Polite Manners
Another class doing well with their mat training and also learning how to teach loose lead walking.
- Loose lead walking is most definitely something that is dependant on many things. It’s not always as easy for everyone and every dog. However, if prepared to keep at it and be sure to read your dog and work out the best way for them to understand what you’re teaching, it’s worth it.
Each dog and owner learns at a different pace, and that’s okay.
It’s not about how fast you run the race but how you finish. 👍🏻
Little ‘Kenny’ Corgi doing a lovely job on recall. Just teaching owners how to do some early recall training, if on your own and don’t have a second pair of hands to perhaps do some restrained recalls.
It’s a fun motivating way to get pups to learn to come to you. No command is being used as yet.
Puppy class
Puppy class - Week 3
A little interaction between the pups to start off, each one far more confident than last week, their initial meeting of each other.
All pups did well reading one another. Even tried to play at times.
Next owners learned more about verbal markers and using them to shape sit, drop, stay and recall.
Also discussed using leads to help guide and teach puppies for various things around the home.
Polite Manners
Today owners worked further on mat training and also the starts of loose lead walking.
Everyone did a great job. Each dog worked a little differently to achieve and understand how to walk nicely with their owner.
Good work by all 👏🏻 hoping to see more great stuff next weekend.
These two doggies super excited and wanting to get to one another at start of obstacle class - both worked well and calmed their busy minds and then both wanted to rest and this is how they were. Beautiful to see them calmly lying down and not needing to get to each other. Socialisation doesn’t mean dogs having to say hi to each other and playing. Co-existing calmly in the same area as another dog is still socialisation. Also working on impulse control.
Nice work Walt and Millie !
Beautiful rain
Absolutely lovely - if we could get this for some hours I would be so happy ! Well my grass would be and my tanks could get filled a bit too !
Bill - Directional class
Directional Class -
Lovely seeing the dogs pick things up so quickly and handlers becoming more aware of how to help their dogs.
Bill didn’t take long to pick up the ‘pot’ exercise. Can’t wait to see them again a few weeks.
I bet all owners will soon discover the moment they put the stool/pot on the floor their dogs will race over and stand on it with their front feet. It’s fun to see that happen, and it certainly does !
This afternoon I had the pleasure of working with Huxley and his owner. His owner had previously done some classes with me, however the walk had always seemed to be a bit up and down. Huxley tended to want to just stop all the time, more so when he sighted a dog coming towards him. It’s been hard to just go for a ‘walk’. Huxley’s owner had tried just going back to basics but mentioned to me recently, he struggled still, especially in busy environments.
Today we headed to Eastern Beach and there was plenty of activity. I was able to help the owner recognise a few things that had crept into their walk and had become a habit now, and was causing lots of the issue with the walk.
I took the lead for a bit, to feel what was happening and help teach Huxley that walking simply meant to walk the direction I was going. That’s all I was asking of him. I dropped my pace and worked with him, guiding and giving feedback via the lead to keep him moving. Also, needed to teach him that seeing a dog means keep moving, following me not stopping and lying down.
The owner mentioned that half way through a walk was usually when Huxley decided that was it, he was done. Again, unfortunately without recognising it, the owner had done some things which hindered her and Huxley from being able to just enjoy a complete walk, without Huxley deciding he was done
Super pleased to say this bit of video was taken on the return to where we had started our walk, and you can see he is more than happy to walk and be with his owner. He nearly started to lead the walk and be ahead of her, something he never does at this stage of a walk, as always dragging behind.
Huxley showed, yet again, that’s dogs are amazing and if you can help the other end of the lead, the human end, dogs can quickly change, grow and even blossom! 🌸 he was super happy and confident and not stressed and done by the end of his walk today.
So happy to h
Hudson after training session
The sound of a happy tired content boy ! 5-10 mins training session and game of retrieve, his absolute favourite thing and now winding down.
He’s such a messy drinker - feet in whilst drinking, so hence all the water on verandah 🤪🤣
Don’t have to walk your dog every day to drain them, try doing so mentally, as much as physically, they’ll tire quicker and you’ve spent time engaging your dog and had some fun too !!
Maggie -
Another Maggie video !
I had just finished a short training session with food and imprinting the ‘yes’ marker. I decided to let Maggie eat the scraps from my treat pouch. However, she was very hesitant to put her head in. So I put it on the ground and waited for her to work up the courage to put her head in and help build some confidence in her.
This took her several attempts, about 10 secs before she was keen to get to the scraps and happy to put her head in and stay in to get them !!
Little Maggie learning to self settle. Me just sitting having a cuppa on back verandah, she is just learning nothing happening and when I sit and do nothing, she does too.
Great thing to teach/train if you’re a frequent cafes, your dog learns nothing to do, switch off, be calm and settled. Or perhaps you wish to sit for a bit after a walk and enjoy some quiet time outdoors. Pups need to learn that it isn’t all busy, busy, go, go, go when they’re up, out and about.
Little Maggie (12 week Kelpie x) stayed for some help with crating. Whilst here, she also got plenty of time to stretch her legs, establish good toilet training habits and some socialisation. She saw my dogs, people and also heard many different sounds. Oh also, she did some engagement training via verbal markers and she loved that !
Was super happy to see how well she did with the sound of a nail gun going off. They are quite loud and she didn’t care a bit, kept doing what she was doing and not fazed ! Also the sound of the drop saw didn’t bother her either 👍🏻😉.
She also settled into good crating habits too, during the day and overnight. She’s a very sweet girl and look forward to seeing her in Polite Manners classes soon !