I candled everything in the incubator last night. Here is a very active 2 week old Rhode Island Red chicken embryo. Due in 1 week.
Someone has been illegally entering my garage and stealing my chick feed. Today I finally got security camera evidence of the culprit, however he ran when security turned up.
Merry Christmas!
Today our first brought in purchased eggs started hatching in breeds we already keep to diversify our blood lines. These include Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex and Araucana from Horsham.
Currently in the Hatcher, About FIFTY!!! Jap quail!!!! Busy building more brooder boxes to keep the little guys in. Handfuls of fun!
Found this little lady today. She has found herself a nice basket, up high. Filled it with eggs while no one was looking and has decided to hatch some babies. We will keep a close eye on her so her kids don’t wander off the edge when they get here.
Our Guinea Fowl tree! Filling up for night time safety. How many can you see?
Trying to round up the ducks for bedtime. They cannot be rushed and will get there in their own damn time. 🙄
Last of this seasons Peafowl chicks are hatching. Haven’t had much luck this year, so these guys are exciting. This guy is only our second ever pied hatched, can’t wait to see how his colours develop!!!!
Purebred Indian Runner Ducklings. Unsexed. Require heat at night. 1 week old. $10 each, 3 for $25. Located Mt Gambier.
First Hatch of the season! Purebred Marans!