always make sure your dog has a nice safe place to enjoy all their food away from you kids. That way they can relax and eat slowly and not need to worry about little hands getting close to them. And make sure to educate your children on this the importance of this.
Leave a comment to let Brooks know you've watched and if you enjoyed his fun tip - he can't wait to hear from all of you!!
We hope you Enjoy!
Mel and Harper xox
#cooperandkids #dogtips #kidsanddogs #leaveeatingdogsalone #dogbiteprevention #dogandchildsafety #dogandchild #happydogs #dogsandkids #dogmum #ilovemydog #dogfacts #dogtips #makingdogshappier#fundactsandtips
Working with kids and dogs isn't always pretty! This is a real insight into playing a game of hide and seek for the first time with this family.
During the weeks prior we played puppy ping pong which is a game that teaches the dog to recall back and forth from each family member.
But this was the first time we started moving around and hiding. It's not perfect, although - it pretty much is... you know why??
Lenny is responding to all family members, which I LOVE!! Plus she is running to them. Not dawdling. This is a dog clearly with a strong positive reinforcement history. Every time she hears "Lenny Come!" She knows that if she comes running, something good will happen. Truly one of the most important skills you can teach a dog.
Give this game a go. Start easy and build up to it. It's great for physical exercise, mental stimulation, building beautiful bonds between you, your kids and your dog. Plus it's a skill that could actually save your dog's life one day!!
#cooperandkids #kidsanddogs #hideandseekfordogs #hideandseek #puppypingpong #trainingdogs #trainingkidsanddogssafely #trainingkidsanddogs #puppytraining #happydogs #dogsandkids