Feathers Flock Together Bird Club

Feathers Flock Together Bird Club A place for people to mix, and exchange ideas with their birds.


***breaking news***breaking news***breaking news***Today we received spectacular news from the Spix's-Macaw-Release-Center that is making our hearts beat faster! About a year after moving 52 parrots from Germany to the reintroduction facility in Brazil and for the first time in 30 years a Spix’s macaw chick has hatched in Brazil’s Caatinga! This little parrot symbolically stands for an incredible passion for nature and animal conservation, an impressive commitment, and everyone's outstanding performance in this project.

We were hoping that the Spix’s macaw bred at this facility would all be parent reared, but this is unfortunately not always the case. The pairs brought to the facility are all young, with the idea that they would have a long life of breeding there for release. Unfortunately, that also means they are inexperienced and as first-time parents, they tend to make mistakes. This pair laid four eggs, two of which were fertile. The first one hatched on the 11th of April, but due to the parent's inexperience and neglect of the chick, it died the following day. On the 13th of April, the second egg hatched and it too was not fed by the parents. In order to secure the chick, it was pulled for hand-rearing. We are hoping the parents will go down again before the end of the season and rear their own chicks.

This chick describes a significant milestone in a nature conservation project that began over 30 years ago in a passionate vision. Thanks to all partners and supporters' tireless commitment and only through excellent teamwork, it has succeeded in breeding what is now a stable population with high diversity and in creating the conditions for reintroduction into the caatinga, the endemic habitat of the parrots.

This project is only possible thanks to the many years of support from our partners, such as:
Pairi Daiza Foundation
Deli Nature
Spix Macaw (AWWP)
Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz e.V. - ZGAP
Parrots International
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Grumbach Brutgeräte Procon
EUGY by dodoland
…and many, many more. Many thanks also to those partners and supporters involved in the project, which we haven't mentioned here!

Special thanks also to Dr. Cromwell Purchase and his wife Candy for their impressive performance on-site at the Spix's-Macaw-Release-Center! They currently have been spending every day of their life caring for the parrots in the reintroduction center and although they've faced new problems every day, they always found a solution!

Welcome, little chick of hope!

***breaking news***breaking news***breaking news***Aus dem Spix's-Macaw-Release-Center erreichte uns heute eine spektakuläre Nachricht, die unsere Herzen höher schlagen lässt! Etwa ein Jahr nach der Verbringung von 52 Papageien aus Deutschland in die Wiederauswilderungsanlage in Brasilien und zum ersten Mal seit 30 Jahren ist ein Spix-Ara-Küken in der brasilianischen Caatinga geschlüpft! Symbolisch steht dieser kleine Papagei nicht nur für eine unfassbare Leidenschaft zum Natur- und Tierschutz, sondern auch für den beeindruckenden Einsatz und die herausragende Leistung aller an diesem Projekt beteiligten.

Wir hatten gehofft, dass die in dieser Einrichtung gezüchteten Spix-Aras alle von den Eltern aufgezogen werden. Dies ist leider aber nicht immer der Fall. Die in die Einrichtung gebrachten Paare sind alle jung. Sie sollen dort ein langes Leben in der Zucht haben und freigelassen werden. Das bedeutet leider auch, dass sie unerfahren sind und als Ersteltern dazu neigen, Fehler zu machen. Dieses Paar legte vier Eier, von denen zwei befruchtet waren. Der erste schlüpfte am 11. April, aber aufgrund der Unerfahrenheit und Vernachlässigung des Kükens durch die Eltern starb er am folgenden Tag. Am 13. April schlüpfte das zweite Ei und es wurde auch nicht von den Eltern gefüttert. Um dieses Küken zu sichern, wurde es zur Handaufzucht gezogen. Wir hoffen, dass die Eltern vor Ende der Saison ihre eigenen Küken aufziehen werden.

Dieses Küken beschreibt einen signifikanten Meilenstein in einem Naturschutzprojekt, welches vor über 30 Jahren in einer passionierten Vision seinen Ursprung fand. Dank des unermüdlichen Engagements aller Partner und Unterstützer und nur durch eine hervorragende Teamarbeit ist es gelungen, eine heute stabile Population mit hoher Diversität zu züchten und die Vorraussetzungen für eine Wiederauswilderung in der Caatinga, dem ursprünglichen Lebensraum der Papageien, zu schaffen.

Dieses Projekt ist nur durch die jahrelange Unterstützung unsere Partner möglich, wie z.B.
PairiDaiza Foundation
DeliNature Birds
Spix Macaw (AWWP)
Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz e.V. - ZGAP
Parrots International
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
EUGY by dodoland
…und vielen, vielen mehr. Vielen Dank auch an jene am Projekt beteiligten Partnern und Unterstützern, welche wir hier nicht erwähnt haben!

Besonderer Dank gilt auch Dr. Cromwell Purchase und seiner Frau Candy für ihre eindrucksvolle Leistung vor Ort im Spix's-Macaw-Release-Center! Sie verbringen derzeit jeden Tag ihres Lebens mit der Betreuung der Papageien in der Wiederauswilderungsstation und obwohl sie jeden Tag mit neuen Problemen zu kämpfen haben, finden sie immer eine Lösung!

Willkommen kleines Küken der Hoffnung!

Hello everyone,If anyone is interested in watching speakers from all over the country and world talk about birds via a z...

Hello everyone,
If anyone is interested in watching speakers from all over the country and world talk about birds via a zoom meeting, please private message me with your email address. It will only cost $5.00 for your membership to Goulburn valley bird club. This will enable you to watch the meeting and speakers from the comfort of your lounge room. They are held on a Friday evening at 7.30 pm.
Attached is a the membership details.
Once you have joined , each month you will be sent a email with the link to join the meeting that night.
$5.00 for the year is cheaper than Netflix a month lol.
So please support them and join in, in these terrible times of covid we are having.
Also we are looking into continuing this when we get back to the new normal, for people that can’t travel to Goulburn valley, and would prefer to watch from home. So you will have both options later on.
There is only a few months left in this year, so you’ll actually get 15 months of great value.

Application for Membership / Renewal. Date ___ / ___ / 20
Complete this member ship form and return to the membership registrar: Mark Godwill P/O Box 158 Bendigo Vic 3552, email: [email protected]
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Town: _____________________________ State: ________ Postcode: ______ Email: ________________________________ Phone Number: ____________
ASA Membership Number:_____________
All members must also be an ASA member.
Membership Subscription Rates (please tick one)
Full Membership: Includes the bi-monthly magazine $5 per year, [ ]
Full Family Membership: Includes the bi-monthly magazine $10 per year, [ ] Payment for Membership: Cheque, Money Order, or direct credit
(Please do not send cash in the mail)
I enclose my Cheque/ Money Order for AUD $ ...................... Made payable to the
Goulburn Valley Branch of the Avicultural Society of Australia Inc.
Direct Debit Details: National Australia Bank, GV Branch Avicultural So- ciety of Australia Inc
BSB Number 082 836, Account Number 536065830.
Along with your name please use your membership number as reference if renewing
All subscriptions fall due on the 1st of January each year


Very funny.


The Birds-of-Paradise Project presents “Tanah Papua: A Paradise for Birds”. Indonesia’s provinces of Papua and West Papua on the island of New Guinea make up...

One of our fantastic female club members with her beautiful Gang gang pair. They are now old enough to breed this year, ...

One of our fantastic female club members with her beautiful Gang gang pair.
They are now old enough to breed this year, so keep your fingers crossed for Rachael Hines for the 2020/2021 season.
Rachael also breeds Major Mitchell’s, Gang gangs, Sulphur crested and galahs, and has been a breeder now for 14 years. She started her Avicultural experience when she was only an 8 year old girl.

Geoff Leslie is no stranger to the Murrindindi region.I will post a small blog next week on Geoff, once I have received ...

Geoff Leslie is no stranger to the Murrindindi region.
I will post a small blog next week on Geoff, once I have received a picture and the information on his bird watching club in the Murrindindi shire.

We welcome Eden to the group.She is a local, and breeder of Speckled Sussex, and has a variety of chooks, budgies, and Z...

We welcome Eden to the group.
She is a local, and breeder of Speckled Sussex, and has a variety of chooks, budgies, and Zebra finches.
Eden is a big lover of Australian Call Ducks.
We welcome Eden to the club.

Clare  joins us as an animal trainer in the area.She owns Blue and Gold Macaws, Timneh Grey, Sulfur Crested Cockatoo Cor...

Clare joins us as an animal trainer in the area.
She owns Blue and Gold Macaws, Timneh Grey, Sulfur Crested Cockatoo Corella, Cockatiel, and a Conure.
Clare is not a breeder but a passionate lover of all animals and our feathered friend.
Clare also is training her Timneh and macaws, in out Door free flight training.
Welcome Clare.

Matt BairdBirds and Aviculture have been a life long passion for Matt for more than 40 years.Over the years Matt has bre...

Matt Baird

Birds and Aviculture have been a life long passion for Matt for more than 40 years.
Over the years Matt has bred and reared many species , ranging from the humble budgie to the majestic Macaw.
He has successfully maintained and bred a majority of all the Australian Parrots, as well as a large variety of exotic parrots .
How ever Matts special interests have always been the Cockatoo species, especially the Australian Black Cockatoo’s and Lorikeets and their mutations.
We welcome Matt and his expertise to the club.

Michael is madly passionate about Macaws, and together with his partner founded the Australian Macaw Research Centre. (A...

Michael is madly passionate about Macaws, and together with his partner founded the Australian Macaw Research Centre. (AMRC)

Today the AMRC is the first and only private research centre dedicated to the research of Macaws in Australia.
The AMRC collects and shares data with other international research centres, breeders, and conservationist endeavouring to the education, and assist in Macaw conservation, both in the wild and in captivity.

Michael has lectured on Macaws internationally and around the country on, natural medicines, breeding, housing, and different alternative methods to keeping macaws.
Last year, the AMRC was featured in Tony Silva’s acclaimed Book, Macaws.
We welcome michael as a member of our club.

Welcome everyone to the Feathers Flock Together Bird Club.We are looking at starting up a bird club in the Murrindindi S...

Welcome everyone to the Feathers Flock Together Bird Club.

We are looking at starting up a bird club in the Murrindindi Shire early next year, and welcome everyone that has a passion for birds.
You don’t necessarily have to own birds, or breed them, just have a passion for them.

We are looking for people that would be interested in joining a club close to home, to share ideas with, and skills that you have acquired over the year.
It will be a fun place to meet people with the same interests as your self, but also learn new techniques in raising young birds and developing the ones you have.
We have a few key people at this stage that are very seasoned bird breeders, that lecture internationally and also around Australia, sharing their ideas with other bird people.

The club will meet once a month with a guest speaker on different species of birds.
It will be a social night with food and drinks after the meeting, so we would ask that each member brings a plate of something to share with the group to make a great buffet.
Be it some sausage rolls or pies, your famous cake or a plate of sandwiches, it’s all about having a great time and learning.

We will put up some blogs on some of the future members, so you can see what we offer.
If you are interested, or know of someone with an interest in birds, please send them our link.

We are going to keep the page a closed group for the moment, so only members in the area will see what we are discussing.
So send us a message via the page just telling us a little about yourself and what sort of birds you have, or what birds you are interested in learning about.
This will make it a more interesting club if we have a great diversity of members with different interests.
Also if you would like me to put a small blog about yourself and your birds, once again please message me.
It doesn’t matter if you have one budgie, or if you are a breeder, we need you.

Once again welcome, and let’s make this the best bird club ever.
Regards Michael.


Murrindindi, VIC



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